Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

Really? There's alot of it for games you just wont find it at most mainstream sites( :ugeek: ),but all you need to do is go to youtube or a Forum and you'll see tons of stuff like that,is the amount inferior to those of movies and other media?Well I dont know but I'd guess it probably is but that's also because those have been around much longer and only recently more people have started to take games seriously enough to make this type of content,maybe It's just me but all I seem to hear is how everything having to do with games is worse than in other things or it's just terrible or how it needs huge improvements be it critique,representation,stories or whatever but considering what the game's industry is and where it came from I think the legwork done so far it's pretty impressive,I think there was a slight regression in this generation but that's beside the point,I mean I dont wanna say that people shouldnt try to make things better but to keep hearing only negativity is really sad.

PS:I realized this turned out to be a incomprehensible a rant by me,that wasnt the intention .
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

There's nothing wrong with wanting things to be better than they are, even when they're pretty good.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Cass »

I think of this issue (as with most things) in terms of Bioshock Infinite. On a first, virgin play, Infinite is amazing. There's a review. But it doesn't bear up to scrutiny (in my opinion). Voila criticism.

There's room for both reactions. If I'd read the criticism before I'd played it the first time, I'd have missed out on an amazing experience. But the criticism does open up avenues for conversations about the things Infinite almost did right - acknowledging difficult issues (such as America's racial history) in video games, for example. It's just sometimes difficult to know when and where to talk about which subjects.

It does mean though that criticism of games - just like criticism of movies - will tend to be more limited to specialist, enthusiast debate rather than, say, GQ giving Transformers 5 stars for having lots of explosions. Games are not as highbrow so games criticism is not as well-known or appreciated, but that doesn't mean it's not being done, and done well.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

Flabyo wrote:There's nothing wrong with wanting things to be better than they are, even when they're pretty good.
Yeah I know and I dont wanna be that guy saying Shut up and enjoy what the gaming gods are providing without complaining,but I just wished people would celebrate a little more how a medium that started as toys for children and coin stealling devices(not to say anything bad about arcade games but c'mon that was they were meant to be) 40 years ago came such a long way as to be considered art today,how a medium controled mainly by select corporate giants in 2 countries could still produce a wide array of criativity coming up with things never seen before in books,movies or any other thing.How this is THE richest medium in terms of things to enjoy,analyse or criticize.I just wish people would also remember this from time to time.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Shadow Blade. I'm playing it on Android but I think its on iOS too. Absolutely tight as fuck platform slash em up. Its free download then £1.21 (on Android) if you want to play past the first 8 levels. You will, because its damn perfect.
Baron Phil

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Baron Phil »

I've gone back to Castlevania SOTN and the inverted castle is kicking my ass.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Little more on Deus Ex today. Managed to get past the bit I was stuck on rather easily. I went the other way around the room, hoping there would be better cover. I got better than that. There was a useful little air vent that allowed me to sneak by pretty much everyone. Was a piece of cake. Continued on to the next section of the game. I was expecting it to go back to another larger hub level, but instead it sends you straight to another enclosed level. Also pretty large, but judging by the previous chapter, I was expecting what I had already done to be one of the large levels they have at the end of each one. Although, there was no boss at the end of what I did, and it sounds like they're setting up for a boss fight at the end of what I'm doing now, so I expect this actually will be the end of the chapter. Anyway, I'm stuck again. It's a really god damn annoying spot. There's nothing particularly different about it from any other area in the game so far, it's just there are so many bloody enemies walking around! It seems like every single little path I can go down has a crowd of people searching for me down it. Died so many times. Still on easy mode too. Is Human Revolution supposed to be a particularly hard game or am I really just that bad?

Also still storming through Lords of Shadow 2. Still yet to see anything drastically wrong with it. It's still been all the same great stuff for me. Although I did come across a few more stealth sections today which gave me a bit of trouble. They weren't a big deal though. They were actually really easy, I was just overthinking them and getting myself in trouble. It's kind of annoying that you can't attack at all in stealth mode though. Once you get spotted that's basically it. Apparently Dracula, who strikes fear in to even the heart of Satan himself, is easily dispatched by a few shots from a guy with a big gun. Those are only really short sections though, and still far less egregious than a lot of the non-combat stuff in the first game.

