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Baron Phil


Post by Baron Phil »

I thought i'd start a thread to discuss thoughts on Bloodborn and for people like me who need some help don't want to start googling, or if you just want to confirm something you've discovered.

I only picked it up today so not spent a lot of time playing but it's definitely a 'souls game that's for sure. I'm not sure how i feel about the gun having limited shots but i'm sure you'll be able to increase the number as time goes on (i hope).

The first thing i wanted to ask was about losing Blood echoes when you die as it appears if you then die again they're not lost and you can still regain them?
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by Sean »

Baron Phil wrote:The first thing i wanted to ask was about losing Blood echoes when you die as it appears if you then die again they're not lost and you can still regain them?
Nah, you get one more shot to get them back. If you die on the way, they're gone.

The big difference in BB is that, they may or not being in the spot where you died. There will either be a bloodstain with your Echoes, or, an enemies nearby has them. You can tell who has them because they'll have glowing eyes. Kill them, and, you get your echoes back.
Baron Phil

Re: Bloodborne

Post by Baron Phil »

Ah, so there are bloodstains as well. So far it's always been in an enemy.
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by dezm0nd »

I have noticed that the bloodstain often takes time for it to appear, probably due to server load? It's a bit weird.
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by Alex79 »

You can pick up a PS4 with this and The Order 1886 for £349.99.

I wish I had £349.99


Re: Bloodborne

Post by Todinho »

So I was able to play the game after the update finnished and other than looking at the loading screen Im liking it alot! I went all the way into the second boss and them he decided to destroy me XD ,I gotta say this the level design just in Central Yarhem is better than all of the level design in Dark Souls 2 I know it's the start of the game yet but I think it just goes to show the difference beteween a team led by Myazaki and one that is not. I've been using the Threaded Cane that's a sword/whip hybrid so Im just pretending Im playing Castlevania,I cant land the gun parry no matter what I do meh who needs those anyway,also does anyone knows if there`s a summon sign equivalent here because I just got something that summons people to my world but I wanna be summoned and I still dont know how that works.

PS:You should try going back to the room you started in after you beat the first boss ;)
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by DarthCuddles »

it's definitely a souls game, and as per usual I am lost as fuck. I took out some guy with a gattling gun and the Blood Starved Beast, and have no clue where to go now.

Re: Bloodborne

Post by Todinho »

I got there this morning that sonabitch killed just as I had won a duel with another hunter :x it made me so mad I rage quitted on the brightside I defeated boss number 2 and he taught me a very important lesson,how to gun parry, and the game has been much easier now. Im wearing top hat now it does little for defense but I just couldnt resist also did anyone got grabbed by a giant ghost thing because Im still very confused by that,

PS:Do a gesture right in front of the Doll :D
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by dezm0nd »

DarthCuddles wrote:it's definitely a souls game, and as per usual I am lost as fuck. I took out some guy with a gattling gun and the Blood Starved Beast, and have no clue where to go now.
I am struggling to beat that guy with the Gatling Gun. Got impatient and turned it off. I'll come back and do him in. He's solid!
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by DarthCuddles »

I got sort of lucky and he fell off the roof other than that I have no advice. from what Brad said either on the bombcast or in the quicklook that nobody he's talked to had beaten that guy without him falling off the roof

Re: Bloodborne

Post by Todinho »

I think I died today in Old Yarhem more times than in any other area in any other souls game :( I still havent beaten blood starved beast...on the brightside I have a gunspear now :D .

By the way Darth you might want to buy the talisman at the shop in the hub it unlocks the rest of the catedral section,I kinda went there when I got tired of dying to that cursed gatling gun guy.
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by DarthCuddles »

Todinho wrote:I have a gunspear now :D .

By the way Darth you might want to buy the talisman at the shop in the hub it unlocks the rest of the catedral section,I kinda went there when I got tired of dying to that cursed gatling gun guy.
I want a Gun Spear that sounds awesome. and I'll have a look in the shop more of the cathedral area sounds just like what I was looking for

Re: Bloodborne

Post by Todinho »

I want a Gun Spear that sounds awesome. and I'll have a look in the shop more of the cathedral area sounds just like what I was looking for
I will just say that I got it Old yharnam ;) ,so I had decided to quit for the day but not killing the boss was really bugging me so I went back and now boss number 3 is dead and I never have to return to Old Yharnam ever again!I found that the lock-has was more of a hindrance than anything so a got rid of it and just rolled under his attacks and attacked it took awhile but he died,there's probably a better way to do it but Im just happy to have this area cleared.
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by DarthCuddles »

I killed the Witch of Hemwick and am back to being lost again. I have also found love in the Kirk hammer, there is something so satisfying about getting a fully charged hit off using the R2 in hammer form, it's glorious even if it does leave you a bit open
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by dezm0nd »

I defeated the Blood Starved Beast and unlocked a new way past the Cathedral. Cannae wait to see what's down there but my patience can only take so much. Break time!

Re: Bloodborne

Post by Todinho »

Ok so there's two things that are really killing this game for me one it's the loading times,this is inexcusable for a game like this and I get they are working on a patch but this should never have been shipped like this just imagine if you had to wait 30 seconds to retry everytime you died in Meat boy you would go insane,second the grinding for resources is really bad so you fight a boss lose waste all of your resources and instead of being able to retry right away you have to go around killing random enemies hoping they'll drop the itens you want it's really annoying and another time waster to add to the loading times also I'd love if they stopped putting huge enemies in he small areas that make the camera go nuts.

Rant aside I made to the Catedral Ward boss which heavyly contributed to this rant other than that I fucked up an NPC quest and felt sad for it and then I fell down a hole a few times and died however when I eventually got down there without dying I found something rather interesting,let's just say the plot thickens.

Re: Bloodborne

Post by RobC »

Loving this so far, had a really busy weekend though so only really got to play Friday night.

So far I've taken out the Cleric Beast and had a few cracks at Father Gascoigne. I'm still finding my feet, I must admit I was completely lost on how reclaiming your echoes worked, but shall keep an eye out for the glowing eyes of beasties from now on, there didn't seem to be a discernible pattern to how/why I was getting them back which was frustrating. The loading times haven't bothered me *that* much so far, gives me a chance to breath at times! It's a real pain that lanterns don't top up your health, warping to the Hunters Dream and back just to heal seems a massive oversight, I hope that's patched out.

I'm really trying to get into the lore on this one as I never really managed with Dark Souls, so much there's been very little but I'm keeping my eyes/ears open.
Baron Phil

Re: Bloodborne

Post by Baron Phil »

Finally beat the Cleric Beast last night after far too many attempts. I think I was just being too cautious and I needed to wade in a bit more.

I've swapped the blunderbuss for the pistol to make the parries a bit easier but I'm quickly running out of bullets fighting Gascoigne.
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by DarthCuddles »

ok I just learned something kinda useful for those awkward boss fights, if you have over your max consumables they go into a storage thing and you will respawn with full stock of whatever the next time you die, storage does seem to have a maximum as well but it could make the farming of vials/bullets less time consuming before a boss battle
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Re: Bloodborne

Post by Pitwar »

I'm currently struggling with the Blood Starved Beast. He's just so bloody quick and before I know it I'm poisoned and dead. I will persevere!
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