What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

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What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Sean »

Having just passed 100 hours on one of my Dark Souls characters last night, and have an additional 40 hours or so (I think) with my other 2 characters, I kinda blew my own mind when I saw the total amount of time played. Crazy that I still don't even have the platinum trophy.

And, it got me wondering what are some of the longest playtimes of the rest of the community? If you can even remember, that is. I have no idea how long it took me to complete Final Fantasy IV back in the SNES days. Or how long it took me to get to get to level 55, 10th prestige in CoD4 multiplayer.

So, yeah, what are some of your longest playthroughs? Did you feel a sense of accomplishment? A feeling that you wasted too much time?
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by dezm0nd »

I take it my WoW character doesn't count? ;)
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by DomsBeard »

200 hours on Skyrim and I've not finished the stormcloak storyline or dawnguard/dragonborn dlc. My Mrs just hit 250 hours!!!.

100 hours Fallout 3 too :)
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Sean »

dezm0nd wrote:I take it my WoW character doesn't count? ;)
It totally does. That's why I mentioned my CoD4 multiplayer length. I spent years on that game. No idea the total. Might be in the leaderboards somewhere...

Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Roy42 »

Hard for me to say; even with games that actually do track how long you've played them for, in those cases they're almost always skewed from time I spend idling. My first playthrough of Twilight Princess was apparently 65 hours, but I definitely don't remember spending that much time doing anything in it.

On a similar note, what's the longest stretch people here have spent playing a game/multiple games at one time? A few times last year, I'd spend my Tuesday streaming games, which would be about eight hours of uninterrupted gameplay, though across multiple games. When I got Skyward Sword, it was NaNoWriMo, so the only time I could afford to spend playing it was after midnight; that was four or five sessions that lasted about seven hours each. Seven or eight hours is about the longest at once that I think I've ever spent playing a game. Long enough to last the whole day, whereupon at the end of it, one looks up, sees that it's getting dark outside, and suddenly realises they're hungry.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Indiana747 »

To my shame i have nearly 860hrs on Battlefield 3 multiplayer. :roll:
Ghost World

Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Ghost World »

Sean wrote:
dezm0nd wrote:I take it my WoW character doesn't count? ;)
It totally does. That's why I mentioned my CoD4 multiplayer length. I spent years on that game. No idea the total. Might be in the leaderboards somewhere...
I had over 6 months or around 4500 hours logged on wow before I hung up my legendary boots up (Yeah I had a problem)
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Post by DarthCuddles »

Single player, would probably be the 300-400 hours I put into each of the PSP Monster Hunter games which sadly wore out the analogue nub so it can't centre and keeps running one right and will only walk left which has kinda stopped me playing it

Amd if I could count a multiplayer game it'll be Starcraft II but sadly it does not record how long i have spent playing it as far as I am aware, With Dota 2 starting to catch up with 500ish
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Rich »

Roy42 wrote:Hard for me to say; even with games that actually do track how long you've played them for, in those cases they're almost always skewed from time I spend idling. My first playthrough of Twilight Princess was apparently 65 hours, but I definitely don't remember spending that much time doing anything in it.
Twilight Princess was surprisingly long. I loved that game so much. The Wii version is great and I liked some of the controls but I wish I didn't trade in my Gamecube copy. It's too expensive to buy now with a clear conscience.

I've got 234 hours in Dark Souls but that's multiple playthroughs. My longest single game start to finish is probably Skyrim at 114 hours. I'm not much of a multi player guy but I've got 98 hours in Super Monday Night Combat and that'll never get higher now because it's basically dead! :( I have played a fair amount of Bad Company 2 and Halo 2 & 3 but I couldn't give a number.

There might be some older stuff that I spent more time on but I doubt it. The games I spent most of my time on when I was younger were usually either shorter or I didn't even come close to finishing them.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by JaySevenZero »

I'm on 577 hrs on Battlefield 3, so that has definitely taken the lead as the most played multiplayer.

Whilst I have no exact time for Mass Effect 2, I've gone through the game comprehensively 8 times from start to finish, so I'd say I've dropped at least 150 hours into that game. I believe I'm around 180 hours on Skyrim and in addition to all of those, I've definitely spent more than a couple of hundred hours playing and replaying Metal Gear Solid 4.

Longest ever play time in a single-sitting was for Final fantasy VII - 18 hrs with tea & toilet breaks.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Scrustle »

When I think of games I've clocked a lot of time on, the two series that come to mind first are Forza and Elder Scrolls. In those games you can play forever without ever doing anything that would even give you any real progress towards "finishing" them.

I've got about 280 on Skyrim. I actually thought I would have more than that, but that's what my save files say. Most of it is on my main one which is at around 240. I have two others, but I've got barely anywhere with them.

On Oblivion I have about 313. One profile at 113 and another at 192, with two others at much less time on them.

