EVO and general FGC chat

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EVO and general FGC chat

Post by Todinho »

So EVO 2014 ended this past sunday and I was glued to screen the whole way through for me it was more exciting than the World Cup Finals ,so i just wanted to put this video here featuring some of the best moments of the tournament if anyone didnt watch or missed some parts of it:

I gotta say I dont think I've have seen anything as epic as the Blazblue final in a fighting game ever other than the Daigo parry and when you have something to rival the Daigo parry you know you had a good tournament.
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Post by Flabyo »

The BlazBlue 2014 final was pretty epic, but I think the 2012 King of Fighters 13 one just edged it for drama because it was later in the day so had a larger crowd.

IGN have video of the grand finals of every game.

Definitely watch the Blaz Blue one, and I can recommend the Marvel one as well.
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Post by DomsBeard »

The Street Fighter IV one is dull as dishwater sadly
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Post by Flabyo »

Yeah, all the most impressive stuff in the Street Fighter tournament happened earlier in top 8 (and also a fair bit of crazy in top 32 as well).

I do wonder about the game line-up for next year. They seem to have settled on not having all the finals on the Sunday now, which puts the games into 'tiers'.

In terms of entrants, they'll almost certainly keep both Ultra Streetfighter 4 and Marvel vs Capcom 3 (unless MvC sees serious player drop off in the next 12 months, which despite Capcom being unable to support it anymore seems unlikely). Smash Brothers seems likely too, but the wrinkle there is that Nintendo might not back it unless the players switch to the new game that's out this fall.

Blaz Blue was in primarily because of its developer dropping a LOT of money into the winnings pot for it. It'll need to increase it's player base to keep its spot next year I think.

Killer Instinct is likely to stick around, we'll be well into the season 2 round of new characters by then so MS will probably drop enough sponsorship cash to keep it in.

The rest are all up for the chop I'd say.

Injustice had very low entrance numbers despite being a much better game now than it was last year. With Mortal Kombat X likely dropping, Netherrealm / WB may choose to back that with sponsorship cash instead.

Tekken Tag 2 barely scraped in this year, so won't be there next. King of Fighters 13 might well drop as well, which is a shame as it's a great one to watch, but when several of the games biggest players didn't enter this year the interest fell away.

The only potential newcomer I can think of is the Persona Arena sequel, but it remains to be seen if that's any good (hopefully they'll get the US and EU releases much closer together this time, the gap killed any chance of a western tournament scene getting any traction last time)


Post by Todinho »

Isnt a new Guilt Gear coming out this year?Maybe it makes it's way to EVO too from what I've seen of it it looks pretty impressive(at least the sprites that is)


Post by Todinho »

Wow anime fighters have some incredible matches full of impossible comebacks the match just now between 2 Milia Rage Players in losers semi's was insane,Woshige!


Post by Todinho »

You know this year I thought nothing would be able to live up to that amazing Blazblue comeback of 2014 but the saga o Infiltration and Gamerbee on street fighter might just top it!
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Post by Flabyo »

I really felt for Gamerbee at the end there. To battle past Infiltration in what may go down as the most amazing set of pick and counter pick ever played, then run the bracket reset in the final, have to deal with the madness of Momochi's stick breaking down in what might've been the last round of the tournament, and to then still lose...

When his fiance came on stage and she was absolutely distraught I pretty much lost it myself. To get that close. Momochi was clearly pleased to win, but even he knew to rein in the celebrations a bit.

When they cut to James Chen and Seth Killian at the commentary station after the presentations Chen was in floods of tears himself.

Still, Gamerbee has qualified for the Capcom Cup now. Momochi was already qualified as current champion so the automatic spot goes to Gamerbee. After he finished just one place outside the qualification spots last year (and almost retired from the scene because he felt so drained after working so hard and missing out) it's good reward for him.

Hope he gets the chance for a runback, either there or at one of the remaining majors before then...

(Also: expect to see more Juri played now, AiAi and Infiltration showed she's to be feared if played well, much like Louffy did with Rose last year...)
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Post by James »

A wonderful tournament all round I thought; lots of drama and a really high standard of play. Seth and James on USFIV Finals commentary did a great job of relaying the history and spectacle of the Top 8 too.

