Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

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Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can contribute your thoughts and opinions for Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

A friendly reminder that where the feedback for the podcast is concerned, we love it - but keeping it brief is appreciated. We do want to include a breadth of opinions where appropriate, but no-one wants a discussion podcast that’s mostly reading out essays. Better to save yourself time and cut to the chase if you can.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by Billy »

This was one of those games that immediately took flight for me. I was completely caught up in the characters and the story, the beautiful Christmas aesthetic of the city with its gorgeous low-sun Winter lighting, and the excellent soundtrack. Playing as Miles brought with it the thrill of youthful inexperience and wistful freedom and I appreciated the shorter playtime too as it never outstayed its welcome. It was the perfect game for that period between Christmas and New Year and a wonderful way to begin a new console cycle.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by Tolkientaters »

I liked this game for most of the reasons I liked Insomniac's first Spiderman game, combat and Tranversal feel great in a slightly better looking city with some more interesting animations.

The story feels like a classic Spiderman tale with villain being someone Miles knows personally. They cause havoc and they have an interesting and sympatic backstory. I know some people complained about the length, but I appreciated the brevity. It's not groundbreaking, but if you liked the first game, it's worth checking out.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by TheEmailer »

A shorter Spiderman game really brought out the best parts of the formula at a pleasing pace. Character building, massive set pieces, stealth sections and standard combat were balanced so well with much less filler.
The perfect length for a parent of young kids with not much gaming time.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by AGoodJo »

This game gave more of the fantastic 2019 Spiderman, with some interesting changes to combat with the inclusion of the Venom powers. However despite thoroughly enjoying the character of Miles, the story for this game fell flat to me compared to the original. I am definitely looking forward to Spiderman 2 where Miles and Peter can bounce off each other in a more interesting story.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by the_t_time »

Miles Morales smooths out the gameplay of the 2019 Spider-Man in a way that made returning to the original sort of a chore. Furthermore, the story was unexpectedly good. While I'll always prefer Peter as the Spider-Man I grew up with, I have to say that this game is finally what made Miles Morales click with me. Some parts of the story, specifically when Miles' mom finds out about his secret identity, had me unexpectedly choking back tears. I can't wait to see where the series goes from here when the two Spider-Men have their proper Marvel team-up in the sequel, as well as what Insomniac has in store with Wolverine.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by Jobobonobo »

Being a big fan of the original, I was happy to come back to another Insomniac title starring the wall crawler. This game is really the epitome of the adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Moving around and fighting feels just as good as it did before and there is just enough new additions that make the game worthwhile. Venom abilities can be very satisfying when you pull them off successfully; my particular favourite being the Venom jump where you could catapult multiple thugs in the air and then zip from one to the other knocking them out with one punch. Stealth was also very enjoyable now with the ability to hide from enemies using camouflage. This game along with the original has a really moreish quality with me wanting to just fight one more crime, find one more underground cache or learn one more ability. Many evenings were ended with me going “OK, after this cache I am switching it off” until I decided “Well this robbery is right beside me so might as well stop it”. Even if what you were doing was basic or samey, the base gameplay was so fun and controls were so polished that it was never an issue for me. The fact that it is comparatively short also made sure that it did not become a chore overstaying its welcome like a lot of other open world games have done. In fact this is one of the very few games that I managed to 100% complete and immediately start a new game plus due to its length and fun breezy gameplay. I’m very happy that a developer with the pedigree of Insomniac has the reins over such an iconic character as Spiderman and am looking forward to what they have in store for him in the sequel.

TWR: Short but sweet
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by joyun »

I'm a fan of the original too. I love the opening of the game. There's a frantic pace to it; the game tosses you straight into its combat and traversal mechanics, immediately having you fight some escaped convicts before sticking you to the back of a rampaging Rhino. I love this game.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by FrittteShopClerk »

I bought the original Spiderman game in a sale, played it for a week or so but then dropped it completely for reasons that I still can't quite put my finger on. Upon buying a shiny new PS5 I found the next gen version of Miles Morales for half price in my local supermarket so thought it would at least be nice to have something to show off the shiny bells and whistles. I wasn't really expecting to get into it as much as I did. I played it as consistently as my free time would allow and got to see the credits roll after a few weeks. Upon reflection I think it was due to the fact that Miles Morales feels like a much more compact experience than the original and as a result felt far more achievable. I found Miles himself, being earlier on in his Spider journey, a much more relatable character also.

Finishing this also gave me the drive to redownload the original and pick up my save from where I left off all those months beforehand so it must have been doing something right.
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Re: 547: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Post by MattL »

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a perfect example of a "more than DLC, but not quite a sequel" sequel. It took everything that made Spider-Man fun and then tweaked it just enough to make it fresh and made it more compact. New moves, new gadgets, new characters, and better pacing all around makes thing a unquestionable recommendation for anyone who enjoyed its predecessor. I really hope that more AAA studios do more of these budget spin-offs. On a personal note, this was the first game I popped into my PS5 after getting my 65in LG C1 and, oh my Lord, the frame rates! Give me VRR and 120hz modes on everything!
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