Whatcha Been Watching?

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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Alex79 »

Truk_Kurt wrote: July 3rd, 2023, 8:56 am It was good, not a scratch on the original trilogy but much better than Crystal Skull (although from memory I think you said you liked that Alex).
I was a bit disappointed when I saw Crystal Skull at the cinema but appreciated it more over the years. I think it's quite a fun film. Not as good as the original three, but I think it's a bit under appreciated really. I don't think it's any more or less silly than the others, and does stand on its own merit really.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Alex79 »

Just finished Jury Duty this evening. Enjoyed that. Had a really wholesome, heart warming ending without being saccharin or overplayed. Just a nice series all round. Difficult to see how they'd pull off a second season, but I suppose they only need to find one person in America who's not heard of the first series.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Watched the first Mission Impossible last night.

For some reason I thought I had seen this before but it turns out I haven't. I just remember the scene where he abseils down into the room to download the NOC file and assumed I had watched the whole film, but I must've just seen that one scene when flicking through channels as a kid or something as the rest of the film I don't remember.

Anyway, I thought it was good. The plot lost me sometimes and I had to look it up on Wikipedia to get a grasp of what was happening. But the aformentioned abseiling scene and the finale with the helicopter and train was spectacular. You just know that todays Tom Cruise would insist they performed that for real instead of CGI :D still looked cool though. 3.5/5.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Alex79 »

Interesting, I've never seen any of these films and was considering a run through of the whole series as they're all on Paramount Plus at the moment.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Alex79 wrote: July 13th, 2023, 1:22 pm Interesting, I've never seen any of these films and was considering a run through of the whole series as they're all on Paramount Plus at the moment.
They're all on NowTV too right now, that's where I watched it.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Watched Mission Impossible 2 last night.
I heard this film was the dark sheep of the franchise but I actually quite liked it, slightly more than 1 in fact. The plot was a bit easier to follow and it was really stylishly shot being a John Woo film. The stunts were spectacular and didn't use CGI at all which I always appreciate in action films. Sure, some of the fights were a bit too like Neo in the Matrix with slow mo flying kicks. Sillier than the first film but I enjoyed it. 3.5/5 (Yes I know I said I slightly preferred it to 1 but gave it the same score but I only work in 0.5 increments and don't feel like it deserves 4/5 :D).
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Mission Impossible 3
For me each one has got better as they’ve gone along. I felt it sat between the first and second in terms of silliness but I enjoyed this one because the whole rabbits foot mcguffin plot was a lot easier to follow and the baddie, portrayed brilliantly by Hoffman just put it above the first two films for me. Ethan felt more reigned in by his standards in 3, whereas in 2 it was like he was a superhero 😄Stunts were great as per usual. 4/5
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Best one yet. First two acts at the Kremlin and Dubai were highlights of the series so far. One slight criticism is the at I thought the finale in India was a little ordinary for MI standards in terms of the action, obviously the stakes were super high with the nuclear missile but yeah, a little bit disappointed by the finale. 4/5
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Pia Bella »

Truk_Kurt wrote: July 19th, 2023, 2:42 pm Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Best one yet. First two acts at the Kremlin and Dubai were highlights of the series so far. One slight criticism is the at I thought the finale in India was a little ordinary for MI standards in terms of the action, obviously the stakes were super high with the nuclear missile but yeah, a little bit disappointed by the finale. 4/5
In my opinion all Missions are great. Can't even point out any film because they are all engrossing. But I very doubt that Cruz did all the stunts himself as they say.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Pia Bella wrote: July 30th, 2023, 6:55 pm
Truk_Kurt wrote: July 19th, 2023, 2:42 pm Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Best one yet. First two acts at the Kremlin and Dubai were highlights of the series so far. One slight criticism is the at I thought the finale in India was a little ordinary for MI standards in terms of the action, obviously the stakes were super high with the nuclear missile but yeah, a little bit disappointed by the finale. 4/5
In my opinion all Missions are great. Can't even point out any film because they are all engrossing. But I very doubt that Cruz did all the stunts himself as they say.
I dunno, maybe in the earlier films but it seems like his whole schtick these days is that he's the one doing the stunts himself. Like all the most dangerous ones like hanging off the side of a plane and climbing that tower in Dubai, the motorbike jump off the cliff in the new one, there's behind the scenes videos of him training for them and doing them on youtube. So if is able to do those I assume he does everything other than maybe the car chases where you really have to be a specialist stunt driver to perform some of the moves.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Angry_Kurt »

