All things Super Smash Bros.

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All things Super Smash Bros.

Post by James »

Surprisingly, despite much discussion in various threads (notably 'The 3Ds/Nintendo Direct Thread'), there's no thread for Super Smash Bros. as a game or series.

Well, now there is, because that's exactly what'll be under discussion in Vol. 4 Issue 154 of the podcast!

Leon will be hosting and on the menu are Super Smash Bros., Melee, Brawl and (one presumes) even a soupcon of 3DS chat.

Please let us know your thoughts on the series, or individual games. As usual, it's great to have your views for inclusion in the podcasts. Thanks all! :)

Re: Our next podcast recording: Super Smash Bros.

Post by Nekemancer »

I've played a lot of Smash N64 and Melee, and a fair bit of Brawl. I keep sitting down to try to sum up some thoughts on the Smash Bros games, and walking away unsuccessful. It's really tough to review and comment on a game that goes past genre-defining straight into genre-creating.

Nothing else has managed to pull off the Smash formula. Very few games even try to be like Smash in the first place! This ultimate fan fiction-crossover mashup has only itself as a rival.

Interestingly, being its' own rival is a significant part of the history of the game when it comes to the competitive side. I'm told the documentary (found below here) provides some excellent insight into the series as a whole from the competitive side of things, but haven't found the time to watch much of it. Check out of the doc if you're interested in some of the history there!

I'd say that now would be a great time to get into Smash if you've never tried it before, but how many long time gamers have never played at least one version of it? Spanning three consoles and a handheld, with one more console version just around the corner, odds are good that everyone with more than a minor interest in gaming has spent some time on these games.

So... get it on the Wii U and I hope to see you guys there!


Re: Our next podcast recording: Super Smash Bros.

Post by Todinho »

Smash Bros is one of those series that I never owned any of the games but played almost every instalment,whenever I went to my friends house Smash was always the first game to be played it didnt matter if we had a group of gamers,non-gamers or even people who outright didnt like games the magic always happened. Even if some played better than others everyone had a good time playing much of it thanks to the randomness of the items and stages that always provided a new wtf moments per match and the game also allowed for some really intense matches when we tried to play it like a regular fighting game.
Out from the first 3 I think my favorite ended up being Brawl,I know people complain that it's not melee and has tripping in it but it was the one that had the most items,characters and of course the smash ball that lead to many situations of panic in the middle of a match.
While Smash will always be the ultimate party game for me this is a game that supports for both ends of the spectrum where even the most casual of players to the most hardcore of pro-players can have fun and take something out of it and that is a rare thing to see,so despite the constant criticism Nintendo gets for making the same franchises over and over I hope they keep making Smash Bros for a long time.
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Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by Suits »

So, having suddenly and unpredictably totally fallen in love with Nintendo again and pretty much shelving my Xbox One for the time being, I'm now getting used to Nintendo first party IP's again.

My last serious commitment to Nintendo was my SNES almost two decades ago. Partly due to this, I'm not familiar with Super Smash Brothers series.

My question is, am I too late for Smash on the Wii U and is it something I'm likely to play/enjoy. I'm hoping the community here will be able to give me a better idea than just the full on Nintendo gang noise of, "yes, its amazing".

I've watched video's, read reviews and every time I think I'm sold on it, I either see or read something that then suddenly pulls me in the other direction of something I won't really play.

Generally, fighting games bore me a little. I put this down to what I can only describe as a lack of personally interest depth in them, not in regards skill depth but development depth, character development depth. I feel like I need something more to bring me back to them, some sort of 'numbers going up' progression.

Now, I have amiibo. I like amiibo. I'm buying them at a rate I'm not overly happy with. I have a few Super Smash Bro's amiibo. I've seen and read that you can level up your characters (numbers going up) with these, this pricked my ears up a little and is something I quite like the idea of, or would at least like to try.

I like to play online, I've played thousands of hours of Destiny, Halo, most things that involved, or revolve around an online community. An online community which is buzzing. My concern is that the Wii U is a bit lacking, or rather it feels very lacking compared to the other platforms. My worry is that It'll be very hard to find a match, or if/when I do it will be filled with frame counting LEET's that I just don't stand a chance against, EVER.

I understand that there is single player aspect to this which ultimately prepares you for the internet matchmaking world but again details on this are shady and I'm unsure if there is any time of game linked to this single player aspect, or whether this should be considered as an online game only.

So, any sort of help or guidance from anyone here would be greatly received, even if it's something I've already mentioned above a little. I still have my Game Cube controllers, so if people insist that this is the only way to play Smash, I'll be more than tempted to get a adapter also.

Cheers x x.

Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by MagicianArcana »

It's kinda tough to say. Smash Bros WiiU does offer the type of progression that you said you like, but I don't know if has the depth you're looking for. The amiibo system is kinda underwhelming in my opinion, but can still be fun. Sometimes my friends and I like to set the time limit to max in a free for all battle, and let our amiibos duke it out while we do something else. Then we see the results later.

Smash Bros WiiU does offer more customization in general than previous installments. You can make custom builds of every character and change around their stats that affect their speed, jump, and attack strength. You can also unlock different special moves and make your own custom move set. But it's been a while since I've played so I can't remember exactly how this customization system works. But that's it in a nutshell.

But if nothing else, I think you'd enjoy this game if you like Nintendo characters in general. It's easier to take a liking to a game if it allows you to play as some of your favorite video game characters.

But I'd recommend trying the game before buying. See if you can play it at a friend's house or something first. Or maybe try a demo at GameStop if such a thing exists. See if the gameplay appeals to you.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by Suits »

That's great, thanks for your input.

Unfortunately, the option of getting to have a go on a copy is slight and with the 2nd hand market strong with Wii U games, especially the NFP titles, I'll be looking at £30+ to get hold of a copy.

I don't mind spending the money, I just want to try and do some sensible research before hand.

Do you have any input regards the state of the online servers and single player aspect ?? Is there enough there to keep me entertained if the online isn't up to scratch ??
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by AndrewBrown »

I've never played an online match that wasn't noticeably laggy. Personally, I waste very little time on that. I thusly end up being one of those oddball people who spends a large amount of time playing Smash Bros., but spends most of that time playing it totally solo. I must also confess to mostly playing the 3DS version. Not that the Wii U version isn't obviously superior, but the 3DS version simply better suits how I like to play Sm4sh: Quickly and sporadically.

More DLC content is coming out Wednesday, and it's very likely to be the last DLC content released for Sm4sh, so now is as good a time as there is to jump in.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by Flabyo »

Can't speak to it's tournament or online play much, haven't really used them. But I found the single player in the WiiU game to be lacking compared to the previous one. Brawl was it? I forget.

Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by MagicianArcana »

I haven't played too many online matches so I'm not sure. But I don't think I've had lag issues. They make it pretty easy to just jump right into random matches too.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by seansthomas »

Played it online a few times. Only had lag once but have heard its a bit hit and miss.

But then I've heard that about Splatoon and that's only dropped out on me once in about a year.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by AndrewBrown »

seansthomas wrote:But then I've heard that about Splatoon and that's only dropped out on me once in about a year.
I rarely have problems in Splatoon or Mario Kart 8. Sm4sh is the only Nintendo Network I game that gives me problems. /shrug
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by dezm0nd »

The lags not been great for me but i've not tried a wired connection. However, I'm fortunate enough to have people around me who want to play often. I've put in over 100 hours of Smash on Wii U and about 30 on 3DS. The time is spot on to be playing it on Wii U.

It's my favourite one so far.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by Suits »

Thanks everyone for the input.

I've had reasonably trouble fee internet gaming on my Wii U so far, be it Mario kart and Splatoon, so that's encouraging , although I do understand that there may still be issues with Smash.

I'm probably going to get it I think, buoyed on by the fact that people have mentioned good times with it and that now is a good time to jump in regards all the additional content for the game.

Do people recommend the GameCube controllers ?? I still have my original ones, and can pick up an adapter no problem, so if it's worth it, I may as well.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by Flabyo »

It plays fine on the WiiU pad, but if you have cube controllers and the adaptor is cheap then that's good too (and better for local multiplayer, its not quite so nice to play on Wiimote/Nunchuk)
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by Suits »

Cool, Iv'e got a Pro controller too, so I'll try that first I think.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by AndrewBrown »

I looked at the Gamecube controllers when Sm4sh Wii U came out. I did the math and quickly realized it would cost the same amount for the Gamecube controller (if you buy one of the ones specifically for Sm4sh) and an adapter as it would for a Pro Controller, and it would ONLY work with Sm4sh. The Pro Controller is the better deal IMO. I've used my Pro Controller to play Sm4sh Wii U and have had no problems with it.
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Re: Too Late For Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Keep an eye on the community thread. A few of us get a few matches in at least every two weeks, it's always a blast and every person on here's always welcome.

I've got the ryu dlc so you'll get a nice look at a fresh stage from time to time.

It's almost always followed by a long session on mario kart 8 if you've got that handy.
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Re: All things Super Smash Bros.

Post by seansthomas »

I'd give it a go next time for sure. Barely understand what I'm doing in Smash but not sure that matters!
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Re: All things Super Smash Bros.

Post by Suits »

Cool, sounds like a plan, I'll have to sort myself out a copy !!
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Re: All things Super Smash Bros.

Post by InsrtCoins »

Guuuuuuuuuuuuys. Bayonetta is coming very soon!!
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