I think I'm actually pretty far through the game now though. There's only one or two missing slots for equipment on the menu screens, and the map screen is mostly filled out already, from what I can tell at least. Not really sure what to think about that. I suppose that I've already spent longer playing than it would take you to finish plenty of recent games out there, yet it still feels like I've only just started. Quite a few key characters are yet to appear, but they might not actually spend very long around anyway. I suppose I'm comparing how long the game feels to the first as well. I think perhaps that game feels a lot longer than it actually is, since all the levels are separated from each other, and you have to do a lot of waiting for it to load. Everything is way more seamless in LoS2, so maybe it just feels shorter because it's paced much better. Maybe I've still got a lot of the game to go though. Who knows?

I had another bash at Dark Souls. Only made it an inch forward though. But that was only because it turns out last time I quit right before a boss was coming up anyway. The Taurus Demon. Yeah, that's hard. Is there some trick to him or something? I've been trying to drop down on him from the tower at one end of the bridge, but I've only been able to do that once per attempt. If I try again he catches up with me and knocks me off the ladder as I try to climb up again. I've heard people say you can actually knock him off the bridge too, which just kills him instantly. Is there any way to pull that off?

And even though it's not something I'm actually playing, there's something I wanted to talk about. Today I went and ordered a GC copy of Twilight Princess. It's something that I've been thinking about for a while. Partly because I just want all the Zelda things, and partly because I want to experience what that game is like with GC controls and the mirrored world. I also read that apparently that version of the game is supposed to be the "canon" one, so I thought I should get it for that reason too. Also I expect that even though it's expensive right now, it'll probably only ever get more expensive as time goes on.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

Been playing Resi 4! First time since Cube launch and i'm loving it. I'd say i'm about half way through the castle area. Getting some serious nostalgia flashbacks playing it. It's incredible how certain shots/scenes can flash images of your life way back when! :)
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

I know knocking the Taurus Demon off the bridge is possible, Scrustle, but I never managed it. I think its pure luck. The trick with him is drop off the ledge on to his head getting a falling strike in as you drop, the batter him once or twice more once you land (I suggest quickly switching to two handed weapon stance). Then leg it back up the bridge to around the halfway point, wait for him to come to you, dash past him or through his legs, back up the ladder and repeat.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Roy42 »

What class are you, Scrustle?

If you really want to kill the Taurus Demon quickly:
Spoiler: show
Buy the residence key from the merchant, unless you have the master key. Near the set of stairs that leads to the black knight, you can see a chest. Go to the house that leads to it and take the gold pine resin from that chest. Go into the boss area, kill the two archers on the tower, get close to where the demon appears and apply the resin. Get on top of the tower, then do a jumping attack off of the edge. You will do the damage of a plunging attack plus the damage of a jumping attack, both of which will be increased with lightning damage. If it's still alive, hit it a few more times before it fully recovers.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Rented Killzone Mercernarie on Vita, not expected much from it after the mediocrity of Shadow Fall. But so far, it's pretty good.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Roy42 wrote:What class are you, Scrustle?

If you really want to kill the Taurus Demon quickly:
Spoiler: show
Buy the residence key from the merchant, unless you have the master key. Near the set of stairs that leads to the black knight, you can see a chest. Go to the house that leads to it and take the gold pine resin from that chest. Go into the boss area, kill the two archers on the tower, get close to where the demon appears and apply the resin. Get on top of the tower, then do a jumping attack off of the edge. You will do the damage of a plunging attack plus the damage of a jumping attack, both of which will be increased with lightning damage. If it's still alive, hit it a few more times before it fully recovers.
I'm just a normal fighter. Didn't want to get too crazy with my first go at the game. Thanks for the tips though. I'll try that out. What do you mean by the "black knight" though? I don't think I've seen any enemy that stands out as being that, unless you just mean the guys with shields. There's a lot of those though. I have noticed a chest that's out the back of one of the houses, but I couldn't figure out how to get to it. Could that the one you mean?

