Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

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Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Alex79 »

As per the title - what are your top five Pixar feature films?

Specifically Pixar though, so no solo Disney films like Wreck It Ralph etc. and we're just talking full length movies here.

If your memory needs a jog, have a look at this.

So, my top five?

1. Toy Story 3

Toy Story is a phenomenon, the merchandise alone means you can't walk down any high street in Britain without seeing a Woody shirt or a Buzz lunchbox for sale. My kids love the series, and this is my favorite of all four films. I think it's a hugely satisfying end to the toys tale (remember Toy Story 4 wasn't even being considered at the time), and there's a scene at the end that genuinely brings a tear to my eye. It's not the scene where Andy gives his toys away, it's when Woody and pals are on the conveyor belt, heading towards the furnace, and they all realise there's no point struggling any more, and link arms as they face their inevitable death in such a moving and dignified way. It's just incredible film making, regardless of the fact it's animation. I saw this film 3 times at the cinema, and it remains the only film I've ever been to see more than once.

2. Monsters Inc.

I just think this is a wonderfully scripted, genuinely funny story that I can watch over and over again. It's got a truly dislikable bad guy, a great buddy-up double act as our hero's and the animation on some of those monsters is amazing.

3. Ratatouille

Another genuinely laugh out loud comedy. A film that makes you cheer on a rat, full of awesome visuals and a world of imagination. Remy is a great character, and his story arc from rattish food stealer to the world's greatest chef is a perfect underdog does good tale.

4. Soul

It helps that I love the soundtrack, part of which was written by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, but I really like the story, too. The world it creates is amazing, if I could visit one place right now it'd be New Orleans, so I'm a sucker for anything set in that neck of the woods. But it's also a heartwarming story of an underachiever who gets his big break, only to have it dashed away - for a bit.

5. Coco

As decent as the story is, much like Soul it's the world that pulls me in to this one. I love the Mexican day-of-the-dead festival setting and I think the film looks absolutely incredible. Killer soundtrack again, too.

So that's my top five. Obviously I love all the other Toy Story films too, and I'm a big fan of the Monsters Inc. sequel. Onward and Luca are also really good recent films, but I've not seen them enough yet. There's a few Pixar movies that would never get anywhere near my top 5 though. I'm really not a fan of the Cars series, and although I may be chased out of town, I can't stand Up either.

On the whole though, Pixar still seems to be the hallmark of quality that it was 25 years ago. Long may it continue!
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by markfm007 »

Haven't seen them all but I'll give this a go! I'm a bit behind on the more recent ones so I'm biased to the earlier ones.

1) Toy Story 2 - I've seen all the Toy Story films bar 4 and I've enjoyed them all. 2 is my favourite, saw it as a child and loved it. The new characters are great, it's very funny, and has a lovely message about appreciating the time you have.

2) Monsters Inc - I've loved this since I was a kid too. Mike and Sully have great chemistry, the relationship between Sully and Boo is very sweet and touching, and the monster world is a fun one to be in, great parody of office dynamics.

3) Wall-E - Haven't seen this one in ages but I remember it being excellent. It's a simple but very direct message about environmental destruction, corporate power etc, but works well because you're discovering it through the eyes of this little robot, and the relationship between Wall-E and Eve is superb. I need to watch it again!

4) Toy Story 3 - It was really nice watching this as an adult and loving it, while also having fond memories of the original 2. My experience watching it was in sync with the message of the film. Lovely film as you say, it's not quite as good as 2 for me but it's close, and the last scene is the perfect end to the trilogy. I'm not sure I'll watch the fourth for that reason.

5) Inside Out - This one is a bit inconsistent for me but as a whole I really like it and how it explores emotions, how you handle them and reflect on your memories, how repressing your emotions can make you feel numb etc.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by ReprobateGamer »

So my five would be:

1) Wall-E
This was immediately one of my all time favourites movies. The opening sections are a masterpiece in setting the story without exposition (even though they cheat it a little ...) and the characters of Wall-E and Eve are wonderful.

2) The Incredibles
I love the idea of the super hero family trying to be normal and to deal with a world that is, largely mediocre. The art and audio design captures that retro feel perfectly and it didn't attempt to be too clever (unlike the sequel)

3) Monster's Inc
Another fleshed out world that is just the right side of parody. The dynamic between Mike, Sully and Boo is delightful.

4) Toy Story 2
I keep flicking between 2 and 3 here but for all the strength of the furnace and final goodbye, I think Toy Story 2 just has a more consistent approach and allows time for all of it's primary characters to have their moment.

5) Soul
This had originally been Up but honestly I think that I'm biased towards the opening there, before it loses it's way a little. Soul remains true to it's central theme (and you don't have literal dog-fights ...), it takes a more thoughtful approach and I think is worthy addition to the Pixar catalogue.

I think once I finish my current timeline order viewing of the MCU, that I may have to revisit the Pixar films ...
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Seph »

1. Toy Story
One of the most important films ever made. I was blown away the first time I saw this and it should be the template of how to write a screenplay, as it's the perfect length and everything hits the mark. The cast is fantastic and it's still incredible to look at today.

2. Toy Story 2
This is how you follow up one of the best animated films ever. It builds on the world created in the first film and adds characters that aren't just bolted on for the sake of it. Probably more fun than the original, but that one just about edges it for historical reasons.

