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Out of Context Cane and Rinse

Posted: September 23rd, 2022, 9:52 am
by Kez86
Hi all,

I recently started an Out of Context Cane and Rinse Twitter page to celebrate some of the more bizarre commentaries from the various Cane and Rinse hosts.


I know, I know there is a lot of embarrassing and hilarious discourse found within each episode, but I thought as I was listening to them again I should capture them in glorious graphical fashion and post them for all to enjoy.

Doing this, brings me great joy, as working as a Learning Designer my role is very much engrossed in academical theory and implementation of some quite often dry and often serious learning matter. Creating these graphical posts allows me to take my mind away for a few minutes between listening to episodes to make and post.

Image Image

If you would like to follow me, Out of Context Cane and Rinse can be found here: or just search for me @OOC_CaneNRinse

A big thank you to the Cane and Rinse community and to Cane and Rinse themselves. If anyone would like to submit their own OOC Cane and Rinse please feel free to message me on Twitter as that way we can keep all those Out of Context wonders secret for all to enjoy!

One final note. My latest post has been my favourite so far...


Re: Out of Context Cane and Rinse

Posted: September 23rd, 2022, 11:39 am
by ratsoalbion