Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

EA have a sale on right now on Origin with some pretty good deals on some games I've been thinking of picking up lately, so I've been having a go with them.

Firstly there's Criterion's NFS Most Wanted. Generally I find pretty much all the modern NFS games to be subpar at best, but recently I was feeling like giving this one another chance. I only ever played the demo of it around release for a short time before I discarded it as yet another miserable failure. But I saw some gameplay footage of it a while ago that made it look pretty fun, so I thought I would give it another go and perhaps if I gave it proper attention I could like it.

Nope. Still awful. As I found when I initially played it, it has the same problem as Criterion's Hot Pursuit. The handling is abysmal. It's so unresponsive and inconsistent. It treats inputs more like a suggestion than a command, that it takes a while to think about before it does anything, and when it does, you have no idea how the car will react. It usually sluggishly heaves itself around from side to side, but occasionally it'll lurch over without warning. Then after you let go of the stick it does the same thing. A lot of the time it'll continue turning for a while before it decides it wants to stop. No logic or consistency with how it does this though. I just don't feel in control of the car at all, and like I have no input in terms of skill. Can't get a good line through a corner, because you just have no idea what the car will decide to do, or how it will react to your attempts to wrestle it away from its wayward meandering.

On top of that it's full of all the EA shillery. As I was driving around and spot cars to jump in to, half of them prompt me to go to the store and buy them instead of actually allowing me to drive them. At another point I was driving around trying to explore the city, when I came across this giant wall in the middle of the road, and a prompt on screen came up saying something like "Go to the store to buy the Airport". That left a really bad taste in my mouth.

This game can't hope to live up to what Burnout Paradise was.

Similarly, I also got a copy of NFS Shift 2. I already have that on 360, and it's okay there, but I thought a PC version with an improved frame rate might be a better experience. Not really, so far at least. Controls are still pretty sluggish, but at least it's better and more consistent than MW. But the 360 version feels the same in that regard. I guess I don't have a car fast enough to tell if the frame rate really makes a difference though. The PC version only has keyboard prompts on the menus, which is a bit weird, since you can use a controller everywhere, and specifically recognises the 360 controller. It also seems to have a problem with a lot of Nvidia cards too. On some tracks I'll get flickering where every now and then a frame is just black. Googled the problem and it seems others have it too, and there isn't really any fix.

On a more positive note, I also got Mirror's Edge. I also have that on 360. Got it way back when it first launched. I also re-bought it for the improved frame rate, and also just to give me an excuse to play it again, as I keep telling myself I should do. No huge technical problems with this one, well apart from one thing. I'm not sure if it happens in-game, but on the menus I noticed some shocking screen tearing. Like ten tears or so across the entire screen as I was cycling between menus. The in-game Vsync option didn't seem to fix it, so I had to do it via the control panel, and that was no problem. After that the game ran perfectly smooth at 60, and it's pretty nice at that. Not a giant improvement, but it's still nice to have.

As for the game itself, it's more or less how I remember it. Jaw-dropping aesthetic to it, with some brilliant ideas, but not always done perfectly. A lot of frustrating moments in levels where you miss a jump by just a tiny bit, or going up against enemies with guns, that kill the momentum. But when the game shines and you get a good run, with the feeling that gives you, combined with the music and visuals, it's really something special. I wish I could go back to that moment of playing the game for the first time though. It was one of those experience that was legitimately mind-blowing at the time. Those times when you think "Woah, games can do this!?"
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Finally getting in to Fez on Vita. I've had it since release and started it a couple of times but really enjoying it this time.

Random question - anyone know if it's possible to transfer a GTA 5 save from PS3 to PS4? I know you can carry on your online character from last to current gen, but how about single player progress? I have looked online but can't seem to find a definite answer.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by arry_g »

Alex79uk wrote:Finally getting in to Fez on Vita. I've had it since release and started it a couple of times but really enjoying it this time.

Random question - anyone know if it's possible to transfer a GTA 5 save from PS3 to PS4? I know you can carry on your online character from last to current gen, but how about single player progress? I have looked online but can't seem to find a definite answer.
It's a no to that I'm afraid.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by mikeleddy83 »

It did however transfer a random selection of single player trophies for me such as completing every stunt jump. In any event I'm likely looking at another 80 hours to hit 100% completion should the task be attempted again.

Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by richie_in_japan »

Fell in love with The Swapper and barrelled through it last weekend while the family was away. Lots of satisfying puzzles which made me feel like a temporary genius. I really liked the art style too, with animated clay models.
I then gave Sherlock Holmes on PS3 a try and really enjoyed the first case. I saw immediate comparisons to LA Noire, but without the delusions of grandeur which hamstrung Rockstar's effort.
Finally, restarting Persona 4 on Vita for the third time. Hopefully will stick with it this time!

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

So other than the my NG+ run in bloodborne I decided to try out the two PS plus freebies Never Alone and Aaru's Awakening one is this very standart plataformer that's very easy and it's about showing the culture of northern alaskan tribes and it's pretty interesting in that regard but I really dislike the only way you learn about their culture is through videos documentary style that interrupt gameplay,is similar to Valiant Hearts but with a much worse implementation,but if Im honest Im kinda of done with these types of games so this isnt doing alot for me even though I was interested by the idea of discovering this culture through a game but nowadays unless you're something like the Swapper I have a really hard time caring about "story-focused" puzzle plataformers but hey that's just my jaded self talking I think if you're into this genre you'll probably like it.

Aaru's awakening didnt really get a better reception from me it has an interesting visual style but Im not sure if I like it or not yet I also really dislike the controls and that's really preventing me from getting along with the game but it might just be a matter of getting used to it other than that it's an action plataformer so yeah but at least this promises to be more mechanically interesting than Never Alone so I hope I can get along with it.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Had a bash at the latest Games With Gold.

Not sure what to think of Child of Light. It's better than just "okay", but it's not really lighting my world on fire. It looks like it's trying really hard to be all whimsical and charming, but it doesn't quite do it for me. The visuals are nice, and I like the soundtrack, but it's lacking something. Maybe it's the dialogue. The way it's all done in somewhat forced rhymes, but there's no voice acting, making it a bit of a waste. Seems like it's trying to go for a similar tone to The Unfinished Swan, but without someone actually reading to you, something of that child-like storybook experience is lost. It needs a narrator with sultry tones.

And there's the gameplay too. Combat is okay. Somewhat entertaining. Again, I'm not really sure what to make of it. I've always had kind of a difficult relationship with JRPGs and their combat systems, and this game just adds to that. I can never really work out my feelings on turn-based systems, but what I tend to find is if they mess with it and try to create something that's not quite that, I really dislike it. But that's kind of what they've done here with the timing bar system. I've really disliked this kind of system in other games I've seen it in, but I don't have much of a problem with it here. Maybe it's because you have some control over the speed of enemies, and that time stops when you choose what you're doing for a turn. Which reminds me of something else I've never understood about games with combat like this. Why would you ever choose to defend for a turn? I can't see any upside to it at all. All you're doing is wasting your go. You may not get hit that round, but you can't do anything either. It's an utterly pointless action, yet it's a prominent feature of every turn-based RPG I've played.

But anyway, the other aspect of the gameplay I wanted to mention was the skill upgrades. They're not very interesting to be honest. Most of them add a tiny few extra points to a particular stat. That's not really very compelling. So going through the skill trees isn't particularly fun, since usually there's nothing that appealing to spend points on. Also the way it's laid out is a bit deceptive. The skill paths spiral all over the screen, when in reality it's just three straight paths that you can't deviate on. No branching out at all. That's not really a huge deal in itself, but it is a bit silly when you look at how complicated they've tried to make the upgrade screen look, when in reality there's not much to it.

And the other game is Pool Nation FX. I think that's what it's called. Not sure to be honest. Flippancy aside, again it's not a bad game, but not too exciting either. I've never had any desire to buy or play a pool game before, but I'll play it down the pub on the few occasions I do go, so I thought it might be fun to play a pool video game since it's free. The first think I noticed is that the UI is pretty bad. It's not really clear what you have highlighted, how to get to certain features, or even if it's responding to your input sometimes. Some of the button prompts are kind of inconsistent too. Sometimes they'll use a symbol of a face button, while other times they will just use the letter of it in the normal font of the game. The "tutorial" is pretty bad too. It's just a slideshow of pictures telling you what the buttons do, so it doesn't let you try stuff out or tell you if/what you're doing wrong. That part of the menus is also the least responsive I came across too.

