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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 2:00 pm
by DomsBeard
Welcome and get posting. Don't worry about waffling too much or posting rubbish I've got that covered :)

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 5:26 pm
by dezm0nd
Hello LogicSword!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 6:39 pm
by arry_g

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: July 1st, 2013, 1:19 pm
by flyingtortoise
So hello everybody! long time listener first time forumite - My names Rob Finney, but go as Flying Tortoise in my places. I've recently starting jumping into PC gaming again as well and currently my 360.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: July 1st, 2013, 1:22 pm
by ratsoalbion
Welcome Flying T!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: July 1st, 2013, 9:41 pm
by dezm0nd
I recognise that name! Hello F Tortoise.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 3:44 pm
by hazeredmist

Long time listener of the show, just signed up.

Potentially relevant info: Long GamesTM forum member (though not prolific), C&R staff Twitter botherer

Irrelevant info: Drum & bass DJ, road cyclist, IT nerd. Obsessed with all. I also keep fish. And a cat.

Systems owned: 360, PS3, DS, Vita, Steam

Systems previously owned: Almost every console you've heard of. Except the Pipin. And the Nomad. And a lot of others. In fact I've probably had less consoles than you. I did have a 3DO though.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 4:39 pm
by dezm0nd
Allo allo, haze! Thanks for joining the forum :-)

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 4:56 pm
by ratsoalbion
Aye, welcome along.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 5th, 2013, 12:51 pm
by Beck

I've finally taken the plunge ;)

I'm Luke, I live in Scotland and have been listening since the Cowboys and Dork days.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 5th, 2013, 12:54 pm
by ratsoalbion
Hi Luke, welcome to the forums and thanks for making yourself known.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 6th, 2013, 9:36 pm
by dezm0nd
Those days are called the golden days ;) hello Luke, take it easy and have a biscuit.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 9:29 am
by Flabyo
Hi, I'm Flabyo, known in the real world as Glen.

I probably met some of you at GPlex this year, and you've heard a couple of three word reviews from me on the podcast.

I used to be a senior coder in the AAA games industry, where I worked on simulation and AI for the Fable series amongst other things. These days I'm an indie dev that hasn't managed to release anything yet, with an ever dwindling bank balance.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 9:39 am
by ratsoalbion
Hi Glen, welcome along.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 1:30 pm
by Kajigh
Hello, my name is Jack, or Kajigh (whatever is preferred).

I decided to finally join the Cane and Rinse forums after about 3 months of listening to most of the shows. I currently own a 360 and a PC and enjoy a wide variety of games. Hopefully my thoughts and opinions on topics will be interesting enough, can't guarantee anything, though. ;)

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 2:02 pm
by ratsoalbion
Welcome Jack (that one's easier to type)! ;)

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 1:10 am
by Woodfella
All right? I have apparently had an account since Feb but didn't start posting 'til recently. I completely forgot I had it, so much so I went to sign up and was horrified that the username Woodfella was already taken.

Hello, I'm Rich (Woodfella), I enjoy playing videogames and occasionally talk about them on forums, which is handy isn't it?

I think the first C&R podcast I heard was Spec ops because I finished it and thought, crikey I need to hear this thing being talked about.

I like reading.

I like Dark Souls.

Those are the key facts!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 12:08 pm
by Indiana747
Hello Woodfella, *doffs cap* you're welcome to the community.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: August 25th, 2013, 12:19 pm
by ratsoalbion
Yes indeed, what Indy said.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: September 4th, 2013, 11:02 pm
by WelshBenno
Hi guys,

I've only recently started listening to the show following on from high praise from the same coin guys and recommendation from other twitter followers. What I've heard so far has been excellent and I plan on listening to a lot more of your shows in the coming weeks/months/years.

I've been gaming for years but anybody who knows me knows that I'm a huge fan of the Amiga and that's where my passion for gaming first kicked in. I love all things Amiga. ;-)

These days I'm a fan of gaming on all of the systems, I'm lucky to own all of the current consoles apart from the DS. I'm lucky to have a fantastic wife who is buying the son and I a Xbox one for Christmas, while I'll pick myself up the PS4 sometime early next year.

I planned to do a year of shame challenge along with some of the midlife gamer crew earlier in the year but that only lasted a week as I crumbled and bought myself a Vita and Wii U, whoops! As you can see, I have no willpower when it comes to games.

Unfortunately due to family ties I don't game as often as I'd like; probably lucky to get an hour a day in but as its coming up to shit tv season I'll get a few more hours in. Too many games to play, too little time to play them.

Looking forward to hanging around the forums.

Keep up the great work.
