Space Invaders

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Space Invaders

Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can leave your thoughts regarding Space Invaders for possible inclusion in the podcast when it's recorded.
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Re: 320: Space Invaders

Post by Spacefarer »

Space Invaders is one of those games that I keep in my back pocket. My first memory of it was when I was out with my dad somewhere, and we found an original cabinet. Sadly, I was far too small to even reach the controls. The first time I properly played it was on PlayStation 2, with Space Invaders Anniversary, which I got from sending my game idea to the game's publisher. Since then it's become one of my absolute favourite games. Despite its simplicity (and maybe because of it), it always ends up being a good time...and it's great for bonding with my dad, too.

It's not for nothing that Space Invaders has become the de facto symbol of video games.
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Re: 320: Space Invaders

Post by duskvstweak »

I had a copy of the Gameboy edition of Space Invaders when I was younger, but it got the most playtime on the Super Nintendo with the Super Gameboy add-on. A big reason for this was that it brought people around the TV, yelling and vying for their turn. I missed out on the big arcade scene, but this felt relatively close to that experience. However, it's also the cause of those SNES controllers being tossed and thrown in anger, as I'm not sure I've ever found a game that can make so many people angry so fast. Even Tetris, when it's moving at extreme speeds, leaves me with a giddy acceptance of my loss, but watching your ship explode in Space Invaders pressed all the right buttons for walking away in rage.
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Re: 320: Space Invaders

Post by Spacefarer »

Out of curiosity, is the Super Game Boy version the same game as the SNES "Original Game" cartridge? 'Cause that's another version I've played quite a lot of.

Speaking of versions, worth mentioning is the 1999 Activision-published game. I spent a lot of time with that game before playing Anniversary. It's a very different experience, but it's a lot of fun even though I've played through it a bunch of times already.
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Re: 320: Space Invaders

Post by Workyticket »

My earliest memories of Space Invaders are mainly of the Atari 2600 version, this and the fantastic Asteroids conversion giving me my first realization that you could legitimately have an arcade game in the home. Nowadays it's more a legacy piece and doesn't hold up gameplay-wise as well as other games of the time, but that pounding, superficially monotonous but sneakily musical soundtrack still stands as one of game sound design's most important early achievements.

I also have to give a shout-out to the superb Space Invaders Extreme, which felt so much like what might happen if you gave Space Invaders to Jeff Minter, they actually brought him on for the Xbox Live Arcade version. Still one of the shining examples of how to do a remake well.
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Re: Our next podcast recording (19.5.18) - 320: Space Invaders

Post by Simonsloth »

Space invaders holds an interesting place in my heart. Notably it is the arcade game I have played the most but even more poignantly it’s Important to me because it nearly stopped me from being born!

Around the time my mother and father met they went away on holiday to the French coast around about the time of the 70s space invaders craze. This was ill timed to say the least as rather than wooing my mother my dad spent the majority of his time playing space invaders in the nearby cafe. This was a relationship in its infancy so offers of breakfast in bed were a natural part of early romance. However proposed early morning trips to the Boulangerie or patisserie were actually excuses to head to the arcade machine with his friend who was on the same holiday. Fortunately just before my mum’s patience had been completely exhausted my dad topped the score boards (something he boasts about even now). Thus they ended up getting married and thankfully I was created. If this were a back to the future film all anyone would have to do would be to set a higher score than my father could attain and I would vanish from existence.

My Dad is one of those people that wouldn’t describe himself as a gamer in the traditional sense but in the right environment he gets hooked. So on every family holiday the bleeps and bloops of the space invaders machine would end up in a score attack contest amongst my dad, my brother and I. Aside from turrican this is probably the only game I can put my hands up and say my dad is better at than me.

Admittedly the home version of the game can only hold my attention for a few minutes but put me on a family holiday in an arcade and it’ll turn into a competition complete with heckling and obvious cheating. Fantastic.
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Re: Our next podcast recording (19.5.18) - 320: Space Invaders

Post by Alex79 »

Three word review: Better left remembered.
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Re: Our next podcast recording (19.5.18) - 320: Space Invaders

Post by Flabyo »

I’m not quite old enough for this to have been my first experience of a video game, that would be either Galaxians or Scramble.

I never much liked it as a kid as a result, I’d already played better stuff and even only a couple of years later it seemed pretty dated compared to everything else in the arcade. The pace the tech moved at then was insane, things that were impossible one quarter would be passe by the end of the next quarter.

It’s an important game, but I suspect that if it hadn’t come along, something else would’ve and that would’ve had the popularity this had. We were at that confluence of tech and culture where video game arcade machines were going to be a thing, whoever it was that struck big first.

(Oh, and that “caused a shortage of 100 yen coins” thing is a complete myth. Did people think the arcade owners were leaving them all in the machines? No, they would be taking them all straight to the bank... all $600 million of them)

Re: Our next podcast recording (22.5.18) - 320: Space Invaders

Post by Clarkey »

Hi guys! Being 27 i well and truly missed the boat, the only time i played space invaders, was on ridge racer. having said that! It was 2014 and I had the offer to buy the arcade cab. It wasn't working, but the cab itself had charm. It was art, beautiful its a taito cab. Complete with fag burns, in other words charecter. Two years past and i finally decided to fix it.

After a huge learning curve, and paying for help. Alas she was working. Once those lights fired up, pure beauty. The illuminated moon is one of the most spectacular things ive seen in any arcade.

If im honest I don't think I would play this game today, but with the cab, i find myself playing every day. Even if for while. And anyone who comes over can't resist a go. A testament to a game thats 40 years old amazing.

But for me the real star is not the game, It's the arcade cab. Game play was simple so you had to attract a player. And oh boy did space invaders do that
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Re: Our next podcast recording (22.5.18) - 320: Space Invaders

Post by ratsoalbion »

Thanks for the post Clarkey!

That's not Space Invaders on Ridge Racer though, that's Namco's Galaxian!
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Re: Our next podcast recording (22.5.18) - 320: Space Invaders

Post by Spacefarer »

Just gonna drop in my three-word review:

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Re: Our next podcast recording (22.5.18) - 320: Space Invaders

Post by Cornelius_Smiff »

3 Word review:

That Sound Design!
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