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Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 10:07 pm
by Alex79
I downloaded the free battle royale version of Super Bomberman R today. I used to love Bomberman on the SNES and Megadrive, and spent hours and hours on the multiplayer, it really is one of the all time classic couch games.

So, the thought of an online massive multiplayer version sounds brilliant! Well, is it? It's... OK.

Firstly, the long wait to find a game followed by the long loading and multiple screens you have to go through before you even get to play is a bit of a killer. Games like this live or die on that 'one more go' aspect. Pacman 99 had it down perfectly. But this is much more of a commitment, by the time you're actually in a match.

The game itself is the Bomberman you know and love, but it seems like some people start the game with special abilities gained through using different characters, and I'm unsure at the moment whether these are earned via in game XP or through hard cash, but the monetisation of the game is fairly obvious. Not that I begrudge them earning a wage, but games like Tetris 99 and Pacman 99 were so obviously designed to be free, with any purchases totally optional and not at all making a difference to the game itself, whereas this is as lot more blatant about wanting your dollars.

I'll stick with it a while and see how it is, because at the core it's Bomberman, and there aren't many better multiplayer games than that.

Anyone else playing?

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 11:10 pm
by raisinbman
I was so confused by this, because I thought the switch already launched with this. Thought I was going crazy hearing it announced as releasing on KFGD. Turns did?

Nothing to contribute besides that, sorry :P

Super Bomberman R



Konami March 3, 2017

Super Bomberman R Online

Actionbattle royale

Konami Konami May 27, 2021

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 11:13 pm
by Quiet Paul
I still occasionally play the original Super Bomberman on the SNES. Love that game. Think I’ll look into this one tomorrow!

Although I’m just going by the fact I enjoy Bomberman. I’ve never got on with battle royales and normally delete them soon after downloading them.

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 30th, 2021, 12:48 am
by Alex79
This does let you play pretty much a normal game of Bomberman, it's just that every so often you move to a new arena as the contestants are whittled down to the final few.

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 30th, 2021, 8:49 am
by stvnorman
Another Bomberman fan and it seems alright, but everything takes too long. Finding a game seemed a bit quicker on Xbox than Switch, but the load time after is too much on both. I often play the PC-Engine version and I’m quite happy sticking with that.

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 30th, 2021, 3:08 pm
by DomsBeard
I hammered this on Stadia last year, it was bloody brilliant. I wonder if they've had some issues then as I didn't struggle to get a game at all.

It was a bit unbalanced due to being able to pick characters with abilities, I picked Solid Snake as he could turn invisible.

I think I'll give it a go on switch to see how it compares.

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 30th, 2021, 5:37 pm
by dezm0nd
Tried a bit last night and thought it was good fun. I did indeed play as Naked Snake and turned invisible which seemed oddly overpowered.

For free, I couldn't complain. I'll dip in and out I guess until Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart comes out!

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 30th, 2021, 6:37 pm
by Marlew
One of my fondest memories on the Switch is playing this at a reunion trip in China just after it had come out. It was about forty degrees in the day so we couldn't go anywhere, stayed in my hotel room drinking warm piss and playing this with four Joycons hunched over the Switch. Absolutely brilliant laugh.

Re: Super Bomberman R Online (F2P battle royale)

Posted: May 31st, 2021, 12:56 am
by Quiet Paul
Played for a wee hour earlier. Good fun! Absolutely crap at it but I enjoyed it for what it was. And hey! Some relatively easy achievements too.