Should I buy a 3DS?

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Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by nickturner13 »

This may well be a very silly question to ask here, as I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but here goes...

Through the past 20 years, I've always been a PC gamer, with a backup console as either a PS2 or Xbox360. I always shunned Nintendo for their childish graphics and gameplay, and lack of ingenuity. ("Oh look, a new Mario game. Oh look, a new Zelda game. Oh look, a new Mario Kart game. oh look, another Super Smash Bros")

Now here I am at nearly 38 years old, and wondering if I should re-visit some of these games that I rejected/ignored when younger.

This feeling is mostly driven from listening to all of the Sound of Plays, something I've done over the past 4 weeks or so to catch up... and hearing a few tunes from those games and the way they are fondly spoken about by members of the C&R team. I also then listened to the Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask C&R pods in the past week.

So yeah... seeing as I am a daily commuter on Southern Rail, anyone who follows the news in the south of England will know exactly what I mean by saying I have a lot of free time sat around on trains these days. It seems to me that perhaps getting a 3DS might be the ideal way to pass the time and catch up on some of these games that I have missed.

The only negative about it is that I am a total graphics junky, that's one of the reasons I never liked Nintendo in the past... so I'm not sure how I would feel about them now. Perhaps being handheld instead of on a big screen, it won't bother me so much.

Anyone have any constructive thoughts around this other than "yes of course you should, you bloody idiot!"
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Michiel K »

Yes, of course you should, you bloody... j/k

Besides the obvious reasons, it's kind of difficult to answer that question, because of the graphics junky part. Now what exactly does that mean in your case? Is it 4K resolution, ultra high settings on only the most graphically impressive AAA titles for you or bust? Do you (re)visit older PC games (or PS2 / X360) and are you able to enjoy them or does even the thought disgust you?

I'm picky when it comes to graphics as well, but I'm able to keep the system a game was released for in mind and can even be in awe at the looks of a PS1, NES and even the odd Atari 2600 game if they're doing things that are technically very impressive for the system they were released on. If you're like me in that sense, than I say go for it. If not, then you're probably going to be bothered by the jaggies and relatively low poly 3D models in games like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on 3DS.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by KissMammal »

lack of ingenuity. ("Oh look, a new Mario game. Oh look, a new Zelda game. Oh look, a new Mario Kart game. oh look, another Super Smash Bros")
I have honestly never understood this argument. While most AAA developers churn out barely distinguishable yearly franchise installments (CoD, Assassins Creed, Fifa et al), Nintendo generally do not make a sequel unless they can come up with a fresh angle and innovative gameplay elements. Hence some of the greatest games Nintendo have ever made; Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, Star Fox 64.... arguably do not have direct sequels. With a few exceptions, every core game in the Mario franchise is distinct, same goes for Zelda. Though they share certain core elements, Majora's Mask is a vastly different proposition to say, A Link to the Past.
The only negative about it is that I am a total graphics junky, that's one of the reasons I never liked Nintendo in the past...
I'm firmly of the opinion that art direction and style will always trump graphical power and screen resolution. More strokes of a pen don't make a drawing better, if you know what I mean? Often the opposite is true. For my money, Nintendo have always made some of the best looking games around.

I'd also dispute 'childish gameplay'. Because they're not all about shooting/killing things? In terms of difficulty? Because they may look cute and cuddly, but Nintendo can and do make fiendishly challenging games.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by ratsoalbion »

I agree with everything in the post directly above.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by ThirdDrawing »

Yes, because it also gives you access to DS games.

Pretty huge and great library to pick up!

Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

First thing first: if you invest at all, it's worth getting the New 3DS, preferably XL. It's a bit easier on the eyes with the bigger screen, plus it's the only version that supports the Super NES eshop titles, and it a bit more powerful too.

The positives: first party Nintendo games do have a remarkable track record for a reason, and there's plenty of decent titles. As mentioned in the previous post that will extend to DS titles as well. There's some decent digital titles as well, indie games and otherwise. The build quality is pretty good as well.

The negatives: the 3DS is region locked. It probably won't ever be an issue, as there's a decent library out there but out it's worth mentioning. The 3D, while improved on the New 3DS, is rarely an essential feature to a game. When it works it's pretty great, but I can't think of a single example of a games that depends upon it as a mechanic. Nintendo products are usually priced at a premium, similar to Apple, so compared to Playstation of Xbox, or for that matter PC games, which tend to drop dramatically in price not long after the initial release, Nintendo games tend to hold their value.

