Game suggestions for the podcast

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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by arry_g »

I know they're already on the list but I really would love to see you folks tackle Silent Hill (even if only one and two) in the near future.

I'd also love to see you guys tackle a story driven RTS in the future. I would say C&C but where do you even begin in picking where to start?

Now, don't shoot me down - I know RPG's are often epic undertakings and JRPG's more so but how about Ni No Kuni?

The subject matter alone makes for an excellent conversation but considering the divide some people have in the length etc I think the CaR crew could really dig their collective teeth into this one. Of course the length of it is the biggest issue for anyone who hasn't already played it. Still, a man can dream right?
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

Silent Hill is happening soon.

On RTS, well, we have done StarCraft II, but I was thinking about C&C the other day when I saw the complete collection for like £5 in GAME, but I certainly wouldn't be volunteering to go back and complete those games now. I can add them to the list to see how others feel though - we may have had some once-keen Commanders and Conquerors among our number.

We currently have one person who is ready to go on a Ni No Kuni: WotWW show (me), but we need at least two more to finish it before we can make a podcast. I'd like it to happen but we'll see. As you might imagine there are loads of JRPGs on the big list, but not so many people have finished each of them!

Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by arry_g »

ratsoalbion wrote:Silent Hill is happening soon.
It says something that this is the best news I've had all week.
ratsoalbion wrote:Well, we have done StarCraft II, but I was thinking about C&C the other day when I saw the complete collection for like £5 in GAME, but I certainly wouldn't be volunteering to go back and complete those games now. I can add them to the list to see how others feel though - we may have had some once-keen Commanders and Conquerors among our number.
Oh sorry, I forgot about SC2 - slightly embarrassing as it is one of my favourite games and also one of the few CaR shows I have listened to multiple times. As for C&C, it is a massive undertaking for sure and if memory serves correctly many of the campaigns are 20+ hours also. I would suggest that if any of you did tackle them that you tackle by sub-brand within the series rather than the entire thing (e.g. Tiberium, Red Alert, Generals etc).
ratsoalbion wrote:We currently have one person who is ready to go on a Ni No Kuni: WotWW show (me), but we need at least two more to finish it before we can make a podcast. I'd like it to happen but we'll see. As you might imagine there are loads of JRPGs on the big list, but not so many people have finished each of them!
Yeah, I completely get the difficulties with that one. Honestly, it's a shame because the genre has some really great games with worthy talking points (development histories, core games, western inspiration with eastern localisations etc) but what can you do? So many of these games are massive time sinks and now (compared to ten/fifteen years ago at least) very niche. Which reminds me, would love to see Persona 3 one day especially if it involved any of the team on the P4: Golden podcast.

Oh, these two I know are modern and wouldn't get the treatment for a while but...

Obviously, given the last two Souls games dealt with I feel 2 would be a great follow up. I'm almost certain that's on the list though.

How about the new indie title 'Among the Sleep'? The subject matter is (in my opinion) disturbing as a parent and there is a bit of a trend regarding these 'walking simulators' at the moment (as someone with a quadriplegic father I find that term really f***ing offensive, why can't they be called First Person Narratives or something) but anyway it'd be great to see how this title holds up in the eyes of the crew.

Sorry, I'll stop throwing suggestions now...
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

Persona 3 and Dark Souls II are almost certain at some point I would say.

I'll add Among the Sleep to the long list too :)

Fanks Arry!

Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Todinho »

ratsoalbion wrote:You'll be pleased to know that series has been on the big list since the start. The problem is the number of games and in many cases their lack of availability in the UK. We still live in hope that 1 & 2 HD will get a release.
Great! Hopefully Sega will also make Yakuza 5 avaliable for more countries than Japan because after watching yakuza 1 Im thinking of really getting into the series
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Mono »

I'm currently playing through The Last Express, the 1997 adventure game. I hadn't heard of it until just the other day when it was on sale at 75% off. However, this is apparently a rather well-regarded adventure and I'm absolutely loving it so far. Tthere's a naturalism to the dialogue that even today games don't get right, and the 'real time' nature of it means everybody's experience - while mostly shared - will differ in little ways.