But the actual game part of it seems like it's not bad. There are a load of different modes with different rule sets, and it explains the difference between them all fairly well. And despite the poor tutorial, the controls seem pretty approachable and easy to use. There's a lot of different modes with that too, so you can choose how technical you want to get. There are a load of tournaments to play through and fun little cosmetic bonuses to unlock as well. I found it pretty entertaining to knock some balls around for a bit and browse through all the fancy cues I could unlock. It's a shame the sound design seems a bit lacking though. It doesn't really have that satisfying knocking sound you get from pool balls hitting each other. It's way too low in the mix. I was a little disappointed with that, and you can't fix it with the audio options either.

The graphics of the game were quite impressive though. I actually rather like the way games like this can sometimes bring out fancier graphics than you would expect. It reminds me of the difference between tech demos of new game engines and how games running on them eventually end up. The tech demos always look amazing, since they're only focused on a small area with not much going on in it. They also tend to be focused on realistic scenes too, like a house or something. That way they can actually sometimes fool you with how good it looks. This game has something of that, since it's just a fancy room with a pool table in it. Not some huge expansive world full of dynamics doodads and whatnot. It can get away with really high detail.

One thing I don't like about it though is the camera filter effects. Usually I don't mind this kind of stuff in games. I find that in most games stuff like lense flare adds a sense of brightness to a scene that actually looks quite effective. But here though they've gone crazy with the "dirt on the lense" effect. It looks really obvious and distracting. Lense flare can add a sense of overwhelming brightness that makes sense, even if it's not 100% accurate to real eyesight, but no one walks around with dirt in their eyes and things "yeah, this looks cool". That's just stupid.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

MORTAL KOMBAT!!! (cue the music)

MKX then. If you've never got on with MK9, you won't get on with this. Evolution not Revolution is the name of the day here but...

It is glorious. A good mix of returning cast members (now mostly in their 40's, well, those from Earth anyway) and new ones, including the children of old cast members. It has a bit of a 'Mortal Kombat: the Next Generation' feel to it. Each character has three fighting styles to pick from as well, which changes some of the moves available to them (for example, in one style Raiden can teleport, but in another he gains some extra lightning moves instead)

The story mode is great fun. Nether Realm are pretty much the only developer of fighting games that bother to make a proper story mode. During the course of it you'll play as most of the new cast, which is a great way to see how they play before you start getting serious on picking which characters to learn.

The Krypt for unlocking stuff now feels like on old 16-bit dungeon crawler, even has some simple puzzles in it.

And the thing that surprises me most is that the fatalities etc... despite being far more gore filled and gruesome than ever, actually feel less offensive than MK9's did. It seems that by turning it up way beyond 11 they've actually gone so far over the line that they've crossed it again back to funny.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by hazeredmist »

Listened to an extended Giantbomcast chat about Mortal Kombat X, the cynical in-game puchases really put me off this game.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

hazeredmist wrote:Listened to an extended Giantbomcast chat about Mortal Kombat X, the cynical in-game puchases really put me off this game.
Tell me more? I'm on the fence with this especially with Ultra being announced today for May 26th.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

If you mean 'paying to download DLC characters that are probably already on the disc' then I suspect that isn't actually the case with the first four they've announced, although it's not like Capcom have a better record on that than Warner anyway...

The easy fatality tokens thing is a bit dumb I admit. But given that fatalities aren't exactly hard to do in the game I 'm not sure anyone is seriously going to buy a bunch of these tokens. (To explain, you can earn 'easy fatality' tokens in the game, they let you do a fatality just by holding down a trigger and pressing a single button. You don't need to stand in the right place and you don't need to do the move sequence. There's DLC to buy a bunch of these tokens with real money).

There's also a handful of unlocks in the game that you get by playing the mobile tie-in game, but these are just costumes not entire characters.