Anyway, today I decided to go buy Strider since I finished Dust. Loving it already. I was really surprised how quickly it throws you in to the actual game. It's literally like 5 seconds from pressing "Start Game" to when you're on the ground cutting through people. The other day I was watching the Giant Bomb video on the old NES version of the game (which this new one is supposed to be a remake of, although it takes cues from the arcade version too, apparently) and that game had way more set-up and story before you got in to the action. It's unbelievable that a 2014 remake of a 25 year old game would make the original look like it's filled with pointless fluff at the start. It's really refreshing actually, although I would like to have at least some context for what the hell is going on, not that it really matters too much in a game like this. The bonus "story" stuff I've unlocked so far doesn't seem to explain anything about why I'm in this place or who I'm fighting at all.

But I'm loving how the game plays. So fast and smooth! Your sword swings literally as fast as you can press the button. It's instant. It's feels really good too. It has a nice sharp sense of impact. Almost like how the best Japanese action games tend to do. There's a lot of freedom of movement as well too. You can go anywhere, and go there fast. You can attack at all angles and pull off all kinds of crazy acrobatic stuff. And that's right at the beginning before I've unlocked anything too! Visually it looks cool too. I like the subtle retro look they've gone for with it. There's something about the lighting which I can't put my finger on which makes it look kind of 80s. I like the cool subtle scan line filter effect it has too. It helps give that kind of 80s vision of the future, that the original was too I suppose.

Also, has anyone else who has this game noticed how big it is memory-wise? I'm playing on XB1, and although I knew the current gen versions have some slightly more flashy visual effects, I was quite surprised to see how large the file was. Just over 3GB. That struck me as being pretty huge for what the game is. Is it the same on the old consoles, or have they just coded the ports of new console versions badly because they know they can get away with it?

I've found it strange how lately I've been getting quite in to the Metroidvania genre, yet I've had real trouble getting on with the games that are the genre's namesake. I can see why SotN and Super Metroid are well loved and influential games, but these more modern games just have so much more versatile and intuitive controls and movement. Games like Strider and Dust for example, as well as Muramasa, and I suppose to a certain extent Mirror of Fate and Lords of Shadow 2 as well.

Also played a bit more of Fable Anniversary today. I think that game has aged after all. I used to think it stood up pretty well, because I gave the original another playthrough, or partial playthrough, a few years ago. It still felt pretty good to me then. Not sure why I thought that, but playing this new version made me realise that actually it isn't as timeless as I thought it was. Although it still controls a whole lot better than Fable 2, it does feel quite clunky now. Voice acting isn't great either. The start of the game, even beyond the childhood stuff, is pretty tedious too. And as I've mentioned before, this remake has its own problems as well. Graphics may be better than the original, but by modern standards they're actually not very good. The game has some serious stability issues too. I'm guessing that's why the game was delayed; because they had problems getting it to run properly. They didn't manage to fix it completely though, it seems. There's the awful pop-in, and the slow menus, as well as the fact the game crashes really frequently. It's pretty poor.

The character models can look really disturbing sometimes too. For example there's one character specifically that really makes my skin crawl. It's the little girl who wants you to find her teddy bear at the start when you're still a child. She has these really disgusting bulging eyes, which have this glazed over, completely lifeless look to them. Then there's a point in the game when you first get back to Oakvale as an adult and you see her, which causes a flashback to the night when the town got raided and burnt down. While she's talking to you and you get the flashback, you see her character model revert back to her child self, and the town appears to be burning again. Seeing the flickering red of the flames reflecting in those horrible, dead eyes was fucking terrifying. Someone needs to make a gif of that or something. People need to see that horror.

