Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by seansthomas »

Stanshall wrote: July 7th, 2017, 7:56 pm Also been playing a bit of GoNNER, it's not quite gripped me yet but I've got a big flight coming up and I've kind of put it to one side to give it a proper go then.

I also got Bulb Boy off the US eShop, cost about eight quid, actually quite interesting and atmospheric. I've not played anything quite like it on Switch so I'm happy it's found its place. Kind of a point and click game, creepy aesthetic but also a bit goofy.

Continuing the theme, I've also been getting into Cave Story, and for the first time. Very very charming game, lovely pacing and gorgeous music. Again, I'm saving it because I can feel I'll soak it up when I have a few hours to myself.

I'm still playing ARMS, too. Unfortunately, having played a load in local multiplayer last weekend, it's kind of killed my interest in Ranked online. It's just not as fun against randos over the phone lines. Party Mode is actually more my bag now, good variety, quick matches, twenty minutes and play something else. I wish I had a mate who was halfway decent at it.

But by far the biggest use of my downtime has been Forza Horizon 3. What a flipping game that is.
Must be able to get a C&R ARMS night up and running...

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

Just started playing Resident Evil 7 and Im absolutelly in love with it! I was starting to have doubts at the very beginning of the game but soon enough you're alone in a mansion and the game kicks into full gear, also just in the beginning moments Jack Backer is already a better and more memorable character then anyone in RE6, also from what I've seen so far the game seems to for go regular enemies and only have these mini bosses which Im totally fine with if they can continue to be creative with their use. The first person perspective works very well I have no complaints on that and in every other way it's a classic Resident evil game through and through, I know Im still at the beginning so the game might shit the bed later on but so far it's been everything I wanted very happy with it.

PS: really digging the save room them =D, not gonna lie almost teared up when I realised there was one.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by deacon05oc »

I decided to pick up the Return to Arkham remaster because I wanted to revisit Arkham Asylum but not have to hook up my Xbox 360. I remembered everything I loved about that game and decided to revisit the Arkham series. So now I will have to hook up the 360 since Arkham Origins isn't available for current gen, and pick up a Arkham Knight again. Only thing I, not messing with is Origins Blackgate cause that game sucks.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by seansthomas »

deacon05oc wrote: July 9th, 2017, 2:57 pm I decided to pick up the Return to Arkham remaster because I wanted to revisit Arkham Asylum but not have to hook up my Xbox 360. I remembered everything I loved about that game and decided to revisit the Arkham series. So now I will have to hook up the 360 since Arkham Origins isn't available for current gen, and pick up a Arkham Knight again. Only thing I, not messing with is Origins Blackgate cause that game sucks.
Haven't played Knight but preferred Origins to City. Asylum is by far my favourite though. Spiderman looks like it's a good move on of this series's formula.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

I started Until Dawn last night because I want to finish it before the podcast. When I say started I mean I played the opening 15 minutes before I got too tired and went to sleep! What a brilliant intro though. Had no idea what was going on then it cuts to the [spoiler?] and you have to [spoiler?] the [spoilers?] that the [spoiler?] asks you. Very cleverly done I thought. That's as far as I got though. Looking forward to getting in to it properly.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Chopper »

Until Dawn is a very fun game, hope you enjoy it.

After humming and hah-ing for quite a while, I bought the early access Factorio on Steam yesterday evening. Looking at it today it says, 8.9 hours played. That can't be right surely, though when I looked at the clock after figuring out a pretty fiendish production line problem, it was 2am :oops:

Just playing it in sandbox mode at the moment, with the critters set to Peaceful. It is very moreish.

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

Thought I'd give Tokyo 42 a try, and I'm not hugely impressed.

Everything is so small that it's very hard to tell what's going on (the font choice on some screens is so small as to be unreadable at more than 2 paces from the tv...), and it feels far slower in pace to play than I'd been expecting.

Oh well, can't win em all.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

So I started up Madhouse difficulty on RE7 and boy does it change things up alot, it's not only a harder mode with less resources and tougher enemies, it's also the arrange mode of the classic games meaning that alot of itens are no longer where you thought they were which ends up changing how you progress through the game quite abit especially at the start and lastlly this difficulty also introduces the old ink ribbon save system meaning limited saves and honestly I kinda of feel the game was made with that save system in mind but they pulled it from the other difficulties because it fell out of fashion. But yeah Im really enjoying this mode I thought replaying it wouldnt be as fun because the set pieces wouldnt be new and the start of the game is a bit slow but with the arrange mode I had to adapt in how to tackle the game and the combat now is alot more tense, so yeah pretty fun.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by brazenhead89 »

I'd been going off games for a while; had a 70-hour save and some months-long progress into Breath of the Wild, and though it's an astonishing game, I can't really bring myself to finish it. I feel like I've gotten my money's worth, but finding some of the 'memories' is difficult, and from day one I set out to find as many shrines as I could. The issue with this is that I've found 102 temples, 6 of the 12 memories, and now am fighting my fourth Divine Beast. Basically, it's all gone lop-sided; once I defeat the beast, scouring the whole continent for 6 memories and a measly 18 temples is going to be a needle in a haystack job.
So I started The Witcher 3; excellent game, only now I can see myself in the Zelda situation all over again or, on the flip-side, simply not having enough time to get as much out of it as I want.
It occurred to me that I couldn't enjoy some of the most astonishing games I'd played in years and so maybe I needed a break from games.

