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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by chase210 »

Minecraft is apparently getting a boxed PS4 release :)

Also screw killzone shadowfall, I do not like it enough to force myself to finish it.
Baron Phil

Re: PlayStation 4

Post by Baron Phil »

Picked up trials today so if anyone else is let me know so I can add people for some leaderboard action.
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Never really got on with Minecraft myself. Watched my brother play it for hours, but I never really got on with it. Didn't enjoy Terreria either, not my area it would seem.
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by NokkonWud »

I didn't like Terraria but Minecraft with friends on Xbox 360 was some of the best fun I've had. Not something I enjoy on my own but adore with friends.
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by dezm0nd »

Well, it didn't take long but I hit my skill ceiling in Trials Fusion. Gonna keep at it but ultimately, I am a little underwhelmed despite enjoying it. Hopefully I can push through the last two areas full of mental stages!
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by NokkonWud »

I don't own it, but already from what I've seen I'm far less impressed than I was with HD and Evolution. I don't find that futuristic look at all appealing compared to either the warehouses of HD or the environments of Evolution. That's a shame.
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by chase210 »

I'd love to go for the platinum on tombraider but that multiplayer :(
Lego Solo

Re: PlayStation 4

Post by Lego Solo »

Right I am currently going back and forth on weather to purchase a PS4 now or Wait till there are more games. I already have the Xbone but the gamer inside me wants that other shiny piece of loveliness sitting under the telly as well!

It's sooo hard. Any sensible opinions would be gratefully received.
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by chase210 »

Unless you have a truly burning desire to play infamous, killzone, and resogun, I would wait.

Re: PlayStation 4

Post by spasticmonkey2 »

Theres also Transistor and The Last Of Us Remastered coming in the next couple of months (I think I saw June somewhere?), and Blizzard have said that Diablo III PS4 would be out sooner rather than later, if thats your cup of tea, other than that though, not much confirmed in terms of exclusives, obviously we'll know more after E3 (only 7 more weeks to go! :D)
Personally I'm really happy with my PS4, I've only had it for 4 weeks now but I've got the whole backlog of Playstation Plus games to play, in addition to inFamous, MGS:Ground Zeroes and Final Fantasy XIV, all of which I'd recommend to anyone, obviously providing that they are MGS fans or MMO or Final Fantasy fans.

Almost forgot, theres also DC Universe Online, Warframe and Blacklight which are all free to play, with Planetside 2 coming at some point also.
Sorry for the long-ish response, just wanted to help inform your potential purchase :)
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by JaySevenZero »

spasticmonkey2 wrote:Sorry for the long-ish response, just wanted to help inform your potential purchase :)
There's never any need for anyone to apologise for the length of their posts in this forum bud! :)
Lego Solo

Re: PlayStation 4

Post by Lego Solo »

See, my mind says wait but my gamer heart says "buy it and buy it now!".

Has anyone on here got both systems? My biggest fear is the same happening with my PS3 that pretty much got used primarily as a glorified DVD player! I only bought a handful of games and anything that was multi platform always went on the 360!

Don't be surprised to see a post on this very thread next week saying I have a brand new toy to play with.
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by InsrtCoins »

I downloaded the brand new Octodad and Cel Damage this week and both are great fun :D Octodad I can recommend without reservation to anyone who enjoys a good laugh (and does not break controllers in fits of frustration). Cel Damage, on the other hand, is a bit more like sugar cereal. There's not a lot of depth and texture to it, but it's a damn good time for what it is. I used to play it on the GameCube when I was young, and this is bringing back all kinds of wonderful memories.

Re: PlayStation 4

Post by spasticmonkey2 »

I finally got around to doing a second playthrough of infamous second son and got the platinum, it was a lot easier than I anticipated.
Once I'd done that I had a proper go at Mercenary Kings. I'd only dabbled at it for 20 minutes or so before, but I sat down and had a good few hours of it, really enjoying it now, though I'm not very good at it :|
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by Beck »

Nice one, I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on second son.
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Re: PlayStation 4

Post by Beck »

I caved, hopefully it will arrive before the weekend :))
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Re: PlayStation Vita

Post by hazeredmist »

Did Olli Olli take a while to 'click' with anyone else?

Not really getting on with the controls, doesn't seem too intuitive to me. Waiting for that addictiveness to kick in but not feeling it yet... Got it for £2.55 so won't cry too much if it stays this way. Will pick it up later and see.
Baron Phil

Re: PlayStation Vita

Post by Baron Phil »

Yes, I really regretted buying it for a while but the daily grind is what hooked me in the end.
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Re: PlayStation Vita

Post by Alex79 »

Same, I played it for an hour or so and thought 'is that it?'. Fucking loved it after a while longer though. Shame the constant crashing has made it virtually unplayable for me. And still not patched? It's a joke.

Also - PSN store, please, for the love of god, tell us how big the filesize of downloads are when on the Vita store. Is it really that much to ask? I'm sick of clicking to download stuff before being told 'you don't have enough storage space'. Just tell us!!
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Re: PlayStation Vita

Post by ratsoalbion »

If you scroll down the info page it tells you the file sizes there.
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