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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 13th, 2021, 11:36 am
by Miririn
I have a (bad?) habit of always wanting to go to the game most mechanically similar to the last one I really enjoyed, and I don't mind spoilers, so it has led to me doing franchises out of order (my first - and only!!! - Uncharted game was Uncharted 4, after I finished TLOU2). So I've been sampling a little bit of DS3 and a little bit of Sekiro. A lot of my decision was down to Sekiro having fast combat (like Bloodborne) and DS3 being the most Bloodborney of the DS games, and the newest.

I did read Keza Mcdonald and Jason Killingsworth's book on Dark Souls 1 and I am interested in the game, but I worry that I would get frustrated by the older mechanics (because I've got used to the more modern ones). If that makes any sense? I did see that it had been ported to Switch which made me curious because Switch is my go-to for games I'm not sure about (portability makes me more inclined to give them a chance).

So far my experience with Sekiro has been extremely mixed.

I like:

- The combat. I am sooooo bad at it but it's so cleverly done.
- How it looks. Even my mum came in and said "what's this?? it looks so beautiful!"
- How it moves (so smooth and fast).
- The grappling hook.
- The training area for combat practice.
- I gave up on Ghost of Tsushima after a few hours (keep meaning to go back) but in terms of setting and atmosphere this is much more what I wanted from that game, in part because this game doesn't default to the "everyone talks about honour all the time" trope that a lot of Western companies making Japan-set stories rely on.

I dislike/am ambivalent about:

- The stealth. This surprised me because I love TLOU games, UC4, Dishonored 2 etc etc but I think the stealth in this game feels like busywork/not fun. In TLOU games I feel genuine tension. In UC4 I feel that even if I get spotted the resultant chaos will be really fun. In Dishonored 2 I loved the freedom to work out how to sneak. But... with this it's just a block preventing me from the much more fun activity of duelling one on one with npcs or bosses.

- ...aaaand because they respawn I don't have as much satisfication clearing them all out like I would in other stealth games.

- The story (so far). It's ok. But I went from Bloodborne so it's sort of... underwhelming.

- Lack of character creation. I miss making my own character. When I see remnants of other players it's not as fun because in Bloodborne I'd see so much weird stuff hinting at fun I'd have later in the game when I would see the ghosts of players running around holding massive wheels with buckets on their heads.

I'm maybe too harsh on it. I know it takes a while for it to click with people and I've not even got to a regular boss yet! But there's no equivalent in this game so far to how it felt getting thrown into Bloodborne and quite soon after that you're facing this ginormous reindeer monster thing which really sets the tone for all the fun you have coming up.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 13th, 2021, 11:50 am
by Truk_Kurt
FWIW, the only experience I have of Dark Souls 1 was on the Switch and found it played fine and controlled fine. No performance issues and I always played in handheld.

What I would like to ask people is if I have played Dark Souls 1 and Sekiro and only got about 10 hours into both before quitting. Are any other others different enough to try giving a go or are they just not for me. I preferred Sekiro more as I liked how you had the same weapon the whole game and so it was less stat based as I have never really been a fan of having to 'build' a character as you do in RPGs as I'm always fearful I have made the wrong choices. So I suspect the other Dark Souls games are like that. But with Sekiro I eventually stopped playing in the first flashback level you come across as I just got frustrated from dying and having to go back to the last checkpoint. So things I like are the faster combat and lack of stats.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 13th, 2021, 11:59 am
by Miririn
I played Bloodborne with no idea what builds even are (I know now but even still I'm not good at understanding why to pick which type etc) and got through it ok, so might be worth trying that one? Plus if you don't mind grinding you can always change your character's skills later (in my NG I'm letting her have very high arcane points). There are also lots of different weapons but not as many as DS and you can just upgrade what you start with if you want. And to be honest I didn't even understand the weapon upgrade system (I'm not smart, ok) until right near the end, I was just mindlessly fortifying with no strategy :lol: :lol:

Combat is really fast too. Rallying system means you get lost health back if you hit back very quickly, which really threw me during the first half hour of DS3 where you need to be very cautious. I got used to flinging myself into fights and risking it all for that regain :lol:

Edit - Also knowing I had a chance to get my lost blood echoes back after I died made me more determined each time I was killed. With Sekiro so far I'm just like "argh now I have to do that all again just to get back to where I was". Idk if I'm just misunderstanding the mechanics though and I do get something back? Idk.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 13th, 2021, 12:15 pm
by Truk_Kurt
Bloodbourne does sound more appealing, although I should have said I don't have a PlayStation. So hopefully it will come to PC as rumoured at some point.