I can't really say how much I've got on Morrowind, but it's certainly far less than those two. I've had the game both on console and PC, and I no longer own the console version. I've also started the game over many times, and deleted many failed attempts too. At a random guess, I'd say maybe 60 hours.

Forza 2 says I have 114 hours spent "driving", so I don't know if that counts as actual time played or just time in a race. I guess it's the latter, but there's no other counter for anything else. I also feel like I've played the game much more than that, but sometimes it's hard to tell with these things. Also I'm not sure if it records time spent "driving" if you quit out of an online race. I did that a lot, because most of the time I spend with Forza is just messing around with people online, so we often don't really bother with finishing races. We just mess around until we get bored and decide to back out to a different track.

Wow. Taking a look at my Forza 3 stats does put things in perspective a lot though. It has a lot more info on my time spent playing. 135 hours driving, but (perhaps slightly embarrassingly) 698 in menus. 339 editing designs! About 130 hours doing other random stuff too. Jesus, so that's about 1302 hours. Feck. I'm pretty sure my real time on Forza 2 is probably a lot closer to that.

Hmm. My Forza 4 stats are a bit less impressive/pathetic. Time driven: 88 hours. Painting: 81 hours. Menus: 241 hours. Other stuff: 76 hours. 486 hours total. Huh. I figured it would be much higher than that, even if it wasn't as high as Forza 3. I got way in to the community around that time (and with Forza 2), and have kind of dropped off in Forza 4, but I still thought I would be at around 1000, or at least much closer to it than that.

It's also kind of surprising I spent that much time in menus for both games. I knew I did spend a significant amount of time there, but for it to outstrip everything else by so much is really confusing. Then again, I suppose I often put the games on when I don't know what to play, but then don't actually play them and just forget I've left them running. And instead of just turning the game off I always save. I get paranoid about saving in games sometimes.

My play time for Forza 1 is certainly much less than with the later games, but much like with Morrowind, I can't get a reliable number for it. My old xBox broke many years ago, and my profiles for it keep getting corrupted on my 360. At a guess I'd say it's probably not far north of 100 hours.

And as for Forza Horizon, it tells me I've got 46 hours driven. Doesn't give any more info than that, other than how much time I've spent in what particular races. Don't really get why they would give me that information, but not anything on other stuff I'd done. Seems kind of irrelevant compared to what other information they could have given. Either way, it's not going to be anywhere near as close as to my other Forza profiles. Horizon just doesn't have anything like the longevity those games have. It's the lack of tuning ability, and the smaller car list I think. While less cars isn't so much of a problem, not being able to make them drive how you want is. Really cuts down on the variety of experimentation you can do, while in other games I'm still discovering new cars to play around with.

Horizon is great in basic concept, and it is really fun, but it just doesn't have anywhere near the depth of the other games that really got me hooked. I would have loved to have felt the urge to play 1000 hours of Horizon, but it just doesn't have enough to it to give that. While with the other games, I actually still have a huge chunk of the career to do and cars to collect among other things, I've pretty much already done everything in Horizon. I finished the base game in 8 days for example, and I wouldn't say I was rushing. I still go back to it and mess around relatively frequently, but I don't really have much investment in the game any more. The expansions helped a little, but nowhere near enough. The Rally Expansion was disappointing, and only really added maybe a day or two of extra play time, with nothing at the endgame, like the main career. The recently released 1000 Club expansion has a bit more longevity to it, but it's basically built around the way I've been playing the game already. Doesn't really change much, just gives me a few more trinkets for doing what I already was.

I guess I should also mention the Pokemon games. I've spent a lot of time with those. I don't really know how much exactly, but I know I've spent over 100 hours with several of them, if not the majority that I've played. In fact, I think Pokemon Silver was the first game I ever got over 100 hours on. I was pretty blown away by that as a kid.

I've also spent over 100 hours on KoA: Reckoning. I don't know how much time I've currently got clocked, but I remember looking at how much time I had when I finished the main story. At that point I was at 102 hours, if I remember rightly. I'd also done all of the faction quests, one of the DLC expansions (Legend of Dead Kel), and played the first quest or two on the other (Teeth of Naros). I've spent a little bit of time with it since, but not much.

I've probably got a pretty large amount of time clocked on various NFS games. They're not the longest games in the world, but they're hardly short either. Or at least, they didn't used to be. I've played through Underground 2 and the original Most Wanted several times. That's probably come to quite a lot of time. In fact, I've got an on-and-off playthrough of Underground 2 on at the moment. I was pretty surprised to find out how much content there actually is in that game this time through. I had forgotten how big it was, if you actually go after all the races that is.

I've also got a 2nd playthrough of Carbon going on at the moment too, in a similar on-and-off style. I remember being shocked at how short that game was first time through as well. Although I was playing it really intensely for the time that I was, it only took me 4 days to beat. I hadn't come across anything like it before. Up until then pretty much all games I'd played had lasted months, or even years. Although, when they did last that long it was usually down to my own incompetence than anything else. Either way, I felt a little cheated and confused, considering how large previous games were in comparison. I guess it was just one of the many signs of the beginning of the downfall of the series.

