Community Gamertags and other online ids

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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

RoboticMunk3y on PS4 :)

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by RobC »

I'm RobC-UK on PSN (PS4 player). Add me :) I'm on destiny quite a bit and haven't had a chance to do a lot of the high level group stuff.

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by SnakeyDavid »

Psn: SnakeyDavid

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by Solm »

Add me looking for chatty gamer's up for a laugh:


PS 3: Solm67

Wii U: Solm1967

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by adwild1982 »

Just added a 3DS to the collection please add me my code is 1993-9832-7965
Also getting a WII U for Xmas so please get adding me on that its late2theparty.
Lets all have a very Merry Gaming Christmas.
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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Adding you now, just got a new friend code for the 3DS so my old one is obsolete.

Code is: 4528-0498-9131

Added most friend codes so add me!

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by RebornParachute »

XBoxLive: RebornParachute
PSN: RebornParachute
Steam: RebornParachute
Origin: RebornParachute
WiiU: RebornParachute
3DS: 1177-8011-4746

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by Todinho »

So I had to create another PSN account for my PS4 for many dumb reasons so anyway here it is if anyone wants to add me: Thetoodinho
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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by fieldy »


Twitter - fieldain
Live - Bearded ape man
PSN - fieldy12345
WiiU - fieldy-895
3DS - 2509 - 2668 - 7685

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by UtterBiblio »

Would be great if some of you added me for some games. I'm always up for chatting and playing in the evenings. Details below:

Twitter - @UtterBiblio
Live - strybe (May be changed soon)
PSN - strybe (May be changed soon)
Steam - Melodic_Biplanes
3DS - 3969-4582-5004

Let me know you're from the forum when you add me :)
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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by seansthomas »

Wii U - Seanyt
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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by brutaldeluxe09 »

PSN: brutaldeluxe09
Twitter: brutaldeluxe09
Steam: brutaldeluxe09
WiiU: Garg_Checkpoint

I'm defiantly old school and refuse to attach a microphone but am partial to chasing scores on leaderboards where possible, though I seem to spend most of my time flailing around in Lodran, Yarnham, Drangleic or Boletaria.
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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by macstat »

twitter: @ImMacstat
Steam: Macstat

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by MagicianArcana »

Steam: MagicAirplane
PSN: GeoffZak
Battle Net: Hakkha

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by martymcfly3004 »

Xbox: martymcfly3004
Psn: martymcfly3004

Don't really play multiplayer but add me for scores and such if you are interested.

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by skidoosh »

To be honest, I'll play anything!

Xbox: zGoNaDz
PSN: zGoNaDs
Steam: gonad-the-awsome
WiiU: glynmoonman
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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by Flabyo »

Flabyo wrote:Xbox Live (360 and XBO): Flabyo
WiiU: MrFlabyo
Twitter: @MrFlabyo
And now in prep for SFV I'm on PSN as... Flabyo

Anyone who wants someone to beat up in that, feel free to add me ahead of next week.
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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by HMSPolio »

A listener of about a year here, but recently to the PS, and gaming generally, network. I've commented on a few articles (under my real name Lewis), but have not posted much at all here.

Would anyone be able to help me with a few points of etiquette? I don't know many folks "real world" who play games, so is it just fine to send you gals and guys friend requests on PSN? Is it seen as kinda creepy and gross? I'm not sure why I want to, but I guess that 0 friends is a howling vacuum. I'm also not on Twitter et al, so don't know what folks thoughts are.

Also, and apologies for my laziness (I'll check and amend if needed), is there a Cane and Rinse PS community?

Thanks in advance everyone!


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Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by ratsoalbion »

Pretty sure anyone who's published their tags here will be happy to receive friend requests from fellow Cane and Rinsers.

Re: Cane and Rinse: Gamertags

Post by skidoosh »

I'll second that. Just add me on whatever you've got. See above for my handles. Not on the PS4 much at the min but I will be after DS3! Get yourself a copy of BF4 too. With a name like HMSPolio I think we were destined to squad up. We just need two more borderline offensive tags and we're set.
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