Games Completed 2022

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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Jobobonobo »

Jan 23: Yakuza 3

I will go more in depth about this on the actual show about this but overall, enjoyed it but not to the same extent as previous titles. Kiryu's characterization and story were definitely the big highlights of this game to me.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Quiet Paul »

Jan - Shadow Man Remastered (Xbox Series X)

A game I’ve a long history with (as far as the N64 version goes), but I think the Remastered edition exceeds in many ways and would recommend it to anyone willing to give it the time it takes to complete. Just under 30 hours it took to 100% which is not bad for a nearly 23 year old game. I will say that developers Nightdive have worked to include levels and details that were excluded from the original release due to time constraints so there was more content to go over and God knows collecting all the damn Cadeaux was a right pain in the arse but worth it! Shadow Man is definitely one of my guilty pleasures!
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Magical_Isopod »

#2 - Alan Wake (2010, 360)

Right, so I picked this up right after playing Control, and I'm gonna come at it from that lens. I actually bought a copy of Quantum Break for $6, and it came with a code for Alan Wake that - luckily enough - still worked! I had actually already started on PC, but I dropped that version for reasons I'll get into in a bit.

Alan Wake is a deeply-flawed game that I probably would not have enjoyed without the context Control created for it. It's a good game. I liked it enough to finish it, after all. But on its own, the narrative is kind of muddy and directionless, and can accurately be described as "man wanders through forest" for like 75% of the run time. It works best as a supplemental work to Control - an instance of another transdimensional outbreak in motion. And I was actually surprised about how many elements of Control were actually established here first: Places of Power, Altered Items, people uniquely predisposed to the supernatural, it's all here.

The gameplay was mostly a good time. I like the mechanics of how light works in this game, and how it visually really leans into the "light v. darkness" stuff, with some really great lighting effects that almost feel like HDR at times. The setting is a great choice too - the mountainous Pacific Northwest USA. Lots of things to see, a few moments where I had to stop to admire the scenery.

I dunno. This one's good, not amazing. Worth a play if you want to learn more about this world... Probably worth skipping if you don't.

Now, version differences... I did a little bit of reading before starting this game, and I was surprised to find that, generally speaking, the 360 version is actually considered the best, followed by the PC version. The newly-released remasters are actually considered the worst, owning to performance issues, bugs, and uneven graphics (some assets were completely redone, and some were merely upres'd, and they clash). I can only speak for the PC and 360 versions, however, and among those, yeah, the 360 version was the definite winner. The PC version has some really strange issues... Like textures sometimes not "fitting" their models (Wake's car in the opening scene is one that really stood out), jerky animations, and a 30fps cap. While I don't have a means of monitoring FPS on the 360, it felt way smoother. As well, character animations and textures felt way more natural, despite the downgrade in resolution. The 360 version did, however, have some issues with screen tearing and occasional frame drops when the screen got crowded with junk. I don't have an XB1 or Series X - I only bought Quantum Break in anticipation of getting a Series X this year, and the price was right - but I imagine most, if not all, issues I had with the 360 version are fixed there. And apparently the PC version has great mod support - although I admittedly lack the patience and time to screw around with troubleshooting that stuff nowadays.

I'd recommend the 360 version for sure though, if not solely because it's cheap and readily available. If you're handy with mods though, maybe give that one a shot. And the remaster should probably only be considered if you're limited to Sony consoles, from what I've read.

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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by seansthomas »

23rd Jan - God of War (PS4)

So for the first ten hours or so, I thought I might be looking at one of the best games of all time. The graphics, art and design of everything floored me. It's one of the best looking games I've ever seen, in terms of titles that go for a 'realistic' look. Throw in an opening boss battle that is a total joyride, secrets hidden behind puzzles that felt like what a modern day Tomb Raider should give us and the story being told as you navigate between locations, and it's quite something. A rare AAA game that feels truly AAA.

That feeling continued once I got to the huge open lake as the sense of scale increased and I sailed past statues, giant ancient beasts and contraptions I knew I'd later return to.

And then...well... it started to feel like any other modern day third person adventure game. To be fair, it's probably the logical conclusion and pinnacle of that formula. But it's a formula we know all too well after several console generations and I am personally pretty done with it.

