Rogue Legacy

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Rogue Legacy

Post by Alex79 »

Well I'm loving this!

I imagine a large majority of us will have played this game by now since it is a PS+ offering this month. What are people's thoughts?

I don't really have a clue what's going on, or how all the powerups work or why I have to give all my money to a stupid ghoul before entering the castle, but I'm getting the sense of wonder and exploration from it that I hoped I'd get from Spelunky and never did. Brilliant fun so far. I've only done about 30 runs and not found a boss yet, but I've seen a few cool things. I don't even know how to complete it, but I'm looking forward to working it all out. Top PS+ freebie!
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Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Completed it twice last year, absolutely love this game. Prefer it to Spelunky, which I was never any good at.
As in Dark Souls, you're going to die. Lots. What you need to do, is gather as much gold as possible, then pump that into your abilites. Health and defense are a must. As is raising your critical % and the damage it causes. Do that enough, and you'll soon be able to stockpile a decent ammount of cash.
Charon taking your cash is a ball ache. But you can level up an ability to decrease how much he takes. That will soon give you more gold to play with.

The initial castle area is a good place to explore throughly. As is the Forest area, found to the right of that. The other two zones, I strongly advise you to avoid until you have levelled up a fair bit. Enemies there are very tough, and kill you very quickly
Oh, and the last boss is a right cunt. Good luck!
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Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by James »

I enjoyed Rogue Legacy, but found that by about halfway through my completion time it had nothing new to show me. With games like Spelunky or The Binding Of Isaac it seems there is a never ending sense of discovery, but I didn't get that from Rogue Legacy. Shovel Knight was quite similar to Rogue Legacy in that respect, I thought.

When you want to make progress to a boss, try setting the castle for a few runs so that you get a feel for the layout and can use the map right from the off.
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Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by AndyKurosaki »

I much prefer this to Isaac, I don't like that game at all. No idea what the hell is going on. And the constant shit (literal) images are not very appealing.
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Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by ratsoalbion »

I find both Spelunky and Isaac more appealing, interesting and intriguing than Rogue Legacy myself, but I do find RL highly compelling in a 'just one more go' type of way.

By the way, in answer to Alex' original comment about Charon, he's there to stop it being easy to break the game's back by grinding for piffling amounts of gold and racking up enough cash to buy all the later abilities without having seen any of the game.

It's a crucial balancing device that I think the game wouldn't work nearly as well without.

Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by RobC »

I've played a ridiculous amount of this in the short few days since it went on PS+, I'm completely besotted. I've never been *that* great at Spelunky and I find this game gives a greater tangible sense of progression between runs as you're levelling skills and equipment, Spelunky on the other hand, beyond the short cuts there was nothing really between your runs.

I've completed two of the bosses already and trying to weigh up whether to go to the dungeons or the top world next. I anticipate I'll drop it almost immediately once I beat the final boss but I'm having a grand old time getting there. Perfect game to listen to while playing podcasts and a great reminder how good PS+ is.
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Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by Alex79 »

I've only found one boss so far, the giant eye thing that fires red blobs at you. Not beaten it yet, mind. I'm finding the Barbarian class to be most useful at the moment.
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Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

by the end I liked the Lich king.
Barbarian is a pretty safe bet though, giant barbarian if you want to go on a rampage! :)
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Re: Rogue Legacy

Post by jbtheskater »

I picked this up on PS+ and have to say that I am enjoying it a whole lot more than I thought I would.

I find it quite endearing the way in which it so blatantly wears its influences on its sleeve. Strangely I don't yet know if I hate or love the music. It has moments where I think I can hear a hook from Symphony of the Night, but it never quite deals a knock out punch in that regard. Although it lacks subtlety in its approach to the concept of progressing further through the game, I enjoy the challenge it offers and the instant replayability of it.

Having said that, I find The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on the Vita to be a more enjoyable and addictive game. After countless hours of playing TBoIR it is still throwing up things I have never seen before and changing the way I play the game in nuanced ways.

If any one is on the fence about Rogue Legacy, but enjoys the "rogue-like" games such as TBoIR then it is definitely worth giving it a go!
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