Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

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Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Alex79 »

Only just realised this, but the first issue proper of Cane and Rinse was released on 2nd October 2011. That means we've just missed the Cane and Rinse 10th birthday!

That's awesome, guys. How many podcasts and online communities last that long? This forum has long been my favorite place to talk about games. People have come and gone over the years, but there's still a few around from the beginning, and there's always a welcome steady trickle of new members too - both on the forum and the crew itself.

Congratulations to the whole team, and thanks for all the entertainment you've brought us over the years, and for creating and maintaining this community. One of the few safe-havens left on the internet!

Long live Cane and Rinse!
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by ratsoalbion »

Thanks Alex!

Yes, apologies for our lack of hullabaloo with this momentous milestone, folks. We had some plans but time caught up with us.

Look for some celebratory bits and bobs around the start of year 11.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Marlew »

I don't play games very much these days, but I listen to the new issue every week and still really enjoy it. It's a very very comforting, singular thing that I try to appreciate while it's still here, like Test Match Special, and I mean that as the biggest compliment. I still miss the Sunday evening weekly drop, that was the perfect bedtime listening before Monday morning. I understand the reason for the change, though.

A lot of 'enthusiast media' (not pejorative) has a limited shelf life, either running short of inspiration or plain endurance, but Cane and Rinse continues to develop and adapt and feels in a strong place. I do miss some of the contributors who hooked me in the first place, who rarely or never appear now, but every season there are new faces and voices to take the show a little further in a newer direction. For all the affectionate banter about how dry the show is, it consistently puts a smile on my face.

As for the forum, real talk, I think we lost some brilliant posters in KSub, Suits, Chopper and Joshi, among others, but life moves on and some great posters have joined and kept it active over the last year or two. I generally find that I've got less interest in talking about games these days and that online fandom is really wearing, whether it's console war crap or shit banter about this or that. In my experience a lot of people in the gaming community are twats. Despite that, this place has miraculously always remained a haven from all the bullshit.

Thanks to everyone here, whether community members or folks on the team, who's ever been warm and thrown the ball back over the years. I may not be around so much but I'll always have a great deal of affection for the place. Congratulations to the whole team for making an indelible mark on the gaming scene and the podcast community. Here's to another ten! 🍻
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Congratulations on 10 years C&R crew. I have been a listener for many years but only joined the forum at the start of lockdown last year and it has been the best place to talk about games. Everyone is totally respectful of each others opinion on games which is such a nice change to the discourse you see elsewhere. Here is to many more years.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by duskvstweak »

Do they want the traditional gift of aluminum or would they prefer the modern gift of diamonds? Or are we not doing gifts this anniversary?
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by ratsoalbion »

Diamonds plz.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Jon Cheetham »

Congrats Cane and Rinse! Loveliest forum I've been to, tireless work by the team, best visuals in podcasting by Jay and the episodes are ways worth listening to. Long may you reign!
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Suits »

10 years, what a wonderful achievement team.

Even though I don't really engage with the forum anymore, I always look back on my time spent here very, very fondly.

It guided and encouraged me to look at and consider games in a different way, which I'll always be grateful for.

The level of conversation, open minded-ness and general friendly atmosphere here is an oasis in an otherwise awful modern age of internet and social media.

The amount of content that the podcast/content team puts out, coupled with the level of quality it reaches is staggering. The commitment and dedication it takes to achieve something like that shouldn't be taken lightly.

And Jay's digital imagery and branding I'll always be a fan of.

Even though I'm not associated with Cane and Rinse per se, I feel a great sense of pride whenever I see anything on Twitter as if it were something I belong to and am a part of.

I've meet some wonderful close friends on here that really enrich my life and we have great fun.

Congratulations Leon, Jay and the rest of the team. You've created a legacy and trove of really engaging content that will last a lifetime.

Long may it continue.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by ratsoalbion »

Thank you for the lovely words, Nick.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by ReprobateGamer »

A big thank you to the entire C&R team - I came along here via the Sound of Play podcast 4.5 years ago.
Have to admit that I don't listen as often as I used to, to any of the podcasts going but I appreciate having a corner of the internet that is unlikely to descend into flame wars and where one can have an actual conversation and opinions are respected.
Congrats to you all!
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Rhaegyr »

A massive thank you to the team of C&R for ten years of excellent insight and entertainment.

Honestly don't know what I'd do without this podcast; it's the only podcast I listen to (gaming or otherwise) and as play time becomes limited the older you get it helps me keep 'connected' to the industry and hobby I love.

I've listened to pretty much every podcast they've put out (including multiple times for individual podcasts that talk about my favourite games) and the team are some of the most likable and considered people I've had the fortune to listen to. It's prompted me to play games I would've never considered and it's made me take a deeper look at games I thought I knew inside out. I even bought some bloody Tomango Ketchup after Leon's recommendation!

Sincerely, thank you so much for the content over these last ten years and please never stop.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by ratsoalbion »

Thanks Rhaegyr.

I bet you didn't regret that ketchup purchase though.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Combine Hunter »

I was 21 and an idiot 10 years ago. Now I'm 31 and have passable intelligence. How times have changed.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by ratsoalbion »

Combine Hunter wrote: October 11th, 2021, 4:00 pm I was 21 and an idiot 10 years ago. Now I'm 31 and have passable intelligence. How times have changed.
I dispute some of these claims.
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Rhaegyr »

ratsoalbion wrote: October 11th, 2021, 3:56 pm Thanks Rhaegyr.

I bet you didn't regret that ketchup purchase though.
It was actually a 'joke' present for the other half's birthday as she loves tomato ketchup and she ended up liking it more than most of the 'proper' presents I bought her. I naturally had a taste too and yeah - great stuff!
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Cornelius_Smiff »

Honestly the best podcast I listen to bar none (and I listen to alot), you all know your onions very well.

Since late 2016 the team have been filling ears with wonderful content. Got me through my darkest period in 2017 and my current darkness of the last 8 months, and however I am feeling in general I can count on an interesting discussion even if it's a game I may not be interested in playing.

Long may it continue ladies and gents!
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by Jobobonobo »

Wow, already ten years have passed? I started regularly listening from Volume 5 onwards and honestly it is the one video game podcast that I have regularly tuned into during the last five years. Quality, if anything, has only gotten better the longer ye have stuck to it! Here's to many more years of informed and fun video game discussion!
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Re: Ten years of Cane and Rinse!

Post by markfm007 »

Congrats to the team on ten years! I've been listening since probably 2013, definitely longer than I realised. I tend to listen either at work, on a long train journey, or on a long run (probably should get back into that). What's bought me back over the years is how the conversations have always been genial, thorough, and non-confrontational, but without stepping on the passion and feeling you all have for games. Episodes can be silly, chatty, divided or a bit deep, depending on what everyone brings to the table. It's always interesting and always brings up something you didn't know or expect.

I tend to pick episodes based on if I've played the game, or if I haven't but am interested in it and don't mind being spoiled. The Goldeneye, Banjo, Bloodborne, Braid, and Witcher 3 episodes stand out to me as one's I've enjoyed and listened to more than once. I'm probably forgetting some though. Recently it's been nice contributing to the forum and adding comments for the podcast. The podcast has always been an enjoyable reminder for me of why I love games, and how game discussion doesn't always have to be hype and competition.
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