3. Toy Story 3
I mean, just see above really. But this one goes for a stronger emotional feel that has been earned. The final sequence is perfect. Without any irony, I would place this as the best trilogy ever made.

4. Toy St....no, Up
The opening alone places this highly, but I think the whole story and character development blows away similar films, especially live action ones. Ed Asner (who died recently) knocks it out of the park. Again, it does everything it needs to do in 90 minutes. Take note Disney live-action division!

Pixar really know how to open a film, don't they? And have a message in their films, especially in an era when robots were only used to have massive fights. This should have been in contention for best film at the Oscars (as should have Dark Knight, but that's another story), if not the outright winner.

Honestly, it's easier to list the worst Pixar films, as there really aren't that many.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Truk_Kurt »

1. Toy Story
2. Toy Story 3
3. Monsters Inc
4. Monsters University
5. Ratatouille

Was anyone else really disappointed with Toy Story 4? One of my least favourite Pixar films.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Alex79 »

Truk_Kurt wrote: September 3rd, 2021, 2:50 pm 1. Toy Story
2. Toy Story 3
3. Monsters Inc
4. Monsters University
5. Ratatouille

Was anyone else really disappointed with Toy Story 4? One of my least favourite Pixar films.
I really liked Toy Story 4, although I'd agree it's the weakest of the series (I'd still give it an 8 or a 9 out of 10 though). I'm not sure if my view is slightly tainted due to the fact it was the first film we took the kids to the cinema to see, and they really loved it, having spent the previous 3/4 years growing up watching the original trilogy. I'd say I still enjoy watching it at home too, though.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by KissMammal »

I don't get the Toy Story 4 hate. I was very skeptical going in, but I thought they managed to craft a story that found new ideas and new things to say in the same old concept. My only criticism was that it was maybe a little overstuffed with new characters.

My Top 5 would basically be Toy Story 1, 3, 2 then 4 with Up rounding out at 5. I also have a soft spot for Monsters Inc, Wall-E and A Bug's Life, but I find Finding Nemo and The Incredibles to both be a little overrated, and Inside Out and Onward left me completely cold. Haven't seen Coco, Luca, Brave, Soul, The Good Dinosaur or any of the Cars movies.

The Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo and Incredibles sequels were very forgettable.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Seph »

Toy Story 4 is a good film, but it's definitely the weakest of the series. Even though I don't think it needed to exist, Key and Peele were the best thing about it by far.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by KissMammal »

They've got an impressive amount of mileage out of essentially doing the same 'rescue/toys venturing out into the real world' plot four times.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by KissMammal »

Key & Peele were great (as they are in everything) but their characters didn't really have any bearing on the story and could have easily been cut without it affecting the plot. Same goes for the Keanu Reeves' Evel Kenieval character. I'm glad they're there, but they feel a little extraneous in a film already so packed with other new and returning characters.

Standout for me was the creepy Victorian Doll type henchman, who are animated amazingly well. Pure magic.

It's hard to watch The Incredibles now without getting a bit distracted by the weird Randian subtext. The director has denied that was his intent, but it's so in your face it's pretty undeniable. It's like Atlas Shrugged for kids.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Angry_Kurt »

What disappointed me most other than there being too many new characters in Toy Story 4 was I just didn’t think it was very funny, it wasn’t an age thing as I can still laugh at the previous films today. I can only think of one scene which raised a slight chuckle and that was one with Key and Peele. Whereas the other films have given me genuine belly laughs which is a big part of why I love them.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Cornelius_Smiff »

1: UP
2: Toy Story
3: Finding Nemo
4: Wall-E
5: Soul
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Cornelius_Smiff »

Seph wrote: September 3rd, 2021, 2:38 pm
3. Toy Story 3
I mean, just see above really. But this one goes for a stronger emotional feel that has been earned. The final sequence is perfect. Without any irony, I would place this as the best trilogy ever made.

This is a common conversation I have with friends about perfect the perfect Trilogy. Very few people mention this, but as soon as I do, it always creates a familar nod and acceptance. In effect every single movie is essentially flawless and I couldn't agreed more :P
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by KissMammal »

Angry_Kurt wrote: September 4th, 2021, 8:19 am What disappointed me most other than there being too many new characters in Toy Story 4 was I just didn’t think it was very funny, it wasn’t an age thing as I can still laugh at the previous films today. I can only think of one scene which raised a slight chuckle and that was one with Key and Peele. Whereas the other films have given me genuine belly laughs which is a big part of why I love them.
Fair enough. I thought Forky was very funny, but humour is very subjective.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by dezm0nd »

1. Wall E
2. Up
3. Toy Story 3
4. Inside Out
5. Coco

Maybe. Probably. But that stretch of Pixar releases was incredible. I've yet to see Luca and Soul but I enjoyed Onward.. just not as much as those.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by KissMammal »

I thought Onward was a neat concept in search of a decent story.

Really disliked the aesthetic of that one, especially the character designs. Felt like a lower tier Dreamworks animation in that respect.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by Alex79 »

That's a fair observation, Onward definitely didn't seem to have that next level of Pixar quality to it.
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Re: Let's rank our top 5 Pixar films for no reason at all

Post by KissMammal »

I think it's fair to say that their quality control has slipped quite a bit in recent years, but the level of quality of those first 6 or so films would have been impossible to sustain.
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