I've not seen anything in there that's vital to the play experience that they've pay walled.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by stvnorman »

Finished Shadow of Mordor, clocking in at around 50 hours. Fantastic game. Unlike the one I decided to go back to and finish before my birthday hopefully brings something else in a couple of weeks... Going back to Assassin's Creed Black Flag was a poor decision after that. 20+ attempts at fighting clunky controls in an eavesdrop mission about two-thirds of the way in, immediately followed by a similar number of attempts at sinking a huge ship, both of which felt utterly soulless and frustrating compared to the joy I felt in Mordor. In both, I was very close to closing the application and deleting it because, in stark contrast, there was no enjoyment to be had here. Let's see how the next mission goes. I may be going through my PS+ backlog very shortly.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Pitwar »

I've been playing a ton of Bloodborne and while I keep saying "that's it, I'm done" when I get to a hard boss or tricky section, I keep coming back for more. It's so frustrating but so rewarding at the same time.

Due to making some major progress and having the end somewhat in sight, I've just bought myself Dark Souls 1 and 2. Why am I doing this to myself?! :D
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Pitwar »

I had a really quick bash at Dark Souls 2 on the PS4 last night and by god does it feel like a major step backwards after spending the past few weeks on Bloodborne.

It feels so much older than it actually is and it's going to take a bit of getting used to. It's the first game I've played where I've noticed such a massive jump between what the PS3 and PS4 are capable of.

But looks aren't everything and I'm going to give DS2 the time it deserves. I may well totally finish off Bloodborne before getting too stuck in though.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by arry_g »

stvnorman wrote:Going back to Assassin's Creed Black Flag was a poor decision
At the beginning of this year, I did Black Flag, Unity and then Rogue back-to-back with ACIII only a few months before.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Just been playing Pandora's Tower this evening. Somehow I completely missed the release of this game on Wii U, and just checked the release date today and found it's already been available for a while. It managed to pass me by despite me looking forward to it for a long time.

Seems pretty fun so far. The premise is quite cool. You have to save this girl from a curse that's slowly turning her in to a horrible fleshy monster by feeding her the flesh of monsters you kill. So that puts a timer on the game, which was something that put me off the idea of it before, but so far it seems like it's not that harsh. It's only a short term limit too, so it's not like you have to worry about a time limit for your entire playthrough. There's an interesting story element to it as well, in that the main characters are from a culture that are vegetarian, so they have to break that value to lift the curse.

The game has a rather odd structure too. There isn't a huge world to explore or anything like that. Instead you are in a single location which consists of a group of towers, which each serve as a Zelda-like dungeon, with a home base connected. So you're moving between each of these towers and back to base as needed. Nothing in between or outside of that. There are also some time-based mechanics, where certain things only appear at certain times. Not sure what the extent of that is yet. So far all I know is a specific flower only blooms in one spot in the mornings. But it could turn in to a Majora's Mask-like situation, especially once I get the ability to explore more of the towers.

Combat seems relatively fun. Seems simple and a bit clunky so far, but it has some interesting mechanics that could develop to be something pretty cool. The unique mechanic though is a chain that you can fire at enemies. You can use it to bind them to stop them moving, or to tie two enemies together. So that's pretty fun in itself, but as it gets upgraded I think it'll get a lot more interesting. I fought a boss too, which was a bit "meh". Visually it looked cool, but fighting it was just basically shooting the chain at it and pulling, and avoiding the odd attack. I didn't get hit once through the whole fight. I hope other bosses are a bit more challenging.

And I rather like the characters too. Well, the protagonist isn't so interesting. He's more or less mute, which isn't strange in itself for a game character, it is when everyone else has full voice acting and talks directly to him in cutscenes. So the way they treat him doesn't really seem like he's supposed to be a cipher for the player like the usual silent protagonist is. I like the girl character though. Her voice acting is quite good, and she's animated in a way that gives her some personality, which seems to be more than the usual blank expression that a lot of romantic interest characters get in games, where it seems like their only purpose in existence is to sit there and look pretty. There's an old woman character too, who is the crazy wise old crone type. Her voice acting is pretty good too, and her design is pretty fun. She carries around a huge pot on her back which is bigger than she is, that contains this strange ghoulish creature that sometimes mumbles something unintelligible. The old woman says that this creature is her husband or something. She refers to him as her "boon".