As I played more and more, the familiar tropes kept coming. The loading sequences disguised as cracks you sneak through. The RPG upgrades getting more powerful, but the game just throwing more and more waves of enemies at you to balance that. Platforming sections that are little more than 'spot the dot'. Secret stashes that seemed thrillng to find at first and related cleverly to the location, instead hidden in plain sight by the end to pad out the play time. Locations you repeatedly are forced to return to, once too often. Side quests that help you get more powerful post game, when you are already too overpowered.

The combat grew wearisome too. It's epic crescendos were delivered through on screen messages telling you to press a button, rather through your skill. And it had neither the flair of Bayonetta / Devil May Cry nor the skill of Dark Souls / Bloodborne.

The major reason to love this game, I kept hearing via colleagues and podcasts, is the story. And I see the appeal. The characters are interesting, the voicework well done. The journey you go on with Atreus is well handled. And the mixing of ancient lore is intriguing. But even the narrative left me cold.

It felt familiar. The themes of parenting and loss are well trodden (and arguably better handled) in other large AAA games like The Last Of Us. It felt predictable, and went exactly the way I suspected. And, for me, it never affected me.

I'm a parent. And someone whose recently suffered loss. And who is scattering their Dads ashes next month. And yet... I never cared nor felt moved by any of it.

I sound like I hated God of war, and I really didn't. After all, I beat it and did a lot of side stuff. But it starts at an epic, godlike height where I felt like I was playing an all-timer and I was excited to see Kratos develop and turn into that unstoppable maniac from the PS2 games, and he never does...

I like that they tried something different with his story, and he's well sketched out, but I longed for him to be that swift, blood lusting, non stop God of war again. Instead as the game goes on you become ever more aware of his humanity; he feels sluggish and lethargic, and in cut scenes able to run up the backs of dragons but when under your control, not able to get over slightly raised ledges. And most damningly for me, a couple of great bosses aside, a lot of the encounters feel fairly small compared to an average FROM Software title.

In making Kratos more relatable, realistic and nuanced, I can see why so many people were surprised by, and fell in love with, the story. But for me, it fell a bit flat; and to tell that story, it felt like the scale and speed had to be curtailed. Personally, I'm not sure it was worth the sacrifice.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by BrianEdwards »

Ive gone on a puzzle game tear here in January.

Credits on The Pedestrian, Superliminal, and Gorogoa. All very bite sized but that is not indicative of their quality. I liked them all quite a bit for several different reasons.

I also completed Olija and liked, but didn't love it. The narrative and the world were cool but the combat just didn't do anything for me. Wanted to love the spear combat but it felt flat. The puzzles and pixel art were great though. Glad I stuck with it, but probably wont go back anytime soon.

Also, not for nothing, game pass is a hell of a thing. All four of these games are games I probably wouldn't have played without the service. Now each developer is on my radar in a way they weren't before, and I think that is very cool.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Jon Cheetham »

Jon Cheetham wrote: January 18th, 2022, 2:23 am 1. Dark Souls Remastered (Switch) - 3rd Jan
2. Pyre (Steam) - 10th Jan
3. Disco Elysium (Switch) - 17th Jan
4. Deathloop (Steam) - 24 Jan

Did the first ten hours on launch and picked this back up a couple of weeks ago, ended at about 30 hours with all the slabs and most of the upgrades, and only a couple of weapons outstanding. The final loop was a lot of fun even if I was just working down my check list by that point. Once Colt is kitted out properly, he is one of the most fun player characters to control in any Arkane game because of the powers from older titles plus those amazing-feeling guns. I don't think I'll be tempted by the PvP stuff even though the maps work extremely well for that sort of play, but I may return to get a few extra bits of gear and some achievements. I never did infuse that toxic gas Fourpounder...

Also, Updaam is an all-time great map design by this studio, and that's saying something. It's my favourite part of Blackreef, and I'm still listening to its music while out and about.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Jon Cheetham »

(sorry for the double post)
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Scrustle »

Spoiler: show
03/01 - Halo 3: ODST (Master Chief Collection)
06/01 - Halo 3 (Master Chief Collection)
09/01 - Hotshot Racing
25/01 - Halo 4 (Master Chief Collection)

I had a little bit of a break from Halo after 3, but I still went ahead with this one after all to finish off replaying through this whole remaster collection. This is kind of a weird one in the series.