I'm sure there's plenty of other pluses and minuses. I think I personally started with a lot of research before buying, and weighed up the pro's and con's, and mainly ended up getting one "cuz I just want one"! Sometimes thats the only reason you need.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Joshihatsumitsu wrote:It's a bit easier on the eyes with the bigger screen
I'm with you on this, but it is worth saying that the larger screen makes the low resolution more apparent than it is on the standard size unit.

Totally agree about getting the 'New' over the 'old' though.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Michiel K »

Joshihatsumitsu wrote: The 3D, while improved on the New 3DS, is rarely an essential feature to a game. When it works it's pretty great, but I can't think of a single example of a games that depends upon it as a mechanic.
Not having a go at you Joshi, as this is something I see repeated in a lot of places by a lot of people, but...

Maybe it's because Nintendo and it's what people have come to expect from them, but I never really understood why the 3D screen has to be something more than just a nice visual enhancement. The 3D of the system was never even marketed than anything else but that. How would people suppose 3D visuals to work as essential game mechanics? There are some neat little visually deceptive tricks in Super Mario 3D Land that you can only see through by turning the 3D on (or get through by just wildly jumping around), but even that is nowhere near a game mechanic.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Sinclair Gregstrum »

ratsoalbion wrote:I agree with everything in the post directly above.
As Leon says, Kiss Mammal hit a number of nails firmly on their heads there.

Yes the 3DS doesn't have a huge amount of raw graphical grunt, but the likes of Super Mario 3D Land and Luigi's Mansion are some of the prettiest games you could ever wish to see.

Also in terms of pure gameplay it's pretty much a must have system for any self respecting gamer. There are so many great games for it to start listing them would be folly.

Just buy one Nick. And get a Vita while you're at it ;)

Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by nickturner13 »

Thanks all, some good points made.

Michiel - In terms of graphics, if it’s my PC then yes I must have the best and want to crank up all settings to Ultra… I have a GTX 970 in my PC at home I’m already planning on upgrading that in the new year. Although having said that, I was recently playing a bit of some of the old Sierra Police Quest and Space Quest games that I used to love as a kid, which are about as far from 4k as you can get!

ThirdMan - I do already spend a lot of time playing games on my phone, New Star Soccer being my main go-to game… I must have played 50 seasons in that minimum across several players, overall. So being sat on a train with my headphones on ignoring everything around me is not a problem…

KissMammal - yes I know my views of Nintendo are slightly antagonistic, I have a mate who is a lifelong Nintendo fan and we have clashed repeatedly over the years over these exact things…. In a light-hearted manner, of course! But my opinions are now mellowing with age hence thinking maybe I should reconsider and give these games a go after all.

Josh - The comparison of Nintendo to Apple is a good one, and something I’d forgotten as being another reason why I wasn’t a fan in the past. Seems they have to give the seal of approval to everything that is released first, which stifles a lot of creativity from 3rd party games. The increased cost is a good point also, I’m definitely one to only buy games in steam sales or whatever, it’s extremely rare that I pay full price for a game. And for sure it would be XL.

As for the 3D aspect, I’m not really bothered about whether that works particularly well or not, so it’s more of a bonus to me if it makes any difference at all.

I think in the end I’ll probably end up getting one in the new year.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by gallo_pinto »

Michiel K wrote:Not having a go at you Joshi, as this is something I see repeated in a lot of places by a lot of people, but...

Maybe it's because Nintendo and it's what people have come to expect from them, but I never really understood why the 3D screen has to be something more than just a nice visual enhancement. The 3D of the system was never even marketed than anything else but that. How would people suppose 3D visuals to work as essential game mechanics? There are some neat little visually deceptive tricks in Super Mario 3D Land that you can only see through by turning the 3D on (or get through by just wildly jumping around), but even that is nowhere near a game mechanic.
I mean, it's called the 3DS. When it was originally pitched, the 3D was its main selling point. It's ended up just being a more powerful DS, but the 3D was heavily marketed for years. Both Link Between Worlds and Super Mario 3D Land use the 3D capabilities as a game mechanic at times and it's really cool when it works. I would argue the fact that they never pushed it farther is a disappointment. And this is coming from a 3DS fan.

As for the original question, I think you should wait until the Switch announcement in January to make a decision. That might end up meeting your needs better than a 3DS. Though ThirdDrawing's point about the combined size of the 3DS and DS library is a really good one.

Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by nickturner13 »

gallo_pinto wrote: As for the original question, I think you should wait until the Switch announcement in January to make a decision. That might end up meeting your needs better than a 3DS. Though ThirdDrawing's point about the combined size of the 3DS and DS library is a really good one.
OK thanks that's interesting, is the Switch expected to have the back-catalogue of Zelda games working on it from launch, then?
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by gallo_pinto »

nickturner13 wrote:OK thanks that's interesting, is the Switch expected to have the back-catalogue of Zelda games working on it from launch, then?
My understanding is that the backwards compatibility of the system and how it will use the Virtual Console are still very much unknown. But they have said they'll give a lot more information in January.

I'm personally in a similar boat in that I wanted to try and track down a Wii U for cheap. But I'm also waiting for the event in January just to have all of the information before buying one.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by KissMammal »

Nintendo generally do not make a sequel unless they can come up with a fresh angle and innovative gameplay elements. Hence some of the greatest games Nintendo have ever made; Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, Star Fox 64.... arguably do not have direct sequels.
Just to elaborate a bit on my previous point - this tendency has even outright frustrated me in the past.

Back in the day, I desperately wanted a Super Mario World 2. If I'm honest, I kind of still do. And yet, instead, Nintendo gave us Yoshi's Island - such a completely different flavour and style of platformer that it's barely even a Mario game. It took me twenty years to come around to finally appreciating the genius of Yoshi's Island, because on release I was so put out because I just wanted more of the same.

You can't help but respect a company who, instead of churning out a quick sequel using the same engine and taking the cash on the table, say 'no. we're not interested in making the same game again'. It's one of the things that makes Nintendo unique and special - and that, imo, goes a long way to justifying their premium pricing and, at times, control-freakery.
KissMammal - yes I know my views of Nintendo are slightly antagonistic, I have a mate who is a lifelong Nintendo fan and we have clashed repeatedly over the years over these exact things…. In a light-hearted manner, of course! But my opinions are now mellowing with age hence thinking maybe I should reconsider and give these games a go after all.
Haha, I had to rewrite my post a few times to make sure I wasn't coming across too aggro. I think context and tone is too often lost in plain text - the cause of 99% of online arguments I'm sure.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Michiel K »

gallo_pinto wrote:I mean, it's called the 3DS. When it was originally pitched, the 3D was its main selling point. It's ended up just being a more powerful DS, but the 3D was heavily marketed for years. Both Link Between Worlds and Super Mario 3D Land use the 3D capabilities as a game mechanic at times and it's really cool when it works. I would argue the fact that they never pushed it farther is a disappointment. And this is coming from a 3DS fan.
I see where you're coming from and feel your disappointment, but 3D being its original main selling point doesn't mean that it was ever to move past the visual element and transcend into full-on game mechanics. I still would hesitate to label the neat visual tricks and gags in Super Mario 3D Land and A Link Between Worlds as actual game mechanics.

Isn't it weird though, that there are actual new games (not virtual console) being released on the system that don't use 3D AT ALL? About a year ago I got the original Ninja Usagimaru (brilliant game, by the way) with some leftover eShop credit and nothing happens when you turn up the 3D slider. They could at least have added some depth to the backgrounds, couldn't they?

Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

Michiel K wrote:
gallo_pinto wrote:I mean, it's called the 3DS. When it was originally pitched, the 3D was its main selling point. It's ended up just being a more powerful DS, but the 3D was heavily marketed for years. Both Link Between Worlds and Super Mario 3D Land use the 3D capabilities as a game mechanic at times and it's really cool when it works. I would argue the fact that they never pushed it farther is a disappointment. And this is coming from a 3DS fan.
I see where you're coming from and feel your disappointment, but 3D being its original main selling point doesn't mean that it was everb to move past the visual element and transcend into full-on game mechanics. I still would hesitate to label the neat visual tricks and gags in Super Mario 3D Land and A Link Between Worlds as actual game mechanics.

Isn't it weird though, that there are actual new games (not virtual console) being released on the system that don't use 3D AT ALL? About a year ago I got the original Ninja Usagimaru (brilliant game, by the way) with some leftover eShop credit and nothing happens when you turn up the 3D slider. They could at least have added some depth to the backgrounds, couldn't they?
It's the wacky world of Nintendo, and why I wouldn't change anything about them at all. Love ya Ninty, even when I don't! :D

In a way the N64 was built around Mario 64 and not really anything else; the Wii's motion controls had potential but we can all see how that went; the Wii U's second screen also allowed for unique gaming experiences, and perhaps the Switch is a bit of a reset for that idea; and I agree, the 3D on the 3DS is a nice bonus feature that kinda just got forgotten about. In the future when 3DS games are available on (maybe but not likely) the Switch or whatever comes is after that, that feature won't be even available, so it is a one-of-a-kind Nintendo bonus feature, like 3D/waggle control, that if nothing else makes for a unique experience.