I'd love it if a few Cane and Rinse folk checked it out for the first time, or even revisited it after playing it years ago. As I say, I had no knowledge of the game prior to me purchasing it, so I have no idea how popular it would've been. It was an expensive flop, by the sounds of it - but very well regarded in certain circles.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

Yes, TLE is by Jordan Mechner, he of Prince of Persia fame.
Good shout for to be added to the list.

Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by CandleFire »

Absolutely loved the podcast since the start, apologies that I've only just joined up on the forums!
You've just sold me a copy of Banjo Kazooie after the last podcast by the way and am really loving it for both nostalgic and purely joyful reasons.

As for suggestions, I have just completed the latest Broken Sword game and would love to hear your thoughts on the series. 1, 2 and 5 are incredible and genuinely funny point and click adventures with great writing, fantastic voice acting, intuitive puzzles and amazing artwork; especially the remastered versions with the Dave Gibbons (of Watchmen and 2000AD fame) contributions. Also, Revolution Studios being a UK based studio with a great history seems the perfect fit.

As a pipe dream, would be great to get some Spectrum era gaming content, but realise you're probably hard pressed to get guests and enthusiasts of that era.

Again, love the podcast and looking forward to the next one.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by JaySevenZero »

Thanks CandleFire, we really do appreciate the support and thanks for joining the forum - hope you find something of interest here! :D
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

The Broken Sword series is on the big list. I'm only really a fan of the first game myself but it could be interesting to see what worked and what didn't with the various sequels.

I am also very keen to cover more 8-bit era stuff but as you rightly identify, it's a taller order to persuade people to play or replay those games. However there is already plenty on the list and I'm always adding more so we'll see.
Quite tempted by a Sabreman trilogy series, but we'll have to see.

Thanks for the suggestions!
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by dezm0nd »

I played through Broken Swords 1, 2 & 3 in German once. QA life, right there.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Flabyo »

I imagine Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions is a little on the long side to make the podcast (its 40 hours minimum really), but after listening to the Fire Emblem one, is Vandal Hearts on the list? It's a much shorter game, about 10 hours?

I'd almost forgotten about it, but it really is a groundbreaking title. Has one of my favourite game plots as well.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

I'd love to do VH but it's hard to source now, even more so the sequel. Haven't ruled out FFT either but as a trilogy you're looking at 300 hours or something, which is prohibitive!
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Flabyo »

ratsoalbion wrote:I'd love to do VH but it's hard to source now, even more so the sequel. Haven't ruled out FFT either but as a trilogy you're looking at 300 hours or something, which is prohibitive!
And I guess if you were doing FFT properly you'd have to cover Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy 12 as well... hehe...

VH is pretty hard to find (apart from the 'in-name only' Xbox Live sequel), kind of like how hard Suikoden is to find.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

I tried that downloadable VH and found it to be a shameful abomination!

Vagrant Story is on the list in its own right I should say, but how/when/if we attempt to tackle any core Final Fantasy games is still under contemplation... :)

Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by manofmanybadaliases »

i've just had an idea any chance on a episode in some way or another about Jeff Minter games?
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

I'd like to do this but it obviously depends on getting a panel together. TxK is on the list but I'd love to talk about the hairy one's whole ouvre.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by KissMammal »

Here goes...

Blast Corps
Absolutely loved this game back in the day - an unsung hero of the N64 era. I remember it getting a lukewarm reception but imagine it's dated better than a lot of N64 titles. Such a great central concept and I loved how it just kept expanding out, ever more vehicles, levels and objectives to explore. I long for a XBLA rerelease.

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
There's a genius game in there, but it takes a lot of digging to get to. Controversial statement: N&B was a bit like Little Big Planet, but actually fun to play. I suspect Rare would have been better off splitting it into two smaller games. An undeserving flop.

Grand Theft Auto V
Needs no introduction - an astounding achievement of not just videogames but entertainment in general. So good that I completed in to almost 100% and would still consider replaying on next gen.

Ridge Racer/Ridge Racer Revolution/Rage Racer/Ridge Racer Type 4
Personally I never cared much for R4, but Rage Racer especially holds a special place in my heart. I loved the uniquely gritty, grey art direction - European race circuits and 90s rave music as imagined by Japanese devs. Holds up surprisingly well.

Resident Evil 2
Not as scary as the first, but still a stone cold classic.

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
The only AC game I've played, and on that evidence it's a deeply flawed series, but oh my - the pirate stuff is so good that it almost makes this a good game. Intrigued to hear the C&R crew's thoughts.