Another thing that got me further with Sekiro is that I MUCH preferred the general theme as I don't really like being scared in games and I thought that some of the environments and monsters in the Souls games are pretty scary whilst also being brilliant and I do admire that aspect of the games.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 13th, 2021, 5:08 pm
by Alex79
My girlfriend recently mentioned to a friend that we'd got the kids a Switch for Christmas since they play on mine so much. Her friend said her son had a few games he didn't want any more, so last weekend we were kindly given an absolute bounty pack of Switch titles!

Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Crash Bandicoot triple pack, Lego Worlds and a couple of other games, none of which we already owned.

I've been playing Smash Bros. with the kids, and I never used to like the series, but having enjoyed Brawlhalla with them over the last couple of years it was nice to actually try a Smash game again. Initially I found it quite off-putting, especially in 4 player mode where there's just too much going on. The controls seemed bad, and I just didn't really get it.

But I've been playing through the single player story mode and starting to get the hang of it. Turns out the block button is actually useful... Also changed the controls so it's the bottom button for jumping instead of the left one, which was really throwing me, but really getting in to it now.

I think the story mode is a bit overwhelming at first, throws so much at the player with spirits and levelling up and skill trees with barely a mention of what they're for or how to use them (I initially thought the spirits could be playable characters), but it seems as though they're just added boosts or effects for the main fighter, right?

Anyway, slowly working the game out and having fun with it so far.

I've also been playing a ton of Rocket League Sideswipe on mobile today. It really is so good, and a nigh on perfect way to adapt a frantic game that would have never worked on a touch screen for phones. Honestly, give it a try. Blasting my way up the leagues, because it seems like there are a lot of players in the lower leagues that don't really know how to play it, but it's always nice winning 10-0, no matter how hollow the victory :lol:

Other than that, I started Halo 3 last night, and I've been really enjoying my Halo series playthrough so far. This runs like a dream on the Series S, I'm sure it's 60fps, feels very smooth anyway. I am listening to the Halo 2 Cane and Rinse show at the moment as well, and surprised everyone was so down on the story, I just finished that game and really got in to it. I know Halo 2 is widely regarded as nowhere near as good as 1 and 3, but I honestly enjoyed it more than the first game.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 13th, 2021, 7:14 pm
by markfm007
Miririn - it sounds like you're about where I was when I started Sekiro. It takes a while to get into and the early mini bosses are a bit of a slog. The first two proper bosses are great though and where the combat tends to click. The story and world get pretty awesome too. Maybe not quite Dark Souls or Bloodborne level, but close. And the combat is phenomenal. Some of the bosses are my favourite across all of games, just exhilirating, heart pumping stuff. I looked up tips as I was playing it too much like a Soulsborne game at first. Need to get in fast and close, or run around them like mad if they're big lol.

Truk_Kurt - I would also say Bloodborne might suit you better, it streamlines stats and items a bit and is faster paced. Or maybe stick with Sekiro if you feel like you can get over the hump. That said, dying and respawning at the checkpoint are basically in all these games, so if that frustrates you that could be a problem! I always keep an eye on when I'm due a level up and make a point to maximise that early game, so I'm not getting annoyed at how much I've lost. In Sekiro it's best to round off your skill points and buy coin purses to avoid losing too much.

My recommendation for anyone would be to play Dark Souls 1 before 3. I had the same concerns about it being a bit slow and outdated, but I had a friend insist I play 1 first and am so glad he did! It is a bit slower, but it's still a fantastic game. It also makes 3 much better as so much of the story in 3 is a continuation from 1. Personally I kind of like all of these games equally, but with different strengths and weaknesses.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 7:58 am
by Miririn
I'm just so bad at Sekiro that I wonder if for me it's less of a steep learning curve and more like I'm playing with my hands tied behind my back. I have a feeling I'm just not good enough for the game even using guides and tutorials. It might just be a lack of dexterity generally (I'm clumsy). I felt so frustrated yesterday that I went back to NG Bloodborne for comfort 😂 Which was not something I ever thought I'd say (!) But aaaah I love this game. The more time I spend with it the more I think it's a masterpiece. Is this how the FromSoft cult gets you!? They worm their way into your heart with one of their titles??

