Games completed 2016

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Michiel K
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Michiel K »

ratsoalbion wrote:No need for NOCLIP, just fire rockets in from the outside.
Both episodes (there's an exclusive set of levels by Nerve as well as the original set) are beatable, and I have the Achievements to prove it!
OHHHH... I've been living a lie, all my life. I always thought NOCLIP was the only way to finish the game.

And I believe you, haha!
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Indiana747 »

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(Jan) Assassins Creed Liberation HD - PSN.
(Jan) Army of Two:The Devils Cartel - PS3.
(Jan) Assassins Creed Freedom Cry - PS4.
(Jan) Alien Breed Episode 2:Assault - XBOX 360.
(Jan) Beyond: Two Souls - PS3.
(Feb) Bastion - XBL.
(Feb) Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate - PSN.
(Feb) Borderlands The Pre-Sequel - PS4.
(Feb) Bloodborne - PS4.
(Feb) Contrast - PS4.
(Feb) Condemned: Criminal Origins - XBOX 360.
(Feb) Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse - PSN.
(Feb) Nihilumbra - PS Vita.

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Bakers_12 »

10/2 MGS V
18/2 Uncharted - easy

26/2 Majoras mask

I really loved this game, I can see the three day cycle Bing a sticking point for some people but once you get your head round it it's really clever. I'm glade I finally got round to playing it!
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Alex79 »

Alex79uk wrote:JAN - Bastion (PS Vita)
JAN - The Swapper (PS Vita)
JAN - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Nintendo DS)
JAN - Shovel Knight (PS Vita)
JAN - Snatcher (Sega CD emulated on PSP)
FEB - Super Time Force Ultra (PS Vita)
FEB - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots (PS3)
FEB - CounterSpy (PS Vita)
FEB - Flashback (Sega Megadrive emulated on PSP)

This is one of my favourite games of all time. I've completed it loads of times, and will occasionally just load up the game in an emulator and play the first level. I think it's an absolute masterpiece of a game. Even today it still looks absolutely stunning, the graphics and the animation could put a lot of modern 2D platform type games to shame. I first played this pretty soon after it came out, and I knew it was special from the start. I'd not really played an RPG before and although you can't class this as a proper RPG, the gameplay in the second level where you'd have to get a job to earn money absolutely blew my mind. The levels were enormous, and again speaking about the second level the way you'd actually have to catch the subway train to move between stations seemed so revolutionary. It was like nothing I'd ever played before, and was probably the first game I played that seemed more than just a 'game' - gaming had got serious. There's nothing I don't like about it, from the gameplay, to the graphics, the excellent audio and the cheesy sci-fi story, Flashback will always be a 10/10, A+, 5 star game.
Catatonic Nali

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Catatonic Nali »

Some of you may have seen my post about spending the foreseeable future getting my hands on a bunch of games that I've missed out on in the past for various reasons. That was a few weeks ago and I've finished some of those games now so I figure this would be a good place to air my thoughts about them.

I'd heard a lot of great things about this but had never had a decent chance to play it before. There were a few frustrating puzzles and the complete lack of direction the game gives you can be slightly daunting at times although ultimately I think this works in favour of the experience. The art-style and music come together with an ambiguous story to make this a charming and beautiful tale.

Papo & Yo
Really enjoyed this one as well! I can't relate exactly to the idea of being scared of my monstrous father but I think that we can all draw parallels to something similar in our own lives so I was very touched by the emotions in Papo & Yo. I won't lie; the puzzles and platforming are pretty rudimentary and often don't work too well but that's not really the focus and I'm willing to totally forgive those shortcomings because the narrative and themes steal the show. And the music throughout the game is also sublime. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has access. Don't read the reviews from IGN or Kotaku, I think they got completely the wrong end of the stick.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Finally finished this after chipping away at it over the course of about 2 weeks. Had to take it slow because although it's wonderful I felt it should be a slow burn with plenty of time allowed for things to sink in. I loved pretty much everything about this game! The camera and controls can be tricky to figure out but I'd overcome that by the time the first Colossus was down. And again like Ico the game often gives you very little direction which can be a tad frustrating but ultimately comes across as a positive thing. The only other thing that annoyed me was the fact that both of the small bull/boar Colossi can catch you in an animation loop where they knock you to the ground then hit you again before you can get back up and there's nothing you can do to save yourself, meaning you get sent back to the beginning of the fight. It's not great but it forces you to play better and not get knocked down in the first place.
The music and art-style are gorgeous and I love the juxtaposition between calmly riding Agro across the beautiful oil-painting-looking landscape and the frenetic struggle to take one of the huge beasts down, it's very much a calm before the storm situation. And the fact that each Colossus battle is significantly different from all the others is impressive, despite two of them being almost identical creatures.
I'm a sucker for dark emotional stories so the cognitive dissonance of murdering these majestic giants for purely selfish means sits very well with me. And you're under no illusion that what you're doing is wrong. The Dormin tells you right off the bat that you will pay a terrible price for resurrecting Mono, the music during the fights is often solemn, almost akin to a funereal dirge, the short piece that plays as each Colossus collapses to the ground is hardly triumphant, you can visibly notice Wander's character model becoming more haggard as the game progresses and the inescapable shadows that slam into your body following the death of each Colossus along with the shadow figures surrounding you as you awaken in the Shrine are very obvious signs of your slow descent into darkness.
As the credits rolled over visions of each Colossus lying dead on the ground I couldn't help but feel like I'd made a horrible mistake and this was my punishment. Rarely does a piece of media elicit such a strong emotional response from me and as such I have to hold Shadow of the Colossus up there as one of my favourite gaming experiences of all time.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Suits »

