The videogame music thread

Here's where you can discuss and share music from videogames

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Lokhe »

Alright, James just done did it! (think it was him?)

DS3 music is awesome but the best boss music is not Nameless King (fight me!), it's Abyss Watchers! :D

This piece works so wonderfully with the moves of the actual boss. The large sweeping arcs of fire and steel, like a brush that paints a story of sacrifice and brotherhood. The desperation can be felt in the strings and the lamentation of the choir invokes the end of a long road traveled.

It perfectly embodies what Dark Souls 3 means to the series as a whole and, in my opinion, tops off what is a thoroughly amazing soundtrack.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Flabyo »

You only need to put the part after v= into the tag.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Good Shot Janson »

Note: I tend to rant, you folks at C&R may abridge or discard the following as you see fit.

I'm just going to come out and say it. Hideo Kojima makes soap operas. Yes we have him to thank for pretty much the entire stealth action genre...but did he have to include love stories, character drama, exhaustive dialogue, an anime poses? (I'm looking at you Ocelot. You could have been such an interesting character.) Kojima's ego and his propensity for telling outrageous, emotional stories has shot him in the foot time and again, culminating on the trainwreck that was MGS5. Gameplay wise that was a solid 9/10. The god awful "story" lead to my copy being ejected and snapper in twine. This all started to go off the rails with MGS2. Thankfully, the folks at ubisoft (a phrase that probably won't be uttered anytime soon, mind you) stepped in with a cold platter of fish(er). Splinter Cell was everything MGS was not. It was a true espionage game grounded in reality. While the first two games were great mechanically, they were ultimately forgettable. Not so with Chaos Theory, undoubtedly one of the finest games on the original Xbox. Top notch graphics, an engaging story, and a combat knife were only the tip of the iceberg. Phenomenal co-op (local as well as online) and a radical, asymmetric multiplayer rounded out one of gaming's all time greatest values. Chaos theory was greater than the sum Of it's parts, but it's parts were pretty amazing on their own. What really took Chaos Theory above and beyond, however, was its score. French Drum n' Bass composer Amon Tobin manages to arrange a chaotic (honestly, no pun intended), aggressive, borderline avant garde score...the most unlikely soundscape for a game about covert intelligence gathering....but here's the thing: it works. The score pulls you in and gives you that all important feeling of urgency, as well as the idea that you may not be completely in control of your situation. It was a hard choice, each song from this score being unique and enjoyable. So much so that I, being a record whore, own the album on vinyl. This is Ruthless (Reprise) by Amon Tobin from 2005's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. I eagerly await this series' return to form.


Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Jesus_Phish »

Hello everyone, first time poster here finally getting around to posting.

I'd like to submit this track from Campo Santos Firewatch. The track, by Chris Remo, captures everything I enjoyed about that soundtrack and game. It's simple and rhythmic and like many of the songs on the soundtrack is sneaks in a recurring theme that leaves you with a sense of dread and worry. There's almost a jaunty nature to it until suddenly it starts to pick up tempo and introduce new elements. When the soundtrack and game originally released and the nights where still long I enjoyed putting it on for my walk home through the city. It gives me the feeling that I'm being stalked by a secret that's about to unravel.

The track is Stay in your Tower and Watch.

Dingle Dongle

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Dingle Dongle »

Lokhe wrote:Alright, James just done did it! (think it was him?)

DS3 music is awesome but the best boss music is not Nameless King (fight me!), it's Abyss Watchers! :D
Abyss Watchers was a great theme but there's no denying the best of the DS3, and that is the Lothric Princes.
Not since Gwyn have I had to step back (metaphorically) and think about how far I had come. And when I killed the Younger Prince for the first time, I felt shivers.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by fieldy »

Apologies if this has already been submitted but I'd like to add the following:

Streets of Rage 2 - Go straight, Composed by Yuzo Koshiro this track gives me fond memories of hours spent trying to beat this game on a friends mega drive - I also love the way that this reflects the early 90's house / rave scene really well - Enjoy!


Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Todinho »

Like I said on the Games Completed thread I finnished FF7 for the first time and the soundtrack really blew me away,honestly you could name any track of the game and I would probably like it but these are just a few that really got me:

One of the stronger character moments of the game and also one of the quiter ones but it really sums up Red XIII arc,sorrow and loneliness followed by discovery and new found determination I love it :D

The Weapon theme,I really didnt know how to feel about these giant godzilla monsters when they are revealed in the game but the moment they appear and this theme played I was sold

This is probably my favorite song in the entire game,it's abit of a weird one but this is the theme that plays on the world map in the second half of the game,it replaces the grand main theme that plays in the fist half with this somber music that just gives you a feeling of dread and hopelessness ,I honestly stopped for a minute when it started playing and it's a perfect tone setter for what's happening in the game.

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by xbenblasterx »

EVE Online

Eve Online is a game I've tried and failed to play on multiple occasions. I've always been attracted to the sandbox universe open to endless possibilities, but Eve Online is not a game you play, it's a game you Live . But despite throwing in the towel time after time, I've always walked away from the game with more than a few positive memories. One of these being Eve Online's truly superb soundtrack.

The whole soundtrack perfectly encapsulates the vast emptiness of space, the thrill of discovery and the fear of losing a ship you spent months building in a matter of seconds. This particular track 'Below the Asteroids' is my personal favorite. When ever I think of Eve, I always think of the music. ... 705FE7676F
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

Don't know if its been mentioned in the thread yet, but have you guys thought about approaching Smooth McGroove to do a show?
He seems like a lovely chap and would bring enough music to fill a eho Ie show.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by ratsoalbion »

I haven't approached him but, as you say, he does seem like a nice guy (plus I love his cat).

Not sure if he'd have time for us given his enormous number of subscribers but if an opening presents itself I will ask him.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by seansthomas »

Captain Toad's theme

I'm playing Treasure Tracker at the moment and its a lovely little diversion. One thing Nintendo have always excelled at is making music that suits their character's personality. The theme to Treasure Tracker is another great example.

On the one hand, grandiose and rousing. On the other, cute and inconsequential.


Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Mononoke »

Heyo everybody, this is my first time posting on the forum even though I've been listening to Cane and Rinse and Sound of Play for many good years now. Not sure how much I'll be frequenting it as life can be pretty busy but I'd at the very least love to contribute to the music roster of Sound of Play with a few of my favourite video game pieces.

Firstly I'm pretty sure based just on memory that tracks from both of these games have been on the show before but I'm hopefully picking out different tracks in my choices. If I've repeated anything, there's always next time I guess.

So, there are many pieces from a wide variety of games that I could throw out as suggestions but I'll stick with just two to start off with. The first is 'Naia' from Brothers by Gustaf Grefberg, one of my favourite video games and video game soundtracks combined. There are many great tracks to choose from as a result, but the reason I have chosen 'Naia' is for its piercing melody sung by (what I'm assuming is) a child to a vocal level that sends proverbial tingles down my spine. This is then followed by a string-based response echoing the main theme in all its moving glory. The resonance of this piece is increased tenfold when you know what scene this music accompanies - and without delving into spoiler territory lets just say its an emotionally powerful moment in the game that is one of the defining moments in all of gaming for me personally. It's a beautiful yet at the same time haunting piece.

Second up is another of my favourite video games and video game soundtrack combinations (they really go hand in hand) - Shadow of the Colossus. Half of the reason this game really works is the music I think which elevates the already spectacular and singular 'boss battles' that make up the core of the game to even greater heights (pun completely intended). My chosen track is 'Revived Power' by Kow Otani, definitely my favourite of the 'pumping' type of battle music in the game. It's used in a few of the encounters if I remember correctly and always set my heart to stirring with exhilaration and excitement as I am scaling these mighty and majestic foes as the merciless Wander. It captures the grandeur and yes, epic nature of the fights with its orchestral clout without being too bombastic either in a way only SOTC's soundtrack can.

So, those are my picks for now and I hope you enjoy them! I'll be sure to post more in the future.

Oh, I appear to have failed at embedding youtube videos in my post - I'm afraid I'm woefully inexperienced at the most basic of tasks such as this. It has been a loooong time since I frequented a forum after all. Perhaps someone could explain to me where I went wrong or a moderator fix the links.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by ratsoalbion »

Welcome along Mononoke, thanks for posting and requesting!

To post a vid all you need is the wee bit after the 'v=' on a YouTube link (between the tags as you've done).
I think it's the extra gubbins after that that confused your initial post.

