June 2019

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June 2019

Post by JaySevenZero »

Did you know that the Egyptians built their calendar around the Nile River?

They divided their calendar up into three seasons. Akhet, or inundation, was considered the first season and was the time of the flooding of the Nile. The other two seasons were Peret, the growing season, and Shemu, the harvest season.

You can learn interesting facts such as this by playing Assassin's Creed Origins, but if you'd like to hear how each of the team got involved with Cane and Rinse then you'll listen to our latest exclusive monthly podcast instead!

June's Monthly podcast
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Re: June 2019

Post by Alex79 »

Just listening to the Amiga episode now, about halfway through. It's fantastic, great job everyone, really enjoying it! I've never heard Chris before, and I love him, got to listen to Sauage Factory now. He reminds me of one of my favourite comedians - Simon Munnery. Just the way he rambles, he's so listenable to. All guests did a great job though, as always.

EDIT: And there you go, you mentioned Jesus On Es! What a fantastic effort that was. I was kicking myself for not mentioning it in my post, but I remember listening to that over and over and over.
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Re: June 2019

Post by Simonsloth »

It’s really very good. It’s the best console special yet and potentially the best slice of cane and Rinse to date!

I’d love to hear (perhaps on the Patreon show) the individual thoughts of a few of the other team members who didn't make it onto the Console Special podcast itself. You can’t have everyone on but I’m a big fan of the team as a whole so any extra snippets would be more than welcome.
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Re: June 2019

Post by ratsoalbion »

Thank you for the kind words.

Other than Karl, I think we had everyone on the show from the squad who had anything to say about the Amiga.
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Re: June 2019

Post by Jobobonobo »

Just got around to listening to this one. The section where everyone is recommending their favourite LPs and general Youtube stuff reminds me of one of the best Let's Plays I ever came across. Since Ryan mentioned Diabeetus and Slowbeef, their playthrough of the entirety of Sonic 06 is just an absolute delight. Great commentary, laughs, tears, frustration and awe at the absolute mess this game is. No one else has done such a job at capturing just how hilariously bad Sonic 06 is. Here is a link to the entire playlist:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 6DPflyWoY8
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