I seem to remember hearing that USFIV will still be at Evo next year (I guess SFV will still be very new), so we might see two Street Fighter games in the main events.

How did everyone feel about that happening with Smash this year? I know Nintendo wouldn't have backed Melee alone, but I do wonder if we'll see both Wii U and Melee amongst the big 9 again next year.
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Post by Flabyo »

From looking at both the entrant numbers and the streaming figures, Melee blew WiiU out of the water again.

Melee did better on the stream than Marvel did (although I suspect the fact none of the Marvel 'gods' made top 8 affected that too).

At a guess I'd say we'll lose Persona 4 Ultimax and Killer Instinct next year, and that we might see Marvel drop to Saturday final in favour of SF5 on the Sunday. A lot depends on prize pots etc... Namco will almost certainly have a home version of Tekken 7 to push by this time next year, Arc Sys will have a new drop for Guilty Gear (and BlazBlue, depends which they decide to get behind...), Capcom literally can't put any money into Marvel anymore and I suspect would prefer it to go away...


Post by Todinho »

Man this final beteween SonicFox and Tekken Master is being insane,SonicFox is indeed human!Erron Black versus Kotal Khan!
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Re: EVO and general FGC chat

Post by Flabyo »

A few bits of news from EVO that might've slipped under the radar:

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator got a title update this morning with a fair bit of game balance. It also unlocks Elphelt's outfit from SIGN (the wedding dress) as one you can buy with in-game credits. You should also be able to download the next DLC character, Dizzy, for free for a short while before they start asking for money for them, but that wasn't up yet for Europe this morning.

King of Fighters 14 is releasing a playable demo on the PS4 globally on the 19th, no idea what characters or modes it will have, but it'll be interesting to have a play with it. I liked to watch 13, but found it way too execution heavy for my own (lack) of ability.

EVO itself felt a little off to me this year. The new venue for pools was absolutely massive, and needed to be for the sheer number of entrants they had, but it felt a bit cold and soulless. Seeing a lot of complaints about poor judging (mainly lack of them) and poor play conditions. Teething issues when you scale up as much as they did.

The finals in the Mandalay though were amazing, but only towards the end of the day. There was hardly anyone there for the MKX finals at 8am and a venue like that loses all its atmosphere if there are no people in it. By the time SF5 was running the place was packed, and by all accounts had a better atmosphere than a lot of the classic Boxing bouts that venue has hosted, so I think it worked well for that.

There'll be a long post mortem on it I think, there's lots of lessons to be learned and I hope they learn them.

And for fun, my predictions for the nine main games next year:

SFV, Tekken 7, KoF14, Guilty Gear Revelator, Killer Instinct, Injustice 2, Smash Melee, Smash WiiU, MKX.

I think Marvel's time might be done, and ending with a Chris G win is the best way to bow it out I think. MKX might hold on another year, but might not. I don't think Nintendo are serious enough about Pokken to keep it going, maybe if they have a version for NX and put more into promoting it it might, but it sounded like it wasn't a lot of fun to watch anyway. (It's great fun to play casually, but I think its probably too complex for spectating unless you're a player too)
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Re: EVO and general FGC chat

Post by Michiel K »

^^^^Nice write-up. I had a blast watching the SFV matches all the way through. What made it kind of special to me is that I experienced my first real hands on with SFV during the time the streams weren't active in the past weekend.
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Re: EVO and general FGC chat

Post by Flabyo »

It's worth having a dig for a YouTube recording of the ESPN coverage as a compare / contrast with the Twitch coverage. Much more like the way the networks cover MMA, impressively high production values and something for the FGC to aim for.

Re: EVO and general FGC chat

Post by Todinho »

I forgot to post it last year but Maximilian put together his top 5 hypest moments in EVO 2016 :D

Also this came out for tekken 7 in the last day:

Im super on board with Master Raven and I thought Bob was one of the better characters in T6,I really hope T7 is the game to get me back into the series Tekken has always been my favorite fighting game series but I havent kept up with it since 5.
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