Alex79uk wrote: There's nothing I don't like about it, from the gameplay, to the graphics, the excellent audio and the cheesy sci-fi story, Flashback will always be a 10/10, A+, 5 star game.
Pretty much summed it up for me there with what you just said.

The beeps and chirps of the sensors and doors still sound incredible now.

I always remember back in the day when I first played this, I used to get the Sega Power magazines and occasionally they would come bundled with stickers. I used to cover my little TV with them and once I put a Golden Axe logo in the very corner of the TV screen.

It was months later that I discovered that under that sticker was where the game displayed what item you had equipped, not knowing that that was there masked the idea that you had to use certain things at certain times for me and made it much much harder :oops: .
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Alex79 »

Haha that's brilliant :)

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by martymcfly3004 »

@Alex79uk, what emulator did you use? Thinking of hacking my PSP this weekend.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Alex79 »

Picodrive, I used. It does Mega CD too, I finished Snatcher on it. Seems to work great with the few games I've tried on it. It's supposed to also support 32X roms but I only tried Virtua Racing and I couldn't get it to work.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by AndrewBrown »

Guess I'll do my February update.

Mass Effect (Complete... again)
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS (Complete)
Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void (Beat)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Complete... again)

Another pretty slow month for me. I haven't really been feeling it. I usually get home from work and stare at YouTube until I go to bed. Must be going through a depression or something. Not good.

March will be better.
Catatonic Nali

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Catatonic Nali »

Gone Home
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I spent about 4 hours playing Gone Home in total. Probably around 2.5 hours fully exploring the house, finding all the diaries, reading all the miscellaneous letters, listening to the tapes, taking in the atmosphere and interacting with all the mostly useless items. And then I spent another 90 odd minutes listening to a load of the developer commentaries.
Overall I thought Gone Home was a brilliant experience; nostalgic, touching and very bittersweet. I'm sure most of us can relate to Sam's emotional journey through her relationship with Lonnie because although obviously I've never and will never experience anything exactly like it, it still bears all the hallmarks of a first love and that's incredibly meaningful.
I moved schools a number of times as a child and often had trouble fitting in with new groups of people so I can fully understand the fear of going to a new school where you don't have any friends, being teased for being an outsider and different, meeting one or two people and really glomming onto them. And then the whole process of slowly realising you have feelings for somebody which blooms into something deeper, trying to keep it a secret because your friends won't understand, sneaking around to be together and then the slow degradation of the relationship because first love generally doesn't last too long; all that stuff is very evocative.
Also being someone who partly grew up in the 90s (although born in 85 so I'm quite a lot younger than the teenage characters in Gone Home) I got a huge amount of lovely fuzzy nostalgia for loads of things here. I fondly remember making mixtapes, sticking the VHS player onto long play to fit two films onto a tape, people passing out zines, magic eye pictures, going to local venues to see friend's rock and punk bands etc. Even the erasers and highlighter pens in the game look exactly like the ones we used at school. And when I saw that tv room shelf full of VHS tapes with X-Files episodes recorded onto them it made my heart sing. I've been recently watching through a load of X-Files and I'm lucky enough to own what is probably the ultimate DVD box set of the entire show but when I saw those videos I got a lump in my throat and I had a brief feeling of intense jealousy.
So yeah, I adored Gone Home. It ticks so many boxes and almost feels like it's been specifically designed for me.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Scrustle »

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10/02 - Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition (Normal)
19/02 - Killer Is Dead: Nightmare Edition (Normal)
23/02 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (Prince of Darkness)
25/02 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2: Revelations (Prince of Darkness)
27/02 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Well, I finally did it. After all these years. This is a game that has been my biggest white whale, and has dogged me for pretty much my entire gaming career. Now I can finally cross is off my list.

