Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Cass »

I have fallen into a hole and the hole's name is Dota. Someone come play in the hole with me!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »


I have been playing Fire Emblem Awakening, ironically right before bed. It's the perfect mix of it being just relaxing enough for sleepy eyes but exciting enough to keep me... awake! And then I fall asleep.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

I've been playing the original Fire Emblem on an emulator on my phone (GBA version). It's not really grabbing me. It's advance wars with bows and arrows, right?
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Yes, pretty much, but with permanent death rather than resources going into generating new units. Personally I much prefer the Fire Emblem games to the AW games mainly for that feature (among other things).

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Roy42 »

This comic strip sums up the difference: http://brawlinthefamily.keenspot.com/20 ... acticians/

And I'm pretty sure the original isn't on the GBA. You're probably playing Fire Emblem 7.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

I've been playing a whole lot of racing games lately. The Burnout games obviously, but today I played some older Japanese games. Import Tuner Challenge and Auto Modellista. Both games aren't exactly that great, but they have a unique personality to them that I like.

ITC has a bunch of online achievements, but no one plays the game anymore. I don't know if they closed down the servers at some point, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Either way, they're impossible to get, because there are no online races. The game still has leaderboards though. The person at #1 for online races had done over 4000 of them! I can't believe anyone played that game enough to do that many. That's utterly insane.

Got past a point I was stuck on in Auto Modellista too. It seems the Supra in that game is just useless. Can't turn for shit. Had a much easier time with the RX-7, even though it had like 200 less HP. Or PS rather, as these games prefer to use. But the game is kind of cool. Very early example of cel shading, in a genre you wouldn't expect it from too. It's got an almost Dreamcast-esque tone to it as well. Very arcadey atmosphere.

Been doing some more on Burnout 3 as well. I seem to have come to a point where the game has slowed down my progress to more or less a complete halt now. It's really weird. It seemed to be allowing me to barrel along before, but now it's just not giving me any more events to race in. The few it has given me have been really hard too. Yet I have been able to get medals in them, so I should be unlocking more events, right? I've been mostly sticking to Crash events, since those are the only ones the game seems to be wanting to give me right now.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by registradus »

My video game attention span has been reduced to nothing this year. I started Bioshock Infinite Burial At Sea but I just cbf. I've mostly been playing Casual and Racing games:
  • Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
    Peggle 2
    Motocross Madness (2013)
    Pinball FX 2
also Walking Dead Season 2 and Trials Fusion.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Dante Fireseed »

Guilty pleasure confession time, I'm currently playing World Championship Snooker 09! After watching a fair chunk of the WC on telly this year i decided to dig out a PC version as I really enjoyed the old PS2/Xbox era snooker games. It's very sedate and awful graphically, but I still have to say I enjoy racking up a decent break.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Nothing to be guilty about at all - a decent cue game can be a great test of skill and strategy I think.
Not sure if it's still on offer but there was a well-reviewed 360 pool game on sale through XBLA last week for like £1.34 or something.
Also recommended is Hustle Kings (with optional snooker add-on) for PS3 via PSN.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by hazeredmist »

Hustle Kings! Do you ever play multi on that ratso? Yet to find someone and the single player is pretty naff (AI cheats)...
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

I haven't done but I could be tempted. Need some practice first though!

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by kappisun »

Just played 1st episode of wolf among us on ipad last night. Apart from it tending to stutter along a bit really enjoyed it & will prob look at getting season pass.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

I realised it had been way too long since I last played DMC3. Over a year in fact! So I went back to that and managed to jump right back in with no trouble. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to since it's been so long, and I quit before because I got stuck on a boss. Found myself getting on well with it though. I beat the second fight with Vergil. That was really damn fun. It was a little easier than I was expecting though. Significantly easier than the two bosses before him. Well, whatever. Hopefully I'll keep up this pace and finally finish this bastard. The end is in sight!

For a while I've also been thinking of an old game I used to have, so I decided to pick it back up again. The Fast & Furious game on PS2. I've always maintained it's actually a pretty interesting game. It's only very loosely based on the third film, so it does its own thing mostly. Much like Import Tuner Challenge it takes place mostly on the Tokyo highway system, except here you actually get to drive on the famous Wangan section. But there are also some mountain road routes to give you a different kind of challenge. The game isn't that good admittedly, but that's something I always knew. But it's somewhat of a curiosity, so I like it for that.

Funnily, the game actually had a receipt inside the case presumably from where the seller I bought the game from bought it themselves. I got it for about £5 off an Amazon seller, but the receipt said it was sold for £2 from a British Heart Foundation charity shop! The game itself is in pretty good condition too. Case is almost pristine. The disc is covered in scuffs though, but it still works, obviously.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

I kinda burned out on Dark souls 2 so I started replaying Rogue Galaxy a pretty awesome Level-5 JRPG/action RPG I never finnished it has a really fun combat system and it's a blatant rip-off of Star Wars but it has alot of charm but man I had forgotten how anime and cliché it is to the point of being distracting,awesome soundtrack though.

I Also started playing Hitman Blood money,now I dont know if it's just the the pc version but movement in this game is really stiff and it's kinda of clunky to performe certain actions nothing major but it's taking some getting used to, the levels are pretty great though even the very guided tutorial has a nice few things you can do,speaking of which it was kinda of jarring getting out of that very hand-hold tutorial into the main game that simply drops you into the level and gives you nothing else,still I'll take this over Absolution any day.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by magicjoef »

Yeah, the movement can be a bit funky in Blood Money, just a sign of its age I guess. Worth working through, there's some great moments when everything clicks.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Cass »

So I'm running into something in Skyrim that's putting me off. two or three times now I'll find a hideaway or an off-the-beaten-path temple, I'll raid it, all the enemies will be my level or much lower (mostly Draugr or Forsworn at this point). I'll make my way through there easily, pick up a quest, and find the "final boss"... only to be absolutely decimated by him. Short of some imaginative cheese, I find myself completely unable to defeat them and have to leave the dungeon and just make a mental note to come back when I'm more buff.

I mean... is this something that happens all game? Because it's frustrating, and it's making me not want to bother with raiding any of these side dungeons because you don't want to put 45 minutes to an hour descending a dungeon only to find the guy at the end is ludicrously overpowered compared to everything else in there.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

If it's a Draugr Deathlord they are pretty much nails all the way through. I'd always dragon shout then spam with arrows and or a two handed weapon and save my magic for healing. Have you got a companion? They do come in very handy early on. I still miss Lydia :(
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

With the Deathlords they're usually in dungeons that will eventually have a minor quest pointed at them, not every dungeon is infested with the things thankfully.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

Picked up Titanfall for £14 through Mexican Origin. It's a bit good, I am rather enjoying it.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Ooh I could add the PC version to my collection for that sort of price. Is it a complex process to buy Mexican?
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