I'm not hating my experience with it though. I guess a lot of that is nostalgia, because if the series had never existed before now and this was the first installment, I would probably think it was crap. It probably wouldn't have been received anywhere as well by critics as it has been too. Not that it exactly got glowing reviews as it is. I suppose it's still got a certain charm to it though, and it's more or less competent as a game, even with its problems.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Yeah I've rented Anniversary, crashed out a few times on me as well. Still, it's fun punching everybody in the face. Your dad and sister especially. "I'm still waiting for my birthday present". Here you go then, Knuckle Sandwich! Muhahahaha. Fun times.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Roy42 »

Scrustle wrote:What do you mean by the "black knight" though? I don't think I've seen any enemy that stands out as being that, unless you just mean the guys with shields. There's a lot of those though. I have noticed a chest that's out the back of one of the houses, but I couldn't figure out how to get to it. Could that the one you mean?
Trust me, you'll know the black knights when you see them. Explore around a little. And that'll be the chest you want.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Blazed through Killzone Mercenary, an absolutely brilliant game. Vastly inferior to Shadow Fall, and unlike the dire COD vita game, it shows how you can make an fps work perfectly on the system.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

More Lords of Shadow 2 today. I beat the Toy Maker. I'm glad I didn't watch the video they put out showing that fight before the game released. It was a really fun fight and I enjoyed being surprised at how imaginative the whole section was. They do a bit where they show you the character's backstory with a puppet show, with you having to pick the right puppets and backdrops for each scene. Really imaginative and visually interesting way to do it, as well as providing some nice insight to the character. The fight itself was pretty cool too. Fantastic visual design, and it changes who you actually fight several times through the battle too. At some points your fighting more puppets that the Toy Maker controls, and at others you fight him as he's sitting in his strange, intricate automotan thing. Very cool stuff.

Before that there was a section which was a pain though. A stealth section, unsurprisingly. Oddly though, they completely changed the stealth mechanics for that part. But the way it was designed turned out to be really annoying. I was only stuck on it for about 10 or 15 minutes though. There was a boss fight after that which was pretty good and made up for it. It's with an interesting character too, at least in how he relates to another older character.

I've also been playing some more Strider too. I've come up against a boss which seems to be a huge difficulty spike though. I've done a few already and didn't really have any trouble with them, but now this one is insane. Loads of huge, screen filing attacks which I have no idea how to avoid. I only gave it one shot though. There's probably something I'm just missing, but it seemed pretty ridiculous from my first attempt.

My GC copy of Twilight Princess came as well. Not much to say there really. It's Twilight Princess, but on a controller. Some of the button mapping choices seem a little odd compared to Wind Waker, but it doesn't seem broken or anything. I also decided to time my progress through the early stages of the game to find out how long it really takes to get going. Took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to the point where you stop fooling around in the village and stuff actually starts happening. That being when you first turn in to a wolf. Then it took until almost 2 and a half hours in for me to turn back in to a human. Next up is the first temple. I was planning to time it until I got to Hyrule Field, but it looks like it's going to be another few hours at least.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Gave up on Fable Anniversary, it utterly crashed two more times this morning. And with South Park on it's way i've got better things to do really.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

South Park Stick Of Truth arrived today. Been a huge fan of the show since I saw it in America back in '98. It's still going strong, and is often bloody hilarious. The less said about the previous games the better though. The N64 one was particularly dire.
So after tons of delays, Stick is finally with us. And after 2 hours there's already been some pretty funny moments. The combat hasn't totally clicked with me yet, getting the timing just right will take practise. But when it's as amusing as this is that's fine by me.

Also rented Knack, there was mixed reviews of this on release, but it seems decent enough.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by suzzopher »

Mostly playing on the Vita at the minute, so lots of TxK and just started Toukiden, seems like a decent Monster Hunter style clone, much better combat though.

The main game I am playing is the waiting game for inFAMOUS Second Son and MGSV Ground Zeroes, feel like Cartman waiting for the Wii to launch.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Very much interested for Infamous, will wait for the price to drop though, £47 is a bit steep.
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