A second run through DICE’s first-person parkour game confirms its status as a last-gen gem. If you’ve played Mirror’s Edge, you’ll know what it’s all […]
Mirror’s Edge โ Cane and Rinse No.51
It’s still alive, and cannot apologise: Mirror’s Edge We mantle into Volume Two by reflecting on the strange time of 2008, when Electronic Arts were […]
Battlefield 3 multiplayer – Cane and Rinse No.36
A different sort of a show of this Issue as Cane and Rinse returns to the ever-evolving world of DICE‘s Battlefield 3 online multiplayer. Leon […]
Battlefield 3 – Cane and Rinse No.13
A less structured than usual and festively combative issue this week as Leon, Tony, Jay and Karl assemble to trade shots over EA/DICE’s Battlefield 3. […]