Trials HD series
Again, this is like a Little Big Planet that's built around a game that's actually fun to play. A superb series.

Goldeneye 007/Perfect Dark

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Henry Hatsworth in The Puzzling Adventure
A relatively obscure DS game that blends wonderfully tight and satisfying old-school platform adventuring with falling-block puzzle game mechanics. A fun, inventive and fascinating game that - for me - blew it by getting too difficult towards the end.

Abe’s Oddysee/Exodus/New ’n Tasty
Would be timely. Played the PS1 version recently and was surprised at how well it has aged.

Capcom Disney Platformers - Aladdin/The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
I adored these games as a kid - the Mega Drive Aladdin had the flashy animation, but the SNES version had far superior gameplay as I recall. SNES Tiny Toons Adventures by Konami is also worthy of reppraisal I think.

Doom/Doom 2 or Duke Nukem 3D
Still great, 20 years on. Actually refreshing to play now compared to most modern FPS games.

Time Crisis
For me the sequels never lived up to the promise of the original. I also loved the relatively obscure Point Blank series, also by Namco, both in arcades and on PS1.

Dust: An Elysian Tail
Superb, largely overlooked Metroidvania XBLA title.

The Secret of Monkey Island/Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge

Final Fantasy VII
And the early FF games in general.

Body Harvest
An N64 curio that was a precursor to Grand Theft Auto. Remember loving this game, though I suspect it has aged horribly.

Ape Escape
Absolutely adored this game on PS1 - I remember being bowled over by how cleverly it utilised the (then cutting-edge) Dual Shock. To my mind the only PS1 3d platformer worth revisiting.

Twisted Metal: World Tour/series
Twisted Metal World Tour was one of those games that seemed immensely popular - ubiquitous even - back in the day (at least among my social circle), but never seemed to get much attention from the mainstream gaming press.

Metal Slug series
Wonderful games. The whole series is worthy of attention, but for some reason Metal Slug 3 stands out as the pick of the bunch.

Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver series

Die Hard Trilogy

Desert/Jungle/Urban/Soviet/Nuclear Strike series and Future Cop LAPD

Final Fight series

Alien 3
Have fond memories of the SNES Alien 3 game - it's spiritual successor Aliens: Infestation by Way Forward on the DS is also worth a look.

Syndicate/Syndicate Wars

Micro Machines series

Mortal Kombat series

Another/Out of This World/Flashback/Fade to Black
Even at the time I found Fade to Black borderline unplayable, but Another World and Flashback were totally unique and wonderful.

Zombies/Zombies Ate My Neighbours

Contra/Probotector series
With an emphasis on Probotector/Contra III which I think we can all agree is the standout.

Smash TV/Super Smash TV/Total Carnage

X Wing/TIE Fighter series

Timesplitters 2/Timesplitters: Future Perfect

Conker’s Bad Fur Day
I'd love to hear the behind the scenes story of this game...

Jet Set Radio/Jet Set Radio Future

Rez/Rez HD

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
An underrated third-person action game with an interesting and refreshing combat mechanic - could also be an overview of all games related to Games Workshop.

Shadow Complex

Worms series

Ghosts ’n Goblins/Ghouls ’n Ghosts/Gargoyle’s Quest/Demon’s Crest/Maximo series

Command & Conquer/Command & Conquer: Red Alert

Beneath a Steel Sky

Joe Danger series

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Alien/Aliens Vs Predator series

Bravely Default
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

Whew! Well, without looking I'm fairly certain that everything here is on the list except for:

Twisted Metal: I've only ever played a demo of the first game and I've no idea if we have any historical fans among the panel. Will add to the spreadsheet.

Die Hard Trilogy: We have a Quick Rinse video if I recall correctly but it's a tough game to revisit for various reasons, not least of which is the technology required to play the light gun section properly (controller mode just doesn't cut it).

Fine suggestions though and, as I say, almost all already well under consideration.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Flabyo »

ratsoalbion wrote:Die Hard Trilogy: We have a Quick Rinse video if I recall correctly but it's a tough game to revisit for various reasons, not least of which is the technology required to play the light gun section properly (controller mode just doesn't cut it).
I beat it using the joypad.

I also beat it using the PlayStation mouse, cause I'm weird like that.
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