I still played the game for a good while after beating it though. I got pretty deep in to the online mode. Got pretty good at it. That game was totally unbalanced. Everyone online only used one of two cars, because they were broken and could beat anything easily. But I got to a level where I could beat most people using those in pretty much any car I wanted. Going back to it more recently though shows I've lost my edge. The game is actually surprisingly tough, although I think it's probably more down to the completely unbalanced car classes and scarcity of money than anything else. Much like most other recent NFS games, it doesn't feel very well thought out or polished. It still has some fun to it though.

And this post has gone really far off topic. Didn't expect it to be so long, or to spend anywhere near as much time on it. Although, to be honest, I could probably waffle on even more if I could think of something to waffle about. I hope my aimless rambling hasn't bored you. Since you got all the way to the end, here's a little treat.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Rich »

JaySevenZero wrote:I'm on 577 hrs on Battlefield 3, so that has definitely taken the lead as the most play multiplayer.

Whilst I have no exact time for Mass Effect 2, I've gone through the game comprehensively 8 times from start to finish, so I'd say I've dropped at least 150 hours into that game. I believe I'm around 180 hours on Skyrim and in addition to all of those, I've definitely spent more than a couple of hundred hours playing and replaying Metal Gear Solid 4.

Longest ever play time in a single-sitting was for Final fantasy VII - 18 hrs with tea & toilet breaks.
How did I forget Mass Effect?!
I've completed the 1st game 3 or 4 times and I don't rush. I couldn't put a number to it but it probably exceeds Skyrim.

Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Roy42 »

Rich wrote:
Roy42 wrote:Hard for me to say; even with games that actually do track how long you've played them for, in those cases they're almost always skewed from time I spend idling. My first playthrough of Twilight Princess was apparently 65 hours, but I definitely don't remember spending that much time doing anything in it.
Twilight Princess was surprisingly long. I loved that game so much. The Wii version is great and I liked some of the controls but I wish I didn't trade in my Gamecube copy. It's too expensive to buy now with a clear conscience.
It's not that long; I played it again a couple of years ago and it was only maybe 30-ish hours, about the same as Skyward Sword. And I know I didn't do much side questing in my original TP playthrough, so I'm really amazed that I managed to clock as much time as I did.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Indiana747 »

Forgot to mention my longest gaming session. I'd say i would have to give it to either Batman:Arkham Asylum or Bioshock. Batman:AA was a 13hr lock in, with toilet and tea breaks obviously(although not together). I did something similar with Bioshock, was easily a 12hr+ session on that, hunting for collectables in both games took up most of that time. Also, with these marathon sessions i would hold both games as some of the best i've ever played, very fond memories.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by DomsBeard »

Yeah I'd love to know my final Fantasy vii times, I remember some long sessions and when I had to sleep I used to go to Kalm and leave this playing:

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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

I remember my FF7 save was close to 200 hours, and that was only time saved.
I think halo 3 would take the longest for a multi player game.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Donk »

FFX probably, I was at 25-30 hours when I realized I had no idea what was going on or what I was doing, restarted and made it to 80 hours but still didn't finish. I was near the end and had just barely managed to beat this boss and looked up on YouTube what was ahead only to see there were immediately 2-3 more bosses. So I quit, never finished that game. I've seen a speedrun though of it clocking at just over 10 hours 30 minutes.

Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by Bakers_12 »

I think it must be Fallout 3, I played that almost every weekday for six mounths when saving for my Wedding. when you factor in compleating all the quests bar one, all the DLC and that I never fast travaled it must have been a long ting!
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by dezm0nd »

Well in that case, my WoW character is well over 1000 hours. Other than that I put 250+ into StarCraft II and over 110 hours into The Binding of Isaac.
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Re: What's your longest playthrough that you can remember?

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

Scrustle wrote: Horizon is great in basic concept, and it is really fun, but it just doesn't have anywhere near the depth of the other games that really got me hooked. I would have loved to have felt the urge to play 1000 hours of Horizon, but it just doesn't have enough to it to give that. While with the other games, I actually still have a huge chunk of the career to do and cars to collect among other things, I've pretty much already done everything in Horizon. I finished the base game in 8 days for example, and I wouldn't say I was rushing. I still go back to it and mess around relatively frequently, but I don't really have much investment in the game any more. The expansions helped a little, but nowhere near enough. The Rally Expansion was disappointing, and only really added maybe a day or two of extra play time, with nothing at the endgame, like the main career. The recently released 1000 Club expansion has a bit more longevity to it, but it's basically built around the way I've been playing the game already. Doesn't really change much, just gives me a few more trinkets for doing what I already was.
46 driving hours.
That's still pretty good, even if maybe you did want more. works out to be about £1 an hour for entertainment.
I'm keeping an eye open for Forza Horizon, I'm keen to pick it up.
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