Oh Nintendo! You piss me off sometimes (case in point: deliberating understocking NES Classic Mini, creating artifical scarcity, being very dickish about the whole thing), and yet like having an abusive partner I just don't have enough self-esteem to leave. I still see the good in you, I want you to treat me better, but I know ya won't. :roll:
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Suits »

Most of the salient points have already been made regards the reasons why a 3DS would be a good purchase but I’ll weight in with my opinion too if you don’t mind.

Ultimately there’s a library of too many good games on the system to overlook.

This goes all the way from the 3DS carts, the DS carts and all the titles on the eShop Virtual Console.

Just thinking about the quality that’s available to people makes it such a value system.

Your graphics junky comment is a fair one, as the 3DS is a million miles behind the mobile screens that come with Sony’s portable devices and phones and tablets, that’s a given but it’s important not to focus on that.

I have almost every version of Nintendo’s portable systems and I have to say that the screen on the N3DS-XL is by far the best of the XL variants. Even after being blown up over the standard 3DS size, it’s a much better display that deals with the resolution better than what the previous unit did after having it’s screen increased. It may be a placebo effect, or more like I expect the software has just got better. Recent new titles like Pokemon Sun & Moon, Picross 3D round 2 and Super Mario Maker look fantastic on the N3DS-XL.

3D on the new system is decent too, again, with a much needed improvement over the last generation, this may not be your thing but having there to try on games is interesting. The best use of the 3DS I’ve seen so far was Zelda :Link between Worlds, so much so, I played the full game in 3D (half way on the slider) and massively enjoyed it. To the point I’d recommend using it for that game as it made the experience more enjoyable and gave it a proper magical experience.

When it comes to games some of the best versions are only available on the 3DS. Titles such as Majora’s Mask (that you mention) and Chrono Trigger (just play it) are considered the best versions of the those games.

Regards constructive thoughts other than like you mention, think of it like this. Software sells hardware and the 3DS has done extremely well in that respect. If you can get yourself to appreciate the gameplay choice and depth, over the graphics depth you’re in for very thorough experience.

The N3DS-XL’s clock in at around £180 but why don’t you get an older, used one and try that first, that may be the sensible thing to do. I personally find the XL better to hold in my hand, although the downside for me personally is that it’s considerably heavier than the normal 3DS. Take that as you will. I never use mine as a mobile device, mine never leaves the house and either sits on the coffee table or beside my bed.

They’re robust little units too. Nintendo apparently drops the units a number of times, from a handheld height to ensure that realistic drops of the unit won’t render it unplayable. Comparing it to the delicate appearance of a PSP it really does appear more hardy.

Thinking of negatives, I can’t really think of too much regards the actual hardware and gaming possibilities. I’d like the sound to be a touch louder perhaps and the cartridge slot to be at the top again but that’s about it.

It’s hard not to recommend hardware that someone can play pretty much a sterling library of Nintendo games on for the first time. For the experience it brings and what it opens the door up too for a first timer makes it almost impossible not to recommend.

Get past the ‘softly softly’ appearance of the software and you’ll be surprised by the quality of it. It’s certainly made me more aware of not all that shines is gold when it comes to games and how they look.

What sort of games are you looking to play then ??
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Stanshall »

And I agree with all of the above! Made me want to get mine out this evening...

Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

Suits wrote:Thinking of negatives, I can’t really think of too much regards the actual hardware and gaming possibilities. I’d like the sound to be a touch louder perhaps and the cartridge slot to be at the top again but that’s about it.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks that when it comes to the volume! I've been playing Corpse Party and my God... it is such a quiet system. I want to be able to crank it up so much more!

Every time I play my Vita, the first thing I do is go into settings, switch off the AVLS, and then crank it up. I play these games in the privacy of home most of the time, so no one but me will hear it. I wish the 3DS speakers could be adjusted that way.
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Re: Should I buy a 3DS?

Post by dezm0nd »

My answer is Yes! but I must disclose the fact that I was paid to advertise the 3DS on launch and it may or may not affect my decision.

phew! Got out of that pickle, I could hear the goobergaters on the other side of the Internet getting angry! ;)
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