I was going to write out a long post nitpicking every part of it that I don't like, but honestly I don't have the energy to be that negative. While I still rate this fairly low down on my rankings for the series, generally it's okay. While I don't like a lot of the aesthetic choices it makes, it is still impressive on a graphical fidelity level. The gameplay is competent and enjoyable enough, although the enemies feel less dynamic and the Prometheans aren't especially fun to fight. The story is pretty bad and boring, and the whole game is generally very humourless, but I appreciate they at least tried to do something with the relationship between Chief and Cortana. Chief is still dull but Cortana gets a few moments which approach something compelling. The campaign overall lacks that sense energetic pacing that most of Bungie's games had, and it drags in quite a few places. But it has some cool moments too. And while the increased fidelity means levels are generally narrower and more compact than older games, it's not like it's cramped. It still opens up a bit here and there, and it's not too dissimilar to how Halo 2's levels felt.

Also I found that this PC version of the game is bugged pretty badly on a certain level later on in the game. There's a level where loading triggers don't work correctly, and the level geometry stops loading in. It's apparently a well known bug that has been there since this launched on PC, and has never been fixed. I was considering just skipping that level, but instead I decided to go to the trouble of pulling out the old Xbox One version for that one mission. Through that I discovered the console version also allows you to increase the FoV now, but at a pretty terrible performance cost. It also went to show how enhanced this PC version is in general. So maybe me being impressed this ran on a 360 has been skewed over the years.

Having gone through all these games again, the only one left now is the notorious Halo 5. I've convinced myself that it is worth giving another look after all, and it would be weird to not play it now after everything else. Maybe it's not quite as bad as I remember. But I'm in no rush. I'll get to it at some point.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Alex79 »

For what it's worth, I really enjoyed Halo 5 when I finished it last month.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Alex79 »

Alex79 wrote: January 1st, 2022, 8:24 am JAN - Universal Paperclips (Android)
JAN - Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox)
JAN - Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons (Switch)
JAN - Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (Xbox)
JAN - Forza Horizon 5 (Xbox)
JAN - Halo Infinite (Xbox)

Overall I really enjoyed this game, but it's crushingly disappointing how the game transforms from open world adventure to repetitive corridor shooter in the final act with some terrible boss fights. The positives far outweigh the negatives however, and I don't think I've played many games in recent years that come close to the highs this game reaches at times. Pure adrenaline fuelled battles, scraping by with a fraction of health, shield alarm sounding, grappling to a stray Ghost and spinning round to lay a round of laser fire in a brutes face. Incredible stuff.

And so, my epic Halo odyssey comes to an end. I started with the very first game in December last year and played the entirety of the series in little under two months. I really fell in love with this series, it's highs and lows, and it's a series I'll hold in very high regard from this point on. It's kind of a weird feeling having been so immersed in this world so intensively over the last few weeks, to come out the other side and have nowhere to go. The stories, the epic firefights, the music, Cortana... It's just such a brilliant, brilliant series, and I feel like I miss it already.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Alex79 wrote: January 26th, 2022, 10:16 pm
JAN - Halo Infinite (Xbox)

Overall I really enjoyed this game, but it's crushingly disappointing how the game transforms from open world adventure to repetitive corridor shooter in the final act with some terrible boss fights. The positives far outweigh the negatives however, and I don't think I've played many games in recent years that come close to the highs this game reaches at times. Pure adrenaline fuelled battles, scraping by with a fraction of health, shield alarm sounding, grappling to a stray Ghost and spinning round to lay a round of laser fire in a brutes face. Incredible stuff.

And so, my epic Halo odyssey comes to an end. I started with the very first game in December last year and played the entirety of the series in little under two months. I really fell in love with this series, it's highs and lows, and it's a series I'll hold in very high regard from this point on. It's kind of a weird feeling having been so immersed in this world so intensively over the last few weeks, to come out the other side and have nowhere to go. The stories, the epic firefights, the music, Cortana... It's just such a brilliant, brilliant series, and I feel like I miss it already.
Nowhere to go? Did you play ODST and Halo Wars 1 and 2?
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Alex79 »

Truk_Kurt wrote: January 27th, 2022, 9:12 am
Alex79 wrote: January 26th, 2022, 10:16 pm
JAN - Halo Infinite (Xbox)

Overall I really enjoyed this game, but it's crushingly disappointing how the game transforms from open world adventure to repetitive corridor shooter in the final act with some terrible boss fights. The positives far outweigh the negatives however, and I don't think I've played many games in recent years that come close to the highs this game reaches at times. Pure adrenaline fuelled battles, scraping by with a fraction of health, shield alarm sounding, grappling to a stray Ghost and spinning round to lay a round of laser fire in a brutes face. Incredible stuff.