Gran Turismo then.
I’d say 6/10 is fair. Maybe a 7. It’s probably the least good racing film I’ve seen but it had a lot of good parts.
The negatives. The first third had some really cringe dialogue taking jabs at gamers and some other cringe bits. It also features perhaps one of the most pointless tacked on romances that is definitely shoehorned in. Rubbish villain character who may as well not been there.
Positives. The second half of the film is much better, the character arcs are well done and acting of main cast generally good. Has some really cool visual effects from the game and the racing scenes are very well done, as good as any other racing film I’ve seen.
One other thing, it had the most random multiple references to Cardiff city football club through the film 😂
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »


First off I should say I did enjoy this film, however given all the hype around it following its release, I came out thinking it was a bit overrated. The message of the film is great and it does it really well, so no complaints there. I just think I was expecting more comedy than what I got.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by JaySevenZero »

If anyone here's a fan of the John Wick movies then I'd recommend watching The Continental on Prime. A three part mini series depicting how Winston Scott (Ian McShane's character in the movies) came into possession of the aforementioned hotel

Honestly, it exceeded my expectations with the first 2 episodes establishing the world, the characters and the set-up (with plenty of splashes of ultraviolence inbetween) the third one brings everything to the boil with some stunning action set-pieces that rival anything in the movies themselves.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by JaySevenZero »

Truk_Kurt wrote: July 19th, 2023, 2:42 pm Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Best one yet. First two acts at the Kremlin and Dubai were highlights of the series so far. One slight criticism is the at I thought the finale in India was a little ordinary for MI standards in terms of the action, obviously the stakes were super high with the nuclear missile but yeah, a little bit disappointed by the finale. 4/5
Have you seen the next two yet? I'm a big fan of these films myself believing it to be series that has actually gotten better with each consecutive film and Rogue Nation is one of my favourites in the series so far.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

JaySevenZero wrote: October 15th, 2023, 1:05 pm
Truk_Kurt wrote: July 19th, 2023, 2:42 pm Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Best one yet. First two acts at the Kremlin and Dubai were highlights of the series so far. One slight criticism is the at I thought the finale in India was a little ordinary for MI standards in terms of the action, obviously the stakes were super high with the nuclear missile but yeah, a little bit disappointed by the finale. 4/5
Have you seen the next two yet? I'm a big fan of these films myself believing it to be series that has actually gotten better with each consecutive film and Rogue Nation is one of my favourites in the series so far.
I have seen Fallout which I really enjoyed but not seen Dead Reckoning yet, it's supposed to be coming to streaming soon so I will probably watch it day one.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by JaySevenZero »

What about Rogue Nation? Which came before Fallout.

I watched Dead Reckoning part one the other night, I enjoyed it but at two and three quarter hours I did feel that it could have been a little leaner with its running time.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Yeah, basically I've seen them all now other than DR.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by JaySevenZero »

Cool. I'll be interested on your take of Dead Reckoning when you watch it. It's supposedly underperformed at the box office with it bringing in the least since MI3 and although I enjoyed it I actually think making it a two-parter was perhaps a mistake but I'll wait and see what they do with the second part before I hold fast on that opinion.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Alex79 »

I've been watching the Boiling Point series. It's good. I'm not sure it's as good as the film, which was non-stop, high intensity all of the time, but it is very good. I'm on episode three now and just realised it guest-stars Trevor from GTA V!
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Alex79 wrote: October 16th, 2023, 11:06 pm I've been watching the Boiling Point series. It's good. I'm not sure it's as good as the film, which was non-stop, high intensity all of the time, but it is very good. I'm on episode three now and just realised it guest-stars Trevor from GTA V!
I had my eye on this, might check it out seeing as it's only 5 episodes.

I was about to start it but then remembered that24 was on Disney Plus. I only got up to season 5 when I was a teenager before it got removed from netflix, so started season 6 last night. I was a huge fan of the show, one of the best for wanting to watch one more episode.

This is after I fell off The Wire, I had only heard amazing things about The Wire over the years, I watched 7 episodes and I just realised I wasn't enjoying it much, I don't want to say it's anywhere near a bad show, I'm sure it's great, I just had huge difficulty understanding all the slang terms that were used from both the cops and drug dealers. I just meant that I had no idea what was going on unfortunately.
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