I paid for Sekiro so I will keep trying... I think. Either this month or after playing some other games first.

Also you all convinced me - I bought Dark Souls 1 for the Switch (reviews said it runs ok and portability is a huge bonus for me with older games). Praise the sun!

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 9:23 am
by Truk_Kurt
I had the same feeling with Sekiro Miririn in that I just felt at a fundamental level, my reactions were simply not good enough to react in time to enemies moves. I could often see their tells for when they were about to attack but just couldn't dodge or counter them quick enough.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 10:10 am
by Alex79
I just found it really confusing trying to remember which dodge was needed for which attack, and would panic and do the wrong one, and get whacked every time.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 8:23 pm
by Marlew
Shouldn't be dodging in Sekiro really, parry is essentially your best attacking and defensive move. It's about chipping away and creating opportunities. There's a rhythm to the combat. Attack attack, parry parry parry, attack attack, etc.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 8:28 pm
by Alex79
Yeah there were those moves where you had to jump on the baddies heads though too, and some where you couldn't parry and had to leap backwards I think. I never got the hang of the parrying (in any From game!), let alone adding that to the mix :lol:

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 9:21 pm
by Marlew
The rock, paper, scissors stuff was probably the crappest aspect of the combat. Tells are way too subtle and unreadable until you've been shafted a few times. Pretty satisfying when you eventually get it but nothing more sophisticated than trial and error imo.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 10:48 pm
by markfm007
I was the same as you guys, a lot of jumps when I was supposed to mikiri, a lot of deaths, thinking 'this is impossible, how can I react that fast!' Sword enemies are so quick that it's less about being uber quick yourself, and more about fighting them until you can read them like a book. Dying a lot, often quickly and embarrassingly, is just part of learning. It gets very satisfying once you start to read their moves and counter them, getting in the attack-deflect rhythm. Definitely not easy though. Dark Souls could be a good one to try next if you've fallen in love with Bloodborne and are finding Sekiro a bit painful haha.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 15th, 2021, 8:46 am
by Miririn
I think learning the combat in Sekiro would make me less frustrated if the lead up to the minibosses was more fun. I find the stealth not particularly fun and more laborious, but I quite enjoyed the repeated run-ups in Bloodborne (or at the very least I could run past most of them). But I really want to crack Sekiro! Atm I keep flitting between NG BB, DS1/3 and Sekiro. But BB keeps pulling me back. Maybe it's true that your first FromSoft game is the one you can't compare any others to.

I think I would like to Day One Elden Ring, though, even if I don't deserve it due to my fickle DS/Sekiro habits. Because I heard it's really fun to play these games when they're just out and everyone is discovering things together and the multiplayer is very active.

I actually really like parrying in BB! It's intuitive and satisfying for me and the use of the pistol makes it look and feel extremely cool. I know some players consider the parrying a form of cheesing/lack of skill, but whatever - it's a mechanic the game allows and Gascoigne and Gehrman et al love to parry the player right back. I could kiss whoever at FromSoftware said "what if Dark Souls but with a gun and an origami sword?" - thank you, anonymous dev, you finally solved my problem of preferring shooting in games to melee by incorporating both in a very satisfying way.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 15th, 2021, 11:07 am
by ThirdDrawing
Miririn wrote: ↑December 15th, 2021, 8:46 am I think learning the combat in Sekiro would make me less frustrated if the lead up to the minibosses was more fun.
Funny, I enjoyed the stealth bits as they were a nice change of pace in a Fromsoft game. And I enjoyed the exploration aspect of it as well as swinging around like a madman.

I picked up the PS4 Sakura Wars during a Black Friday sale and so I decided to go back and play the PS2 game (So Long My Love) as I picked it up at launch and it's been in my backlog ever since.