And so, my epic Halo odyssey comes to an end. I started with the very first game in December last year and played the entirety of the series in little under two months. I really fell in love with this series, it's highs and lows, and it's a series I'll hold in very high regard from this point on. It's kind of a weird feeling having been so immersed in this world so intensively over the last few weeks, to come out the other side and have nowhere to go. The stories, the epic firefights, the music, Cortana... It's just such a brilliant, brilliant series, and I feel like I miss it already.
Nowhere to go? Did you play ODST and Halo Wars 1 and 2?
I played ODST, yes. Also played the twin stick shooter Spartan Assault (I think it's called). No interest in Halo Wars though as I don't like strategy games, and it's the games I love rather than the lore and the story (which I did enjoy, but not enough to drive me to play games I won't enjoy playing).
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Indiana747 »

(Jan) Terminator Resistance(platinum) - PS5.
(Jan) Call of Duty: Cold War - Series X.
(Jan) Dishonored 2 - PS5.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Simonsloth »

So my New Years resolution was to finish what I started so I went and picked up a load of games I’d made progress in and intended to finish them!


Knack 2 PS4
Silent hill origins PSP
Assassins creed odyssey PS4
Dying light PS4
Silent Hill: Shattered memories Wii
Mario galaxy 2 Wii
Metro exodus PS5
Fire emblem: Awakening 3DS
Witcher 2 Xbox 360
Darksiders PS4
Dark Souls 3
Warioware twisted GBA
Spelunky PS Vita
Kameo Xbox One via Rare Replay
Gunstar heroes PS4 Mega Drive Collection

That’s a huge eclectic list but many of those were games I was near the end on and just needed to focus on. Also games like Assassins Creed I just stopped with the side quests and went for the story.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Seph »

I finished Telling Lies, the follow up to Her Story a few weeks ago, and I can see some of the mixed reaction it got. I thought it's approach to storytelling was bold, but with all the characters it seemed unfocused and the hearing one side of the conversation thing made it really repetitive for a game you can finish in 8 hours. I saw a suggestion somewhere that adding the ability to put the two parts of the conversations side-by-side would have improved it, and I agree.

The acting and writing of the characters was fine (except for Not-Tom Hardy), even if the story lacked that huge reveal that made Her Story so compelling. I picked it up in a Steam sale. It's not bad for a few quid and you'll get more entertainment out of it than most landfill Netflix stuff.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Have Telling Lies in my Steam library but having heard the mixed reviews I never got around to it, or rather it wasn't a priority. From what I remember of Her Story, it was relatively short or you could make it as long as you wanted it to be which I liked, so 8 hours repetiveness doesn't sound too appealing but maybe I will give it a try one day as it does look unique, like Her Story was.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Seph »

It pretty much "plays" the same way, but I forgot to add that while the clips in Her Story were about 2 minutes long, in Telling Lies they average at about 6 minutes, so in some cases you're watching 12 minutes of clips to get both sides of a story. That's exhausting. Oh, and the clips start at the point where your searched keyword is said, so you have to rewind, VHS-style, to the beginning if you want the full conversation.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Simonsloth »

Spoiler: show

Knack 2 PS4
Silent hill origins PSP
Assassins creed odyssey PS4
Dying light PS4
Silent Hill: Shattered memories Wii
Mario galaxy 2 Wii
Metro exodus PS5
Fire emblem: Awakening 3DS
Witcher 2 Xbox 360
Darksiders PS4
Dark Souls 3
Warioware twisted GBA
Spelunky PS Vita
Kameo Xbox One via Rare Replay
Gunstar heroes PS4 Mega Drive Collection
John Woo’s Stranglehold - PS3

Fun to have a reason to go back. Managed to pick it up for a few pounds and took me two evenings to blast through. A very short game but still managed to have considerable padding.
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by stvnorman »

1 January: Star Wars Squadrons (Xbox Series X)
3 January: Dizzy the Adventurer (NES on Evercade VS)
5 January: Gates of Zendocon (Atari Lynx on Evercade VS)
19 January: Star Parodier (PC-Engine Mini)
23 January: Windjammers 2 (Xbox Series X)
24 January: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Arcade)
28 January: Blazing Lazers (PC-Engine)

