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Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 6:15 am
by dezm0nd
Nothing like a bit of happiness in a relationship.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 6:19 am
by dezm0nd
Stanshall wrote: March 25th, 2019, 7:27 pm So excited to get my headphones on, jump in bed and sink into that world while my wife watches telly beside me.
Pretty much what the Switch is for me at the moment. When my wife is watching her shows which im not keen on i can wallow in the switch. Just because you're doing different things doesn't mean you're not together, happy.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 7:54 am
by Michiel K
Are you married or in a longtime relationship, clippa?

I look at it the other way around: I want to spend time with you, but I'm definitely not going to watch that brain rotting celebrity gossip garbage you're watching, so let me grab something that allows me to hit some buttons, exercise my cerebellum and practice the ol' hand-eye coordination. You know, do something entertaining AND stimulating AND more constructive.

There will be elbowing from time to time, but it won't be because I'm playing a game.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 8:45 am
by Suits
Hahahah, I’m not allowed ‘noises on’ if we’re chilling on the sofa and she’s watching TV - that’s fair.

But I tell you what’s loud as Hell and gives the right needle, the HD rumble on the Swicth, it’s like rattling a hazelnut in a cheese grater.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 5:14 pm
by Michiel K
clippa wrote: March 26th, 2019, 8:09 amThis is all moving so fast :oops:
Oh you.
clippa wrote: March 26th, 2019, 8:09 amAre you not really self conscious that you're making a noise and breathing and stuff? I mean, when you're playing and your wife is trying to watch the telly?
No, not really. :)

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 5:28 pm
by Stanshall
Haha, enjoying the relationship chat. My wife is great about supporting my assorted hobbies and sporadic obsessions. Sometimes she'll have a go on whatever to humour me, she has no interest in games but she does have a PS2 and Guitar Hero which she can't bear to get rid of and, bizarrely, a GBA with Mario Super Circuit and some other stuff. Generally, though, couldn't give a shit but is happy for me to crack on if it makes me happy. I showed her my Rolling Gunner high score vid and she burst into spontaneous peals of laughter when it got to the bullet hell bit and I was dodging like a madman and cancelling hundreds of bullets and scooping up medals. I asked why she was laughing and she said it was my sense of pride and the obvious amount of time and practice that had gone into something so specifically useless. :D


Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 9:00 pm
by KSubzero1000
...At the risk of getting all serious and ruining the mood, but many people's tendency to dismiss and mock anything related to video games out of hand (be it a sense of accomplishment or any sort of intellectual pursuit) just rubs me the wrong way.

I know next to nothing about jazz, but if it was the favorite music genre of somebody I cared about to the point that they were collecting old records and stuff, then I would never dream of forbidding (!) them from letting it reach my ears and disturbing my precious activities like it was the most natural thing in the world.

I know next to nothing about stamp collecting, but if my own child took it up as a hobby, I would probably try to educate myself on the topic in order to better understand the appeal and have something to bond with them over. But at the very least I wouldn't be laughing them out of the room in frustration and embarrassment in case they were being happy about finding a particularly rare and precious specimen.

I know next to nothing about darts, but if I knew my SO was really into it and had trained for extended periods of time in order to take part in a local competition, then I wouldn't be laughing in her face and telling her how useless her specific skill set was in case she wanted to share the results with me afterwards.

Just my two cents. :|

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 9:09 pm
by Michiel K
^^^^ Those two cents are worth two million in my book. Couldn't agree more.

I'm also at an age where I honestly don't care what people say or think about my 43 year old video game playing ass... nor do I go running to people that couln't give two shits about video games to tell them about my high scores or other feats.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 9:20 pm
by Joshihatsumitsu
My 38 year old playing ass, as well as other body parts, also feels the same way! It's a pretty chill body overall.

But it's strange when people in my immediate vicinity want me to be more open. I will tell them I'm building a cabinet. They will say "nice, what kind?". I will say "you know, for gaming". Their response will be dismissive or super-judgemental. I will feel validated in my reasons for not sharing.

Then I can some to this forum and breathe a sigh of relief. And share. And complain! And know there are other people with similar experiences.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 9:40 pm
by Alex79
Turns out Clippa is hilarious :lol:

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 9:48 pm
by Michiel K
Joshihatsumitsu wrote: March 26th, 2019, 9:20 pm My 38 year old playing ass, as well as other body parts, also feels the same way! It's a pretty chill body overall.
You know? ;)

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 10:02 pm
by Stanshall

I guess I'm not so serious about it, and I get why she found it funny. We've got a very similar sense of humour and ultimately, there is an absurdity to such a single-minded commitment towards something so specific and niche, and completely outside her frame of reference. She's completely supportive of the hobby and the time and money I plough into it but that doesn't mean that she needs to reverently swoon over my Rolling Gunner scoring strategies commentary! I like that we have the honesty to laugh like that and it goes both ways.
Michiel K wrote: March 26th, 2019, 9:09 pm I'm also at an age where I honestly don't care what people say or think about my 43 year old video game playing ass... nor do I go running to people that couln't give two shits about video games to tell them about my high scores or other feats.
And this, too, one hundred percent. I have absolutely no shame about playing games as I approach 40 and it's something I absolutely love. Equally, it doesn't mean I should expect anyone else to be as interested, just because I am! Most of my non-gaming mates would be equally keen to take the piss if I didn't know when to stop. Likewise, I'll let them know when they forget that their Fantasy Football teams are not actually a professional responsibility.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 10:11 pm
by KSubzero1000
Stanshall wrote: March 26th, 2019, 10:02 pm She's completely supportive of the hobby and the time and money I plough into it but that doesn't mean that she needs to reverently swoon over my Rolling Gunner scoring strategies commentary! I actually like that we have the honesty to laugh with each other like that and it goes both ways.
Of course mate, that totally makes sense and is great to hear.