I get the feeling I'm missing some of the story though. Like there was a prologue in the instruction manual that I never got since it's a digital version of the game. Although there actually is a manual in the menus somewhere. I always forget about those. I guess I'll have to check it out and see.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Roy42 »

Scrustle wrote:It's only a short term limit too, so it's not like you have to worry about a time limit for your entire playthrough.
How much have you played?
There's an interesting story element to it as well, in that the main characters are from a culture that are vegetarian, so they have to break that value to lift the curse.
It's pretty easy to read the story with Freudian undertones: the amount of extra time you get is based on how fresh the flesh is. For example, "dried-out flesh" won't help much, but "beast flesh" will help a little more. "Dripping flesh" is even better, and "pulsating flesh" adds the most time on of the normal flesh. If that's not intentional, that has to be one hell of a coincidence.

I actually found myself trying to avoid feeding her until the last moment so that I wouldn't be subjecting her to eating meat unless absolutely necessary, except then I realised that, by doing that, I was forcing her to endure the transformation over and over again. It ended up compelling me to complete each tower as fast as possible, which I wasn't expecting.
I hope other bosses are a bit more challenging.
I recall them getting more challenging, though not especially more interesting in terms of mechanics until the late-game. There are two really cool bosses that make me wish more of the game had been as diverse; I promise you that you're going to reach a point where you say to yourself "really?"
I get the feeling I'm missing some of the story though. Like there was a prologue in the instruction manual that I never got since it's a digital version of the game. Although there actually is a manual in the menus somewhere. I always forget about those. I guess I'll have to check it out and see.
It's not super revealing:
At the far reaches of the world, there lies a forbidding wasteland known as Okanos.

Deep within, a vast rift known as "The Scar" blights the land. At its centre, suspended above this fathomless fissure are the Thirteen Towers.

Towers of all sizes interlink and intertwine, fusing to become one single vast fortress.

Held in place by chains, the Towers loom like a spider in its web. Seeming to inhabit a space beyond the normal world, the Towers serve a purpose; they bind the earth together, preventing The Scar from widening and tearing the world itself apart.
In terms of the set up for why you're there, "girl got cursed, go fix it" is all there really is and all you really need. You'll come across plenty of lore throughout the game.

I honestly found myself enjoying Pandora's Tower when I played it, despite it not being what I expected. When I heard it was a game about exploring thirteen towers, I immediately figured it was going to be like Shadow of the Colossus, but it being much more like a set of fairly linear Zelda dungeons threw me for a loop. Once I got into it, I really got into it; the towers are also all roughly 90 minutes each, which paces the game out really well and lets you just play one tower at a time.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Roy42 wrote: How much have you played?
When I wrote that I had just done the first tower. I've done two now. For the first I managed to get through the whole thing with time to spare. On the second I had to go back twice, but with the second time I don't think I really needed to. I still had a reasonable about of time left, and all I had left to do was the boss, which didn't take too long. I was just making sure.
It's pretty easy to read the story with Freudian undertones: the amount of extra time you get is based on how fresh the flesh is. For example, "dried-out flesh" won't help much, but "beast flesh" will help a little more. "Dripping flesh" is even better, and "pulsating flesh" adds the most time on of the normal flesh. If that's not intentional, that has to be one hell of a coincidence.
Not sure I get what you're talking about. All I can remember off the top of my head about Freudian theory is the id/ego/superego and the Oedipus complex. I don't see the connection with those at least. I didn't actually know the dried-out flesh actually worked. I just discarded that thinking it would no longer be effective at that point. Haven't come across pulsating flesh yet either.
I recall them getting more challenging, though not especially more interesting in terms of mechanics until the late-game. There are two really cool bosses that make me wish more of the game had been as diverse; I promise you that you're going to reach a point where you say to yourself "really?"
As I mentioned, my earlier post was after only one tower, and now I've done the second, so I've beaten the second boss. That one was a little more interesting, since you had to get behind it, and you could use the chain to tie it down to stop it turning before you could get around the back. So a little more challenging and interesting, and making some use of the chain mechanic.
It's not super revealing: [...]
Well that's a bit rubbish. That's told to you in the game anyway.
I honestly found myself enjoying Pandora's Tower when I played it, despite it not being what I expected. When I heard it was a game about exploring thirteen towers, I immediately figured it was going to be like Shadow of the Colossus, but it being much more like a set of fairly linear Zelda dungeons threw me for a loop. Once I got into it, I really got into it; the towers are also all roughly 90 minutes each, which paces the game out really well and lets you just play one tower at a time.
Yeah I remember when it was new the time limit thing put me off, since I generally dislike that in games. I was also put off by the fact that it wasn't a big open world game. Around the time it came out I remember really wanting a new RPG that had a big open world, so whenever a new RPG came along I always wanted to find out if it had that. If it didn't, I generally stopped being interested. The same thing happened with Dark Souls, since that was released around the game time. I could never really get an answer as to whether it was open or not. Some things I read made it sound like it did, while others said it didn't. It was kind of a stupid thing to place so much importance on looking back, but that was just what I was looking for at the time I suppose.