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Yacobg42 »

Although still very recent, I think the writing's on the wall that the new Doom will be something of a landmark game. A lot of the game's charm and clear difference from other shooters released in the past few years comes from its sense of momentum and primacy. It strips down all the fluff of other shooters- reloading, cover, virtually everything else that doesn't include fast-paced murder- replacing it with a thirst for blood that's almost impossible to resist.

Adding to this sense of primacy is the music. Mick Gordon really seems to be tapping into the same kind of animal-brain one experiences in the kill rooms of Doom with a metal soundtrack that's incredibly technical and impressive while simultaneously as raw and foreboding as the ancient evil within this Doom's version of Hell. In videos, Gordon talks about reducing sound to its basest components and running it through various devices to corrode it; listening to the soundtrack, this seems to have had the result of releasing whatever demons lived in those old synths.

The track I've picked is called "BFG Division." I think it best encapsulates all that nonsense that I just wrote, and boy oh boy, when that screaming solo comes in I get chills. I rarely ever listen to metal, but this is something special.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by JaySevenZero »

Just a quick post to say thanks for all you folks that are taking the time to post suggestions - keep 'em coming! :)

Nice to see that this thread is convincing a fair share of you to take the plunge and post on the forum for the first time too!
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by macstat »

Since Witcher season is upon us its good time to go back to its soundtrack ;)

One of my favorite (besides those that were posted already) is The Fields of Ard Skellig. I just love listening to this. It really has this feel of huge open space, freedom, wind blowing from the sea while you're climbing cold mountains of Skellige islands. At the same time it has a tone of longing in it that makes you think about things of the past. Or maybe im just crazy ;)

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by ratsoalbion »

You may enjoy such podcasts as Sound of Play 29! ... c-podcast/
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by macstat »

Oh wow how did i missed that ?! Thanks !

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Tamachan87 »

First time poster, and newcomer to Sound of Play (although it has quickly become a daily routine to listen to at work).

My submission is from Ristar - a game that has a very interesting history spanning the beginning and the end of the MegaDrive's lifecycle. Composed by the legendary Tomoko Sasaki, this level 1 tune (along with every level in this game) perfectly encaptures the whole theme of the game and the level. A medium paced tempo with a bouncy almost waltz like beat, Dancing Leaves is a wonderful introduction to a wonderful game. An often overlooked gem due to being released around the same time as the fancy new Sega Saturn, I whole heartedly recommend this game to anyone who like 2D platformers and the music to anyone with one ear or more.


Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by lessthantv »

Another first time poster here, seems to be a common occurence in this thread :)

I've finally finished working my way through all the existing Sound of Play episodes and thought it was about time to register and make a request or two.

A couple of the games I was planning to request have already had tracks played from them (namely Bust A Groove and Vib Ribbon), but kudos to you for playing them, people I talk to generally have never heard of those games, much less the soundtracks.

I have several things in mind but i'll start off with this one:

Certain music has the ability to transport you back to a specific time and place, and for me this is a prime example of that. Whenever I hear this song, i'm transported back to being a teenager and to breaking up from school for the xmas holidays and rushing home to play this game. Sitting in my room, while it snowed outside, completely wrapped up in this game.

The game in question is a slightly unusual one because it's from CAVE (yes that cave) but instead of being a brutal bullet hell shooter, it's an arcade style, rather wacky snowboarding game. I am of course talking about Steep Slope Sliders on the Sega Saturn, a game not many people seemingly bought, but from the first time I played a demo of it on one of the Sega Saturn Magazine demo disks, I knew I had to own it.

It was a pretty easy game and it didn't take long to unlock everything but there was hours of fun to be had, trying to beat your high scores whilst throwing yourself down the mountain as an alien on a snowboard (or weirder still, a UFO!). The soundtrack was mostly electronic music, but there were also two vocal tracks included, which despite the slightly questionable engrish lyrics, have become two of my favorite pieces of videogame music ever. A bit of googling revealed the artist for this track as being a group? called 'Nap on Mondy' who i'm guessing may be in house as I found no mention of them outside this soundtrack.

Apologies for the rambling introduction, my request is 'Hold Me Close' by Nap on Mondy from the Steep Slope Sliders soundtrack.

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