Mirror's Edge

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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by mikeleddy83 »

They really nail it with the moves you can perform in the game, building up speed to make a jump, rolling as you hit the ground and especially wallrunning give you a real sense of accomplishment, the environmental sounds and incidental noises you hear as you hit speed further intensify a transfixed state, it's just a little too short and runs low on steam a tad too early.

I think the game might also have the world record for bargain bin status, regardless, I still like it!
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by AndyKurosaki »

I totally forgot the story, even at the time it was pretty much 'whatever'.
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by ratsoalbion »

Mik your posters are better than the game!

Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by ryan_astley »

It looked great and would have been relatively cheap to make additional content for, unfortunately it wasn't idiot-proof to play, I enjoyed it for what it was

Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by Xantiriad »

Love those posters.
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by delb2k »

Mirrors edge is a perceived ideal made into a rough diamond.

The early levels indicate what could be done, but only when the environment is made simple and constructed around the possibilities of fast, flowing action. At those points it positively flies along giving you a big fat grin from ear to ear as you slide, jump and traverse around the environment.

But then they make everything more complicated and what began as an adventure changes into a series of annoying movements inter-spread with retries and mild swearing as that tricky jumps just never quite came off. By the end you were just happy for it to be over.

The game works when simplicity in layout is promoted over complication in design. The guns were always bad but everyone knows that. As a proof of concept it just about works, but at times only just.

Oh and visually it is stunning, but then I am just echoing what everyone else has said :)
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by Alex79 »

Those posters are great, Mik!
Ghost World

Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by Ghost World »

And that's the Mirror's Edge show in the can!

Thanks for all your correspondence guys, Sadly we couldn't use it all down to time constraints but it made for an interesting read and ultimately helped shape the show. :)
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by TomFum »

This for me is an amazing game, so much so i have it on PS3,Xbox and PC. Fully completed on all platforms, although there are a couple of achievements/trophy's that allude me, not that it matters at all (stupid things)

Love everything about it, but the two things that strike me the most are the visuals and the music. I love the tightness of the visuals, although very ropey but still lovely on the consoles, on PC it blows me away, i love the art style to the game, i love the face that the trees and vegetation are all white and each levels has a colour to it. just beautiful

The music is stunning, not that shitty song with the chick on i mean the atmospheric music that plays ingame, i get lost in it.

I think the game flows perfectly, the mechanics are perfect, its faultless.

Only thing that lets it down is the story but only a little, but then i dont think that really matters to much, its a small thing i can forgive.

The pure time trials they released are really good as well, but proper hard as nails.

This game was great training for BF3 as well as far as vaulting goes haha.

But yes i love this game, fair enough people dont like it and thats kool but for me its a 10/10
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by aidopotato »

Nice pics Mik.
On balance, I think this game's achievements outweigh it's negatives. It really is like nothing else out there, and when the gameplay shines, it really really shines. Would absolutely love a sequel- preferably one that explores the gameworld a bit more and allows you to truly go through without engaging in combat if you are skillful enough (while it is possible to get through without shooting, I think there are a few instances where hand-to-hand is unavoidable- think this was a poor choice). One of my favorite aspects of the gameplay was finding shortcuts- you'd get a real rush when you found one yourself, and friends records/qualifying times that at first seemed ludicrous, slowly came within your grasp. Also, really liked the pure dlc. think it was the right idea to go with pure geometrics rather than more earthy levels.
The idea of going open-world, or semi-open world is an interesting one. I remember being quite intrigued with the idea of these couriers operating outside the law, only for that whole aspect being ditched in favour of some half-baked murder mystery plot. Thought that was really a wasted opportunity- i just wanted to deliver packages!
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Mirror's Edge

Post by Donk »

Now that the rumors about a sequel are louder than ever, regardless whether or not it is real... what would you like to see in a Mirror's Edge sequel?

I liked the abstract city environment in the first one but I also would like for it to be alive, with traffic and pedestrians. Assassins Creed like crowds and GTA like traffic but in the spotless future of Mirrors Edge. I loved the movement in the first one so I'd be fine with more of that. In general I'd be fine with them finishing the things we were left wanting in the first game like enemy AI, better gunplay (or no gunplay), proper story and presentation.
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by Alex79 »

Yeah if they did make a sequel I'd prefer no gunplay whatsoever. It was the weakest part of the first game, and there are quite literally thousands of shooters already out and more being released every day. I'd just want them to work on even more fluid free running - maybe leave out the red objects, make the world more gritty looking but still futuristic (Blade Runner / The Longest Journey) and make the rule 'If it looks climbable, it's climbable'. Mirrors Edge never really felt very open to me, you were channeled down a path and if they could open it up a bit it would be cool.
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by Scrustle »

I'm not really going to get excited about these new rumours. I'm still clamouring for a sequel as much as I always have, but I don't see the new rumours as anything actually new. The same things have been said before, and it's all very vague and non-committal.

But I think the game is a prime candidate for having a sequel. It brought something genuinely new and original to the table, but obviously has plenty of room for improvement. I don't think the gunplay was bad, but I agree they should probably just leave it out of the game all together. I think perhaps the fact they had any gunplay in it at all gave people the wrong impression. People saw the 1st person perspective and that it had guns in, so they assumed it was just a terrible FPS. But what they really need to do is improve the melee combat. It was so frustrating and the timing for counters and stuff was completely off. They should get rid of guns and focus just on making melee better.

I would like it if the game was a bit more open. I don't think it should be open world, that would kind of go against the design of the game, but to make it a little less linear would be good. The best parts of the game was always sprinting over rooftops, and the pace ground to a halt whenever you needed to go inside. They could make it so although levels were still focused around going from point A to point B, but there could be different routes that branch off and intersect at different points. It could be like a parkour Deus Ex. Perhaps there could be indoor sections, but as long as they're designed to keep the pace fast and the gameplay flow going then it would be fine.

I really, really disagree about making the game "gritty" in any way at all though. That is the complete opposite of what the tone of the game was about. The city is supposed to be clean and clinical because it's all tightly controlled. It's a futuristic totalitarian utopia where everyone has to keep up their appearances. The dirty, cyberpunk look is completely in contrast to that. The dark, messy underground counter-culture from stuff like Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell have been completely wiped out from that world. Any kind of opposition to it exists in secret, which is why the Runners exist. The people who use them are part of the system, but have to hide any kind of dissent for fear of retribution by the state. Their gleaming paradise must be preserved by any means necessary. And aren't there enough "gritty" games out there already? One of the biggest things I love about the game is its clean, stark and bright colour palette. That opening sequence where you see the cityscape for the first time against the deep blue sky with the bold patches of red before seeing through the eyes of Faith all put to that amazingly atmospheric and tonally perfect soundtrack is one of the strongest images in my gaming career (if that's what you want to call it). There's nothing else that looks quite like it. Plus, Deus Ex Human Revolution already hit that cyberpunk tone perfectly.
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Re: Mirror's Edge

Post by Alex79 »

Yeah you make a good argument against gritty, I'm converted!
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