Part visual novel, part strategy game, even part Phonix Wright game for a bit. It's a weird mishmash of genres and I love it. It's quite astounding in the PS2 era to get two discs with two separate sets of voice acting. Nowadays we often only get one or the other. It was only ever going to be a niche game, but man am I glad I picked it up.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 15th, 2021, 12:42 pm
by Miririn
It might also be that I'm so rubbish I have to keep redoing the run-ups more than the average player :lol:

I think for me the stealth feels pretty superficial. Any time I get caught I run away and they forget about me - so it's time consuming but I don't feel peril. Someone sees me, the music changes, I swing away until the music stops and then their behaviour returns to normal. Rinse and repeat etc. So there's not really a sense of peril or "oh bollocks they know I'm around, I have to change my strategy" because escaping is super easy.

The npcs also walk past piles of bodies of their allies and they don't react and their behaviour doesn't change. In stealth games like TLOU2 or Dishonored 2, if npcs found evidence I was around (like, bodies... or hearing me knock things over) they would freak out or switch up their behaviour or dialogue or whatever and the tension would really rise. I tried making lots of noise in Sekiro to see what would happen and they just don't notice? It kind of takes me out.

I'm probably being way too picky though!!

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 16th, 2021, 12:07 am
by BrianEdwards
I tried so hard to like Sekiro but I just couldn't clear the learning curve. I'm so all over with FROM games.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 16th, 2021, 12:19 am
by BrianEdwards
I started Lost Judgment tonight because I just needed something to feel good with. I've fallen so hard for the Yakuza stuff over the last year and, although I'm early on, I'm expecting to love this too. Sometimes it's comforting knowing exactly what you're getting.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 16th, 2021, 12:23 am
by Miririn
I saw a tweet from Andy Miller (I think?) defending his love of Wes Anderson - yes he does the same film over and over again but no one else makes a Wes Anderson film like he does. There is comfort in knowing what you're getting and knowing that the creators of the whatever know what they're doing and will do it well. I hope the game manages to make you feel better :)

I killed the depressed knight at Fire Link Shrine due to him not taking kindly to my provoking him (I was curious!) and then played Bloodborne Whack-a-Mole with the Witches of Hemwick, aka the (Not)-Barnacle Babes.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Posted: December 16th, 2021, 2:31 am
by Jon Cheetham
Miririn wrote: ↑December 15th, 2021, 8:46 am I think learning the combat in Sekiro would make me less frustrated if the lead up to the minibosses was more fun. I find the stealth not particularly fun and more laborious, but I quite enjoyed the repeated run-ups in Bloodborne (or at the very least I could run past most of them). But I really want to crack Sekiro! Atm I keep flitting between NG BB, DS1/3 and Sekiro. But BB keeps pulling me back. Maybe it's true that your first FromSoft game is the one you can't compare any others to.

I think I would like to Day One Elden Ring, though, even if I don't deserve it due to my fickle DS/Sekiro habits. Because I heard it's really fun to play these games when they're just out and everyone is discovering things together and the multiplayer is very active.

I actually really like parrying in BB! It's intuitive and satisfying for me and the use of the pistol makes it look and feel extremely cool. I know some players consider the parrying a form of cheesing/lack of skill, but whatever - it's a mechanic the game allows and Gascoigne and Gehrman et al love to parry the player right back. I could kiss whoever at FromSoftware said "what if Dark Souls but with a gun and an origami sword?" - thank you, anonymous dev, you finally solved my problem of preferring shooting in games to melee by incorporating both in a very satisfying way.
Without spoiling too much they do back off where the stealth-based boss run-ups are concerned at about the end of the game's first act. You'll usually have a lamp just by the boss door later on. There's a couple of early mid-bosses with a load of adds that can be aggravating so I think I know where you are.

Hope you're enjoying Dark Souls. It's really perfect on the Switch. I'm on my third character on the Switch version of the game, doing a Soul Level 1 run for the first time! It's very fun, with a few moments where I've had to re-think my usual approach to the bosses. I love the prep work and strategy involved with playing it like this. Just got past Quelaag so Sen's Fortress next.

Anyone who says parrying is cheesing, don't build you character this way it takes out the challenge, intended experience etc etc, don't listen to these loons. You're exactly right, if it's in the game it's part of the toolbox, it's all in there for a reason. If other people want to limit their use of certain mechanics by inventing new challenges they can but they can't impose what's in their head on anyone else.

Still no current gen console to play Elden Ring on. Maybe Steam.