But there is a bit of a trend with some folks viewing gaming as a "lower" activity of sorts and being rather rude about it sometimes. I've witnessed it myself quite a few times, so I took the opportunity to draw parallels to other activities. Nothing personal. :)

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 10:15 pm
by Alex79
I can't say I've really come across that kind of attitude for years now. People at work will ask what I did at the weekend or last night, and I'll say 'PlayStation' and no one bats an eyelid. I think people looking down on gaming is largely a misnomer these days, but again I can only base it on my own experience.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 11:59 pm
by duskvstweak
I actually had to bring it up in therapy due some WONDERFUL step-parenting growing up. My wife is one hundred percent on board with how much video games mean to me, but I grew up with a stepdad who thought it was the biggest waste of time in the world, let me know it and activly made it impossible to enjoy digital accomplishments. So, as I got older, I had these two sides, one that loved playing games and enjoying new worlds and the other part that's just his voice telling me I'm wasting my life, and in fact, just a waste.
I've gotten past that and the guilt and embraced the things I love about the hobby, but it took time and talking it out. I don't really run into a lot of public negativity, but I still meet some people with a very archaic view of it all and that just rolls over me now.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 27th, 2019, 6:09 am
by dezm0nd
I've encountered less of the negative side towards gaming in general but i still sometimes get "you're 36 and still play videogames lol" remarks. Firstly i tend to explain that Goldeneye 007 saved me from receiving endless bullying at school.

I then proceed to reply that I've achieved my life goals through videogames and that I'm the happiest person i can be because of being credited in Rare games, alongside Shigeru Miyamoto in one of them. Been in an tv advert for 3ds, travelled the world for business trips and producted PS2 boxart and manuals with mastertronic and lately worked with Gory Detail on Rusty Pup, earning a credit and a day out with Chris Seavor, Shawn Pile and Chris Marlow. And in the midst of all this I became a husband and a father.

So once that's all said and done and if the person has rattled my cage I'll ask them how they're doing with their life goals but usually the former spiel is enough to get the message across.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 27th, 2019, 1:33 pm
by Flabyo
I grew up playing video games, as a total nerd that was my clique at school. I went to uni, did computer science, then put that to use making games professionally. I still do that 20 years later.

It’s the most normal thing in the world to me to spend an evening (or even an entire weekend, looking at you here Stellaris) playing a video game.

I still think my parents kinda disapprove of my career choice, but I’m happy enough and it makes me enough to comfortably get by. (My parents were very hands off when it came to my hobbies, they’re not very techy people and I’d already left them for dust academically by the time I was 12, so they didn’t really understand what I was doing, but we’re fine as long as it didn’t look like it was doing me any harm)

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 27th, 2019, 10:42 pm
by Joshihatsumitsu
It's funny watching the generational circle rotate, as now I'm bitching about the next generation of game streaming! I'm becoming very self-aware of my own attitudes towards the direction technology is taking, and I get the feeling the younger generation will find me stuffy, old, and out of touch.

Seems fair, and healthy. It's the inevitable circle, we're the newer generations have to forge their own path.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 29th, 2019, 9:24 pm
by Simonsloth
Joshihatsumitsu wrote: March 27th, 2019, 10:42 pm It's funny watching the generational circle rotate, as now I'm bitching about the next generation of game streaming! I'm becoming very self-aware of my own attitudes towards the direction technology is taking, and I get the feeling the younger generation will find me stuffy, old, and out of touch.

Seems fair, and healthy. It's the inevitable circle, we're the newer generations have to forge their own path.
Haha! Me too. I had a long debate with my 13 year old nephew about what being famous meant. He was trying to tell me that PewDiPie and Ninja were more famous than Elton John and Harrison Ford.

In the end I’m not sure who was right.

Re: What's Out This Week?

Posted: March 31st, 2019, 8:29 am
by dezm0nd
Darksiders Warmastered Edition (Switch) – April 2
Cryofall – Steam Early Access (PC) – April 3
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition (PC, PS4, Xbox One) – April 3
Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch) – April 3
HyperParasite – Steam Early Access (PC) – April 3
Death Mark (PC) – April 4
Islanders (PC) – April 4
Mechstermination Force (Switch) – April 4
Skorecery (PS4) – April 4
Overwhelm (Switch) – April 4
Marz Rising – full release(PC) – April 4
Notmycar – Steam Early Access (PC) – April 5
Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey (PC) – April 5
Monster Slayers (Switch) – April 5
Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission (PC, Switch) – April 5