HD remakes / remasters

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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by hazeredmist »

Bakers_12, to be fair just wait until they announce remastered versions of God of War 1 and 2 for PS4. Then maybe a further remastered version of the remastered 3 that's on it's way.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by DomsBeard »

It's tedious beyond belief but the market is there. It's low risk money.

Still no Shenmue though FFS.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Alex79 »

Haha I think a lot of people would be sorely disappointed if that ever actually came out. Your memory betrays you!

Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Bakers_12 »

Thanks for the info.

Sony are being quite prolific with the remakes at the moment, I think this could be in part that a lot of people moved over from the X Box (like myself) at launch. These new Sony owners would not have had a chance to play some of there Games, so for me and other like me the chance to play the likes of Last of Us or God of War is very welcome.
I can see how people returning from the PS3 would be a bit miffed.
If the cash made from the increasing amount of remakes/remasters is funnaled to making new games then it can't all be bad for all.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by hazeredmist »

Well look at Gravity Rush. remastering that when the team could clearly be working on the sequel. Heck even if it didn't come out on Vita as Sony seem set on burying it, make it for PS4, give the team something fresh to do. The original's only a couple of years old!

At least when Nintendo do it it seems to be choice games from two generations ago at least. Sony as you say are the worst these days are are frankly taking the piss. Devil May Cry 4 is coming to PS4 too apparently. AND the reboot DMC! How are devs supposed to get excited if all they're doing is rehashing someone else's ideas or just touching up their own?

Some others:

Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City for PS4 & Xbox One: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/batman ... 0-6426085/

Why in shitting hell do we need Asylum & City again?

Then there's Darksiders 2 for PS4 apparently. Yup: http://www.pcgamesn.com/darksiders-ii/a ... -the-works

Can anyone honestly say this isn't a problem now? It's an epidemic.

Thank fuck for my PS4 Destiny addiction & the Wii U's exclusives because without them I'm hard pressed to think of compelling reasons to actually own a next-gen console now or for the foreseeable future.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Scrustle »

I'm actually pretty excited for the DMC4 remaster. It's my favourite game from the series, and it seems they're doing a similarly comprehensive do-over on it as they did with DmC. They're adding in three new playable characters, new modes, and other as yet unannounced gameplay changes.

I'm kind of interested in Darksiders 2, but I'm not sure on it. I would be happy to play the game again, and it could definitely use a lot of polishing up on a technical level, but unless they do something worthwhile to it more than just simply porting it, I probably won't bother with it.

Gravity Rush sounds cool too. One of the more interesting Vita games to me, especially since hearing the podcast episode on it. Problem is that it's not compatible with the PS TV. I don't really like handheld consoles. Don't really have much chance to play them, and I'd rather play stuff on a big TV anyway. So a chance to play Gravity Rush in the way I prefer sounds cool.

Also in these cases I think these remasters are actually quite crucial to the future of the IPs. DMC is in a bit of a sticky situation at the moment, and Capcom are probably looking closely at the sales of these re-releases to see which direction they want to take the series in the future, if at all. With Darksiders, Nordic are probably trying to get as much return on the acquisition cost as they can. This isn't even the first time they've re-issued the game. But whatever makes Darksiders 3 a more likely possibility is good with me. Gravity Rush is probably in a similar position. With the game originally being intended for the PS3, and the sequel being teased for years now, they probably want an injection of cash to help with the sequel, and to drum up interest in it too.

But I agree this trend is getting a bit ridiculous. We don't need Saints Row 4, Borderlands, or God of War 3 remastered. While I like the idea that games don't have to be constrained to the generation in which they were originally released, they should at least remaster stuff that has at least some reason to need it, other than simply trying to milk more out of an already popular game.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Alex79 »

If you've got a PS3 definitely play the HD versions of 1and 2. They're both brilliant games, 1 being my favourite.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Scrustle »

The GoW games? Yeah, I've played the HD versions of 1 and 2. The PSP games as well, as I got them all as part of the GoW Saga collection. 1 is my favourite too, although I also actually quite like the PSP games. They seem to retain something the first game had which 2 and 3 lost.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Alex79 »

yeah sorry the GoW games I was on about, I meant to quote the original question from Bakers12 but didn't >_<
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by hazeredmist »

Great excuse to post a classic Barenaked Ladies track where they say it better than I could!

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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by DomsBeard »

Alex79uk wrote:Haha I think a lot of people would be sorely disappointed if that ever actually came out. Your memory betrays you!
Doubtful, I've still got it!. It'd save me unboxing my Dreamcast every now and then ;)
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by rob25X »

Would love to see Burnout 3 & Revenge remastered. Timesplitters HD collection would be awesome too.

Can't see either of them ever being released now though.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Alex79 »

I love a Shadow Of The Colossus remake (again). I've got the PS3 version, but a full remake from the ground up with better controls and camera taking advantage of all the PS4 power would make me very happy.

Also, I'm sure we are overdue a Sam & Max Hit The Road remake, given we've seen a lot of the other classic Lucasarts games get the treatment.

I'd love to see a reissued Mass Effect and Crysis trilogy on current generation, too.

But - the one game I'd love to see more than anything, is a little remembered (these days?) piracy sim called Tai-Pan. Think Elite but with pirates, smuggling and everything that goes along with it. You could be a law abiding trader, or smuggle contraband, or board other ships and steal their wares. Smashing game I still play on emulation, and I've not been back through this thread to see whether I've already posted this or not, but I've got a feeling I've mentioned it somewhere on this forum before - anyone remember playing it back in the day? Awesome game.
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by gallo_pinto »

Alex79uk wrote:I'd love to see a reissued Mass Effect and Crysis trilogy on current generation, too.
I would love a remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy. I want to replay the trilogy as a renegade, but I keep not pulling the trigger just in case a remaster comes out. I thought it would be a no brainer in the lead up to Andromeda!
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Alex79uk wrote:I love a Shadow Of The Colossus remake (again). I've got the PS3 version, but a full remake from the ground up with better controls and camera taking advantage of all the PS4 power would make me very happy.
As much as I love SotC despite struggling with the controls, I can't say I'm warming up to this idea. I prefer to think of it as a flawed masterpiece which needs to be appreciated just the way it is. Warts and all. And yet, it'd sure look pretty...
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by DomsBeard »

gallo_pinto wrote:
Alex79uk wrote:I'd love to see a reissued Mass Effect and Crysis trilogy on current generation, too.
I would love a remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy. I want to replay the trilogy as a renegade, but I keep not pulling the trigger just in case a remaster comes out. I thought it would be a no brainer in the lead up to Andromeda!

I played 1 and 2 again as a renegade femshep and enjoyed it immensely
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Re: HD remakes / remasters

Post by Stanshall »

Obviously, fuckin Demon's, but it'll never happen.
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