648: The Story of Thor (Beyond Oasis)

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648: The Story of Thor (Beyond Oasis)

Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can contribute your thoughts and opinions for The Story of Thor (Beyond Oasis) for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

A friendly reminder that where the feedback for the podcast is concerned, we love it - but keeping it brief is appreciated. We do want to include a breadth of opinions where appropriate, but no-one wants a discussion podcast that’s mostly reading out essays. Better to save yourself time and cut to the chase if you can.
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Re: 648: The Story of Thor (Beyond Oasis)

Post by jkeysgamer »

Growing up, I was a Nintendo kid through and through. Although I knew without a doubt that the Super Nintendo was the superior gaming console, I did enjoy the occasional trip to a friend's house to sneak a play on his Sega Genesis. Games like Sonic the Hedgehog, and the superior Mortal Kombat port - I'll admit - instilled in me a small bit of envy. Rest assured though, for my RPG and adventure title needs, the SNES was the only choice... or was it?

When I first discovered Beyond Oasis, it was like stumbling upon a whole new genre. Here was a game that was 2 parts Legend of Zelda, 1 part Streets or Rage, with just a pinch of Secret of Mana...and it was on the Genesis!? I needed to check this out. Once I got my hands on a copy, it did not disappoint. An overhead Zelda-like adventure with brawling mechanics provided me with hours of enjoyment. Well, under 10 hours to be exact, which was my only gripe with the game. That, and the fact that there are few - if any other games out there quite like it.

I'll always give Beyond Oasis credit for being the game that opened my eyes to the hitherto un-noticed magic that the Genesis had to offer. More please!
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Re: 648: The Story of Thor (Beyond Oasis)

Post by Alex79 »

I just started this game last night via the Switch Online Megadrive collection.

First impressions are that it looks really nice, lovely big sprites and some nice animation, even if movement is a little jerky. The game seems very simplistic, but I'm happy with that at the moment, being stuck in a bit of a gaming rut - this is the perfect tonic. Bright colours and sound effects that sound like they've come straight from the Streets Of Rage games (I'm aware it's the same composer?)

I'd describe this so far as a Megadrive equivalent of a Zelda-lite-lite. I'm aware it's not very long, and I've cleared three short dungeons already so not sure how much is left, but this game is a fine example of why I love the Cane and Rinse show. Relatively obscure but easily accessible, 16 bit era, fun to play along with - this game has everything I want so far!
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Re: 648: The Story of Thor (Beyond Oasis)

Post by Kinketsu »

Great memories of this game, although I only repeatedly rented it rather than own it. As a Mega Drive boy, my main experience of Zelda was the first game on the NES and Links Awakening on the Game Boy. Compared to those, the graphics and more aggressive combat system of this game were a revelation. As someone who had just got into anime a few years before, the (extensive) opening cutscenes were right up my alley. Then the game starts proper and you see the big, beautiful sprites and lush colourful scenery. Slapping rat thugs around with a variety of moves and powers with fantastic, almost beat em up type sound effects never got old. While it might not be as complex and involved as some of the Zelda games, it was going for something else, something very Sega in a way!
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