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Website Design (personal project)

Posted: May 22nd, 2013, 3:03 pm
by mikeleddy83
I've been extremely lucky to have been invited to a website developer role interview earlier this morning and my initial gut feeling has been that I'm heavily in need of a complete refreshing of my skill set. As it stands I'm working through extremely basic things once again on the w3schools site but I'm currently at the stage where I have few relevant portfolio pieces for an agreed deadline of Friday when I send a link to the employers in order to win a second interview.

Does anybody know what instances a relational database could be incorporated into a website without feeling like an afterthought?

Despite trying to avoid it I might have to integrate a carousel jquery object but can anybody think of something I could implement that might be a little more impressive with the time limitations I have?

I'd love to include my main hobby in the deal and perhaps re-tool the super mario 3d land flash site into something a little more to the expectations of the job and to keep things contemporary I could do something similar regarding the XBox One but would I come across as lacking in imagination by using a mix other other peoples assets with my design (as a portfolio filling temporary website)?

Edit (23/05). It's all good, managed to put a solid 20+ hours into it over the last few days and I'm just about there! :D