Then I picked up Terraria for £2.70.

It's more colossal than either of the previous two games, but I find it puts me in a state of zen. Late at night, wrapped in a duvet, the rain beating on the windows, I just hadn't felt more at home with a game in years. And though I know there's tons to explore, even on a smaller map, it doesn't feel like I need to rush anything. Sure, there's conflict and danger, but it's intent on having you learn and explore more than anything, and finding random hidden treasures and slowly improving my character just feels so artfully balanced. I imagine once I go back to Zelda and The Witcher 3, both will put me into a more relaxed mindset where I'm just not so worried about progress or success and more on simply spending time in their world.

Terraria made me love games again, and it cost me £2. Brilliant.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Oh I've lost entire days to Terraria before now. I have it for Vita, and it's so easy to just keep mining. "I'll just clear this bit. Oooh what's that? Ok I'll just get that too. Hang on what's that sparkling over there? I'll just get that...." It's so compulsive, but I couldn't tell you if I actually enjoyed it!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

I've not been re-playing Viva Pinata: TiP with a newly purchases Xbox Live Vision Camera for 50p so that I can hoover up the remaining achievements for Rare Replay.


Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by kintaris »

dezm0nd wrote: July 11th, 2017, 8:40 pm I've not been re-playing Viva Pinata: TiP with a newly purchases Xbox Live Vision Camera for 50p so that I can hoover up the remaining achievements for Rare Replay.

I can vouch for this. Definitely didn't send him a fancy Doenut in the Pinata post yesterday.

(I bought a cam for the same reason. Mine cost me a whopping £1.75)

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by SnakeyDave »

I went back to Furi. I'd been a little stuck on the 4th boss and put it down ages ago. Flew through 4,5,6,7, and 8 yesterday though. On the last one now.

It's definitely a bit clunky and visually incoherent. The 8th boss is particularly annoying as it's easy to lose track of which character is you and which is the boss at some points. It's a shame because I love the mirror opponent trope in these games - Vergil, Jeanne, whoever that dude is in Bayonetta 2- and half of the fun is it looking cool, which gets undermined here. They should be clearly similar but visually distinct and that gets lost here.

I love a good block/ counter system though so easily forgiven. Good fun, but not for the easily frustrated.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by James »

I ran into a wall with the 2nd boss and never went back. Kept making silly mistakes, and didn't have the will to keep battering my head against it. Shame, because I really liked Furi in almost every regard. I just wasn't up to it.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by SnakeyDave »

That is a shame. Tried the lower difficulty?

I found changing the control type helps. Dodge is on L2, block on L1, hit on R1. You never need to move your hands off the right stick, which gives those fractions of sections you need. Headphones or whacking the volume up is really useful too. The white flash is usually clear but can get lost sometimes, but the sound is really distinct. Paying attention to that made me able to hit so many more of the blocks.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by James »

I honestly can't remember if I did and still couldn't manage it or if I was too bullish to change it. ;-)

Fully intend to go back to it, to see Furi on a 4K screen if nothing else. I'll definitely look into the controls when I do; thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

I keep thinking I’m getting near the end of Horizon Zero Dawn and then finding that I’m not.

I’ll definitely get to the end this week, surely.

(Still enjoying it a lot, though it does feel like my obsession with doing every quest I find might be dragging it out too much)
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

Furi was great, I remember playing it last summer I think when it was a free game on PSN.

I've recently got my GameCube back out and have been enjoying that, along with the GameBoy Player add on.

I'm currently playing through Metroid Prime and am enjoying that quite a lot. The single analogue stick control feels dated and odd but feels so right at the same time.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Suits wrote: July 17th, 2017, 7:50 pm I've recently got my GameCube back out and have been enjoying that, along with the GameBoy Player add on.

I'm currently playing through Metroid Prime and am enjoying that quite a lot. The single analogue stick control feels dated and odd but feels so right at the same time.
See, now that's what I like to read.

Good man, thumbs up, have fun!

Metroid Prime's original control scheme is indeed highly idiosyncratic yet wonderfully functional in its own way. And the Wii version manages to smooth out the learning curve somewhat without watering down the experience, which is quite a feat in and of itself.

In fact, I think that these unique control schemes are very much adding to the charm of the classic titles of past generations, in contrast to the stark standardization of the industry in recent years. Retroactively unconventional does not mean clunky. But there are enough who disagree with me on that.

The 6th Gen really was the sweet spot in terms of budget and creativity, wasn't it? Makes me all melancholic to think about it...
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by chase210 »

Final Fantasy XII remaster is a proper good un.
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