Now I've got to this point I'm not too sure what to say. What can anyone say about this that hasn't been said already? Well I suppose I can give the perspective of someone who came to the game late, even though I do have familiarity with it from when it was still relatively new. I've owned it on N64, three times on GC (including Master Quest), and now finally finishing it on this Wii U version. I'm in two minds about whether I wanted to post this in the podcast episode thread, but I think I'd rather leave it to people with a closer connection to the game than I do. I'll pitch in on the MM and WW shows for sure though.

But anyway, overall impressions are good. It's obviously a great game that's well deserving of everything people say about it. It's remarkably well-polished for an N64 game too. On the whole it still feels pretty intuitive and responsive, while most games from the era I find to be unbearably clunky going back to them now. I even think the graphics have aged relatively well for the time. Sure, poly counts are low, and textures aren't great, but they're not that bad. Things still look like what they're supposed to for the most part, and I don't find it hard to look at at all.

There are a few areas which I don't think are so great though. There are a few control and graphical issues in some places. The first-person aiming in particular is awful. I've never really liked it in these N64 Zelda games, and time certainly hasn't helped it. The control is way too sensitive, especially on the Y axis, and the lack of a crosshair is incredibly annoying. I've never liked the pre-rendered backgrounds used in some areas either. They're muddy and horrible, and really jarring against the 3D models put on top of them. Of course the audio has somewhat aged due to the limitations of it being an N64 game, but they're not terrible. It's still very clear, and the arrangements are as great as ever. It's just the synthesiser sounds are dated.

All relatively minor complaints on the whole though, as in general it's a great game and still an excellent example of the series. There's definitely a good reason why the series is based around the archetype this game set.

A couple more minor thing; I've never really understood the hate people have for the Water Temple in this game. I've always found it fine. Maybe it requires slightly more thinking than the other temples before then, but it's still far from a hassle. The dungeon I have a problem with is the Fire Temple. I quite often have a bugbear with fire levels in games, and this is yet another example of that. I tend to find these levels just have way too many hazards, and unfairly punishing traps. Like in this game in the Fire Temple there are walls of fire that jump up in front of you everywhere, which can catch you out even if you're being careful. Incredibly annoying. Not to mention being bombed by multiple Fire Keese at the same time.

Since I was playing this on the Wii U I was also using a Wii U Pro Controller. Honestly I don't think that's a great controller for this game. Assigning items to the C stick is kind of fiddly. Since the housing of the stick on the Pro is smooth, it's somewhat hard to make sure you're pointing the thing exactly in the right direction, since the game is kind of picky about it. It's fine on the GC with its gated housing, but playing through it this time I was often pulling out item I didn't intend to, or accidentally going in and out of first-person view. Not the best way to be doing things. That said, I've seen a 3rd party company has just brought out a Pr Controller that looks just like a GC controller. Would have been useful to me here, but I'm thinking of still picking it up later.

Also, if you guys recording the podcast happen to think some of this is worth sticking in the OoT episode, then go ahead. Edit it a bit to make it fit if you want, but I'm fine with whether you decide to include it or not.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by dezm0nd »

Jan 1: Fallout 4
Jan 12: Doom 3: BFG Edition (Veteran)
Jan 16: Doom 3: Ressurection of Evil (Marine)
Jan 17: Doom 3: The Lost Missions
Jan 26: Rise of the Tomb Raider: The witch DLC thing Baba Yaga
Jan 31: Rainbow Six Siege (All operators unlocked)

Feb 12: Monument Valley
Feb 13: Unravel
Feb 13: Until Dawn
Feb 27: Superhot

Superhot is incredibly well made with one gmaeplay minor flaw from what I could tell. It's also only about 2 hours long which surprised me. I'd love to see more content as the scenarios the game puts you in are superb. Top game, just maybe a little over priced?

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by zen_anarchy »

Completed Dying Light on the ps4, after initially struggling to get into this game and finding it rather frustrating I really did like this game once you had opened up some of the higher level perks in the skill tree.

I have done a complete turnaround on my views on this game and now feel its one of the best if not the best open world action rpg on the ps4 far surpassing both farcry series and the recent fallout.

What changed my opinion was playing the game co operatively and having access to the higher perks and equipment, the game is a joy to play with excellent John Carpenter style music and great open world design.