It's kind of amusing now looking back at how I saw Dark Souls back then. I didn't know anything about the Souls games, and I just thought it looked kind of cool. I had no idea about their reputation or how they did things. I might not have appreciated it back then without knowing what I do now, although I think it would still have been sufficiently "open" enough for what I was looking for at the time. It's just not "open" in the same way most other games are.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by stvnorman »

I've had a generally enjoyable two hours or so completing Never Alone on PS4; two games completed in a week - unheard of!

Having binned Black Flag about 80% of the way in, but unprepared to not enjoy the grind needed to bulk up my boat to finish it, I went to my almost untapped PS+ collection and found this. I was dubious, having heard it discussed on podcasts last year and deciding a puzzle platformer with morals wasn't for me, but I'll never dump a freebie without trying it, so gave it a go and found myself completely engrossed. Beautiful art style, and pretty relaxing until a big difficulty spike later in the game that saw me punching my controller at one point! I was determined to work it out though, and after around 30 attempts got past it and back to business as usual, though right at the end I was starting to feel it could have ended sooner.

Also been enjoying Olli Olli 2. Five-starred most of the levels, but think I'm about done with it and don't really feel the need to do the rest. Fun while it lasted though. Now playing Aaru's Awakening, though I've no idea what possessed the developer to map jump to L1! I think I prefer the similar Rayman Jungle Run. And I hope to finish Monument Valley on iPad nearer bed time tonight, which I picked up free courtesy of Starbucks last week.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Been playing Remember Me today. I've been looking to try it out for a while and it was on sale on XBL today, so I went for it.

First impressions are quite good. Better than I was expecting. I was drawn to try the game out because the idea of it sounds good, and the art direction looked nice, but I was somewhat tempering my expectations since the response around release seemed to be a resounding "meh" from most places. But from what I've played so far it's not bad. The combat and general movement is kind of clunky, the camera could be better, and it is very linear, but so far none of that has been a huge problem. Although combat animations are kind of jerky it seems to flow well enough, and impacts feel pretty good. I've heard people say it lacks variations though, but I've yet to see if that's really the case. I can see how it could be from what I've played so far, so we'll see how things pan out as time goes on.

The art direction is really great though. I love the presentation. The futuristic Paris looks really cool. Old European architecture embellished with futuristic technology and augmented reality stuff looks so cool. The soundtrack is brilliant too. Again it mixes a traditional orchestral score with a futuristic flair. It does it in a really original sounding way too. I can't really describe it, but it's not like they've just put a bunch of synthesizers over classical music. It's really cool, and has a good character to it as well. It doesn't feel like background music, it feels like a proper score. That kind of feeling extends to the whole game too. It feels very directed in a way. Like every moment is crafted to create a certain feeling. It does mean that it can get bit cutscene heavy in some places, and it is very linear, but it pulls it off for the most part. The creators obviously had a very specific vision for the game, and it's going a pretty good job of pulling me in to it.

So far I've played one of the memory remixing sections, and it was pretty cool. It's a really interesting idea, although I've heard it doesn't get used to its potential. What I played so far seemed to do a relatively good job with it. There was a little bit too much watching the same events play out over and over though. It's not immediately obvious whether what you've done is right or not sometimes.

I do find it a bit weird how there are no people living in Paris with a French accent though. Mostly American. From a French studio too, who obviously have a pretty specific idea they were going for as well.
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