For all the movies I watch and games I play, I’d have never have guessed that rewatching the mess that is Robocop 2 and replaying the spectacular Star Wars Squadrons (but first time on Xbox) would kick off 2022, but there we are! After dabbling with eight cartridges worth of various collections on my new Evercade VS I settled on a Dizzy game I’d never played before and it turned out to be a good choice! Next on there was Atari Lynx Gates of Zendocon, the walking sim of horizontal shooters, but sometimes that’s alright! After a bit of a MAME odyssey I was inspired to try and learn shoot ‘em ups, starting with a couple for beginners on PC-Engine. And Windjammers 2 might have been short and sweet, but there’s more to be done there and it’s already game of the year fodder!
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Re: Games Completed 2022

Post by Scrustle »

Spoiler: show
03/01 - Halo 3: ODST (Master Chief Collection)
06/01 - Halo 3 (Master Chief Collection)
09/01 - Hotshot Racing
25/01 - Halo 4 (Master Chief Collection)
29/01 – Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Wow, what a game. I’m not sure I can even write a proper summary on my feelings about it yet. There’s a lot of thoughts still swirling around my head about it that I suspect will still be going on for a while.

When it comes to what I have liked about this series, particularly the ones set in the (at the time) near-future setting, it’s their sense of forward thinking. Speculations and predictions about society and technology, etc. But despite this game being set the furthest forward of them all, the thing that struck me about it is how it’s far more backwards looking than the rest of the series. It feels like the legacy of the past weighs very heavily on it, and it has a sense of finality to it. That was particularly true towards the finale of the game, where the previous entries started going harder in to their more esoteric hypotheticals, this one kept that sort of thing mostly front-loaded. And instead of being in the form of ideas spouted by characters, it was more integrated in to the setting from the start, and affected the gameplay more, with the way weapons work and the various warzones you sneak through. But when you get to the last few chapters, the focus has shifted more towards ideas around how the past dictates the present. How old systems that have outlived their usefulness become distorted in to something harmful. How they perpetuate themselves having lost sight of why they exist in the first place, leading to a corrosive effect on society and even themselves. How the people still fighting over control of these systems are just old relics who are falling apart just as much as the system itself. How to have hope for the future the old needs to die, so we can move on to something new. It really hits hard in times like we have now, in a way that perhaps was overlooked when it first came out.

As for the gameplay, I rather enjoyed this one. As I’ve said before, I really like how this one changes the controls to something far more comprehensible. It still feels very MGS, but with most of the awkwardness ironed out to a degree where I feel like I can properly get a grip on it. I’m still pretty bad at it, still being far from skilful or elegant, but at least this time I felt like I actually could get the game to do what I intended. The way it designs levels is pretty cool too. Those aforementioned early game warzones are pretty interesting, in that how you approach a situation changes how NPCs treat you. You can get one side to think of you as an ally, and you can help them fight against the enemy, which in turn changes the outcome of the battle happening in the background in a way that might have a positive effect for you later on. Then there’s the chapter in the middle of the game when you’re tailing a resistance member through some city streets, and you have to use your own stealth skills to help them get to their destination and avoid detection. An interesting way to turn a tailing mission on its head and make it much more interactive than they usually are. The revisit to Shadow Moses was really cool as well, to see how that area has changed, making your way through familiar territory but with a new context. The boss fight at the end was also some fantastic fan service too, which managed to fit with the themes and not feel contrived. Speaking of bosses, the Beauty and the Beast fights were pretty good generally. Not sure I would say they are the best in the series, but definitely up there. Although the way the story and cutscenes frame them is kind of gross.

I have to bring up the cinematics and presentation again too. The cutscenes are all well done with a great sense of style, but they do drag more than previous games. This game definitely could have used some editing here and there. It becomes less of a problem in the latter half of the game though. Cutscenes are still long, but they are more packed with actually interesting events, so it feels like much less time is wasted on unnecessary stuff. The general tone of the game is strange too, in a way I enjoyed though. It has all that stuff about the weight of the past and a sombre view of legacy, but it is also extremely campy and silly. Perhaps the campiest yet. A lot of the more bombastic scenes had me grinning with how absurd they were. The scene in the city where Liquid is on a boat, surrounded by all the military around the river, and he puts his plan in to action is just the most gloriously hilarious thing. It was so ridiculous, I burst out laughing, genuinely loving it.

There’s still more I could talk about but I think those the most important things I wanted to get down. It’s a fantastic game. One that clicked with me on a gameplay level more than any before, that felt profound and powerfully self-reflective, but also still had a sense of humour and absurdity to it. Something that could only work as a game, and only with the legacy of the whole series built up before it. It might be my favourite of the lot.
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