I'll tell you what your DLC needs... an empty tin case!

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I'll tell you what your DLC needs... an empty tin case!

Post by magicjoef »

"What's that whirring sound Grandpa?"
"Oh, that's a disc spinning in my computer sonny, it is how all our digitainment used to come before the injections."

So, I bought Splinter Cell Blacklist on Amazon, because it was a pretty good price and my internet sucks. The limited edition was about the same price (not the uber edition) so that's what I went for, and it turned up in really weird packaging. The game came in a normal case, with three DVDs in it, but then wrapped up with it was a tin case. Weird I thought. Turns out that is what the limited edition content comes in, which are a couple of download codes printed on a leaflet. The tin case has the space for a disc, but no actual disc!

Don't get me wrong, the tin case is nicely done, but it just shows you what a strange transition period between discs and downloads we're in!

Unless I'm a disc down of course! :shock:
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Re: I'll tell you what your DLC needs...an empty tin case!

Post by Scrustle »

I got something similar with Metal Gear Rising. I got the cool steelbook edition form Game, but it arrived in the post in a strangely large package. Turns out they gave me both a normal edition of the game and the steelbook with the download code in it separately. So I have the steelbook sitting on my shelf with the game disc in it, and another, normal case sitting on another shelf with nothing in it. Actually, it doesn't have nothing in it. It's got the manual. Because for some reason they decided that they would put the download code in the steelbook on a strange credit card-like thing, which apparently needed to have a special mounting within the case! So because of that, no space for a manual. Because just using a small slip of paper like everyone else isn't cool, I guess.

Re: I'll tell you what your DLC needs... an empty tin case!

Post by Todinho »

Yeah I had similar situation last year I bought the resident evil 6 special edition that came with all the numbered games,problem is the games were all download codes and with my internet it's not fun to download a bunch o gigabytes,would it cost so much to put an extra disc with the other games?
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Re: I'll tell you what your DLC needs... an empty tin case!

Post by ratsoalbion »

It would probably cost like 20 cents instead of 2 cents, which - across millions of copies - is quite a mark-up from a profit margin percentile point of view I guess.

Re: I'll tell you what your DLC needs... an empty tin case!

Post by Todinho »

yeah I guess but I'd hope capcom would like to treat it's loyal fans with more care and respect....I cant even finnish typing this with a straight face :lol: ,I guess I should have seem it coming.
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Re: I'll tell you what your DLC needs... an empty tin case!

Post by Flabyo »

The special edition of 'The Last Story' on the Wii was the same. Inside the box you get the game in a normal Wii case, and an empty steelbook case to put the disc in if you feel like changing it up...

I do remember when getting a steelbook case was the ONLY difference between the normal and special editions though (Dead Rising etc...), and they charged 5 quid more.
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Re: I'll tell you what your DLC needs... an empty tin case!

Post by chase210 »

First gears of war has a cool steelbook case. Not sure that justifies the £10 extra it cost me in Cex at the time, but hey ho.
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