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It Takes Two

Posted: January 16th, 2022, 6:22 pm
by JaySevenZero
Here's where you can contribute your thoughts and opinions for It Takes Two for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

A friendly reminder that where the feedback for the podcast is concerned, we love it - but keeping it brief is appreciated. We do want to include a breadth of opinions where appropriate, but no-one wants a discussion podcast that’s mostly reading out essays. Better to save yourself time and cut to the chase if you can.

Re: 511: It Takes Two

Posted: January 26th, 2022, 10:26 am
by Truk_Kurt
What a fantastic game this was. I very rarely play co-op games due to difficulty in arranging times with people who would be interested in playing the same game, but the lockdown of 2020 provided me with more spare time at home and I found someone who had bought the game and was able to kindly provide me with the free partner code so I could play with them. Over the course of around 4 weeks we had a blast playing the game, we were both amazed at the creativity the game provided. I'm sure others will say this but it is true in that it really does provide a Nintendo type experience with how it introduces new mechanics and then dumps them off for the rest of the game. In my view there wasn't a single duff level in the game. The only thing stopping it becoming a 10/10 game for me was the story and characters. We tried watching the cut scenes but quickly got bored of the story and writing. I was personally disappointed at the writing. Given the premise of the game, the environments and other characters you interact with, there was a huge opportunity for some great comedic writing but instead they just focused on boring bickering between the two main characters. Overall though, my personal favourite game of 2020.

Re: 511: It Takes Two

Posted: January 26th, 2022, 11:01 am
by Ak1ra
It Takes Two was a welcomed opportunity for my wife and I to do something other than binge-watch yet another series on Netflix. Lockdown had taken its toll and so a new, contemporary and fun couch co-op game was just what the doctor ordered.
The unique, interesting and at times nostalgic biomes were a much needed escape from the real life global catastrophe. It allowed us a sense of freedom that we had missed for obvious and understandable reasons.
I remember one evening we spent 45 minutes having a snowball fight instead of progressing the quest but we didn't mind at all, it served it's purpose that day, giving us some respite from the anxious reality.
Not all the story points hit, I distinctly remember the toy Elephant scene (you all know the one I mean) and by the end, although with great comic timing, Dr Hakim grated on us slightly.
It was thoroughly enjoyable and I hope that it encourages more developers to look into this somewhat dying genre.

Re: 511: It Takes Two

Posted: February 6th, 2022, 2:05 pm
by caponeadam
I feel like this game gets unfairly treated by the community when it comes to narrative and characters. When was the last time we played a platformer centered around divorce? Even if not particularly well handed it’s at least a refreshing take for a platformer.

Sure, the game ideas come thick and fast but I firmly believe that it was the unpredictable nature of the game’s scenarios and oddball characters that helped bind the vast catalogue of game mechanics together, keeping us intrigued all the way through what is an unusually long game for a linear platform game.

Re: 511: It Takes Two

Posted: February 21st, 2022, 11:37 am
by Rhaegyr
It Takes Two is pure, uninterrupted (for the most part) fun. Creative ideas are brought in and tossed off with a Mario-like frequency, characters are responsive to control, level design is top notch, the punishment for death is minimal and there’s no additional ‘fluff’ involved like collectibles, upgrades, levelling up and the like.

It felt liberating to play these fairly expansive levels with a singular focus on having as much fun as possible, whether that was progressing the story, exploring the biomes, discovering new mini games or just faffing around with the constant slew of new mechanics. The amount of variety in its 12-14 hour runtime was quite staggering.

The only downside was the story in general and Dr Hakim, who was quite hit and miss – sometimes you loved to hate him, sometimes he annoyed me by breaking up the gameplay. His line about having a ‘relationshit’ made me laugh like an immature schoolboy though!

Barring that small niggle this game was an absolute treat and the best pure co-op game I’ve played in recent memory. Can’t wait to see what Hazelight do next.

Re: 511: It Takes Two

Posted: February 26th, 2022, 3:38 pm
by Alex79
This game deserves every little last bit of praise that's been thrown its way. Endlessly inventive, barely a dull or annoying moment (although there were some sections I far preferred over others) and just plain fun.

I played this game with the kids over the course of the last three or four weekends, and they absolutely loved it too. It's genuinely one of the best looking games I've ever played - the detail with the toys and in the garden, and the music equipment in the attic, just amazing stuff. And all the interactivity - working pianos, actual drum machines you can program, so much stuff to see and do!

The story and characters seem to have come under attack from the majority of people who played this game, but I really didn't have any issue with them and actually quite enjoyed the story and the conversation between Cody and May. There were a few decent gags in there too. Overall just a really excellent game which I can't imagine could be improved. Even the boss battles were fun! Excited to see what these guys come up with next, as although I've not played A Way Out (and may do still) this game and Brothers have been real highlights of playing co-op with the kids.

Re: 511: It Takes Two

Posted: March 10th, 2022, 10:11 am
by Shinywailordguy
I'll always very have fond memories of It Takes Two. After being forced to spend almost a year apart because of the pandemic, It Takes Two was the first co-op game my brother and I played together when we finally got to see each other again. The joy and laughter it brought us certainly helped to make up for a lost year of gaming together.

A lot of co-op games are often feel like 2 players going through the single player experience at the same time, but It Takes Two is truly co-operative. It's incredible the rate at which it introduces new asymmetrical mechanics that gives each player a specific role and forces them to work together in interesting ways. Just as you get comfortable with a new gameplay style, it ditches it and moves on to something new. And then it does it again, and again, never seeming to run out of inventive ideas for the entire length of the game.