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Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can contribute your thoughts and opinions for Unreal for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

A friendly reminder that where the feedback for the podcast is concerned, we love it - but keeping it brief is appreciated. We do want to include a breadth of opinions where appropriate, but no-one wants a discussion podcast that’s mostly reading out essays. Better to save yourself time and cut to the chase if you can.
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Re: 565: Unreal

Post by Tolkientaters »

Haven't played, but it sucks the Epic removed this from storefronts before this podcast was announced.
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Re: 565: Unreal

Post by designermatt »

For me the most memorable things about Unreal were the amazing title sequence and first level, which absolutely blew me away at the time! The rest of the game never quite reached that high, unfortunately (though I did love that weapon that bounced razor blades around corners).

I was a design student at the time with an iMac in my room - my choice of games were limited but I had Deus Ex, American McGee's Alice, and Unreal. The first time I fired it up, my friends and I were stunned by that title sequence with the camera flying through a castle whilst lightning flashed in a stormy sky - it was so smooth! There were coloured lights, shiny surfaces and water! That first level too, where you crawled your way out of a dark, wrecked starship and stumbled into a bizarre, tropical alien planet, made a hell of an impression.

In retrospect it was the graphics tech that impressed us more than the gameplay, but I'll always remember Unreal as a glimpse of the future of gaming, nonetheless.
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Re: 565: Unreal

Post by ashman86 »

I only played Unreal after having spent a good deal of time in Unreal Tournament, playing with and against my dad. He was the Unreal fan in the family, and I was more interested in games like Half-Life at the time. What I remember most about the game is thinking how very similar the series was to Quake in more ways than I had previously realized and that, for my money, Unreal Tournament was superior to Quake 3 in the realm of arena shooters, but the original Unreal could never hold a candle to Quake 1 or 2.
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