The only real negativity I could point towards the game would be terrible dialogue (but I suppose this works in the sense that 70s/80s zombie films generally have not the best writing), no spoilers but the last boss encounter is utter rubbish and one of the most insane developer decisions I have ever witnessed and doesn't really fit into the open structure of the rest of the game, and the slow first few hours of play where you are very underpowered.

Overall Dying Light (especially it's enhanced edition) is one of the best games I have played on the ps4 and definitely the best co operative multiplayer experience on the Ps4.

second best game of 2015 after Bloodborne (not played the Witcher 3 yet).

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Todinho »

Shadowrun Returns:Hong Kong(PC)- A pretty good CRPG and without a doubt the best of the Shadowrun returns games,actually if you never played a CRPG before this is a great one to start,it still has many of the problems or rather limitations of the previous ones but it's a really solid game overall,the Hong Kong setting and characters helped alot and I really liked it way more then I thought especially because in contrast to Dragonfall you really feel the eastern setting here(especially in the music which was a surprise) where you barely noticed you were in Berlin in Dragonfall. If I have one big problems is probably the decking which added the most annoying mini game I have ever played and made those sections a incredible chore. Other then that though the game's well worth it though and there's even a bonus campaing added while I was playing XCOM 2 :D

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by skidoosh »

Well I've had a pretty productive year on this front so far :D:

Dark Souls (again) did the platinum over xmas and ny
Dark Souls 2: SoTFS (again) almost got the platinum for that
Dear Esther
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Layers of Fear

Currently working on Bioshock: Infinite and Space Marine.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by gallo_pinto »

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Jan - Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3)
Jan - Escape Plan (Vita)
Jan - That Dragon, Cancer (Mac)
Jan - Super Time Force Ultra (Vita)
Jan - Three Fourths Home (Mac)
Jan - A Bird Story (Mac)
Feb - Super Meat Boy (Vita)
Feb - Bastion (Vita)
Feb - Undertale (Mac)
Feb - Zelda: Link’s Awakening (3DS)
Feb - Yo-Kai Watch (3DS)
Feb - Yo-Kai Watch (3DS)

I was reading about how Yo-Kai Watch, its sequel and its corresponding anime are all massive hits in Japan right now so I decided to try and get in on the ground floor when the first game finally came out in the US. It's only a decent RPG, but it's wrapped up in an utterly delightful package. The character designs of the different monsters (called Yo-Kai in the game) are awesome and its attention to detail made the different aspects of Japanese cities come alive. I didn't love the combat, but as a game designed for kids, it was never that challenging.

I would recommend it for anyone who liked Ni No Kuni (it's made by the same developer, Level-5). If anyone wanted to play through Ni No Kuni for the podcast but didn't have the time, this could be a good compromise as it only took me about 20 hours to beat.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Combine Hunter »

Combine Hunter wrote:23/01 - Advance Wars (Wii U)
29/01 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Wii U)
06/02 - SOMA (PC)
10/02 - Deus Ex: Revision (PC)
12/02 - Firewatch (PC)
18/02 - Catherine (PS3)
28/02 - SUPERHOT (PC)

The campaign, that is. Sure I'll be returning to endless mode quite often. Fantastic idea, executed really, really well.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Indiana747 »

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(Jan) Assassins Creed Liberation HD - PSN.
(Jan) Army of Two:The Devils Cartel - PS3.
(Jan) Assassins Creed Freedom Cry - PS4.
(Jan) Alien Breed Episode 2:Assault - XBOX 360.
(Jan) Beyond: Two Souls - PS3.
(Feb) Bastion - XBL.
(Feb) Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate - PSN.
(Feb) Borderlands The Pre-Sequel - PS4.
(Feb) Bloodborne - PS4.
(Feb) Contrast - PS4.
(Feb) Condemned: Criminal Origins - XBOX 360.
(Feb) Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse - PSN.
(Feb) Nihilumbra - PS Vita.

(Feb) Dishonored: Definitive Edition - PS4.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by macstat »

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Jan 2 - Fallout 4
Jan 3 - Assassins Creed Syndicate
Jan 5 - Gunpoint
Jan 7 - CoD - Advanced Warfare campaign
Jan 15 - Mad Max
Jan 16 - Saints Row IV - Gat out of Hell
Jan 20 - Transistor
Jan 23 - Dying Light
Feb 2 - Jazzpunk
Feb 2 - Never Alone
Feb 9 - Guild Wars 2 - leveling every class
March 1 - LEGO pirates of the Caribbean - co-op with my 5y old niece ;)

Guild Wars took a huge chunk of my febuary, also i played a lot of Dragon's Dogma on PC (completion incoming) and of course LEGO games ;)
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