Suggest a game: Short RPGs

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Suggest a game: Short RPGs

Post by arry_g »

So, this year is the year of the "rpg" for me - be it; JRPG, WRPG, ARPG, SRPG, FPRPG or whatever other damned acronym our hobby plagues us with I do not care and I don't much care what platforms (after all I own every major console dating back to the NES/MS). After putting in more than 100 hours into Persona 3 recently and knowing that I will be putting thirty or so hours in to Lightning Returns and god knows how many hours into Tales of Symphonia later this month I really want to play a couple of shorter RPG's... how do I define short? Well, for the sake of an arbitrary value let us say anything less than twenty-five hours. Any ideas?
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Re: Suggest a Game: Short RPG's

Post by Flabyo »

Erm, The Last Story on the Wii?

If you don't mind going a little off-genre, then try Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3.

Re: Suggest a Game: Short RPG's

Post by Todinho »

Shadowrun Returns on PC is pretty short around 10 hours or so it has some pretty good writing in even if the story itself is kinda of boring IMO,the combat is a little X-COMish so it's up to you if you're gonna like it,nothing beats the setting though especially when you have orcs and elfs running around in cyberpunk Seattle.The also has a pretty good mod support so there's alot of fan made campaigns coming out as well as new one made by the developers as DLC.

The other game I can think of is also on steam called the Banner Saga and it's a mix betewen tactics RPG and oregon trail set in a viking setting,I havent played this one myself but two friends of mine have with one saying it's not worth the price for being too short and not having enough content and the other loving it to bits.It's also amde by former Bioware guys so you know the writing is gonna be good.

Re: Suggest a Game: Short RPG's

Post by CapinGreen »

If you have a 3DS I'd highly recommend Crimson Shroud.

Re: Suggest a Game: Short RPG's

Post by arry_g »

CapinGreen wrote:If you have a 3DS I'd highly recommend Crimson Shroud.
Ooh, I haven't heard of this game. I'll have to look into it.
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Re: Suggest a Game: Short RPG's

Post by PressEscToExit »

Costume Quest?
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Re: Suggest a game: Short RPGs

Post by InsrtCoins »

Not really an RPG gameplay-wise, but if you're just looking for a nice story told in a JRPG fashion, To the Moon.
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Re: Suggest a game: Short RPGs

Post by NokkonWud »

Dead Rising.
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Re: Suggest a game: Short RPGs

Post by Indiana747 »

Im currently playing Mass Effect, its gonna be easily under 20-25 hours when i get finished. Loving it, although the sheen has possibly been taken off by the fact ive finished 2 and 3 already. Although the setting really does need the player to like the premise in order to enjoy. No teenage emos, dragons or dwarves in sight if thats your sort of thing.
The Sonic Mole

Re: Suggest a game: Short RPGs

Post by The Sonic Mole »

Panzer Dragoon Saga is around 20 hours. BIG catch is the price though.
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