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Re: Destiny

Post by adwild1982 »

How's everyone finding it then now the dust has settled. Have to say I am disappointed in it as well. Level 31 Hunter and Warlock people keep kicking me out of Knightfall because I am not high enough level. Raids are ok but as someone who doesn't like to talk on mic when playing I feel a little lost doing them. Prison of Elders was good when you have treasure keys but haven't got the time to grind to get more. Don't get me wrong for the £55 I have paid for the game and DLC I have more than got my money for it, just wish it didn't feel like I am being locked out due to not been able to sink in the hours needed.

Re: Destiny

Post by MAp »

So are people falling away from Destiny already? I've made it through all of the House of Wolves story, and I'm now reaching the parts where having people by your side is mandatory rather than a bonus. So hearing and slightly seeing people drop away from the game only a week into the new DLC is very worrying...or maybe great as I can attack my pile of unfinished wonders :p
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Re: Destiny

Post by JaySevenZero »

Looking at my stats for this game, the last time I played it was Feb 19th with 530 hrs 21mins on the clock. I've been interested to see how the House of Wolves went down and unfortunately it appears to have been met with a certain amount of apathy. Even those who I played many an hour with on the PS3 side of things appear to have fallen away from it. Personally, I wonder if the time between the expansions was too long or perhaps there's simply just other things to divide peoples attention? Possibly there are numerous reasons as to why players have moved on, although of those I've spoken to about it, and I'm including myself on this, the pointlessness of the grind was the thing that made them put it down and move onto other things.

Who knows? Whilst it's looking likely that I'll skip this latest expansion, the big add-on in September may encourage me to dust it off when that drops but only if it includes the all the expansion content to date, as without it it'll make the package pointless to purchase.

Re: Destiny

Post by MAp »

Yeah I get the feeling I'm the odd one that played it enough to enjoy the ride of getting past the level 20 hump with friends, but never committed to reaching the full heights of the game (I never properly had time to go all the way through a raid). I mainly treated it as the other game when I saw people playing, with 20min bursts by myself for the odd bounty.

Maybe I need to find my new multiplayer game now, although lately most multiplayer games (other than Destiny's glory days) feel like a shaky gamble on whether people will stick with it...

Re: Destiny

Post by adwild1982 »

As someone who is still playing it and sinking hours in to it. I can say that am enjoying it but feel i am missing out on the higher level parts as i don't have friends to play it with. I am making use of the app to try and find people to play with. What i am finding is that this is hit and miss somtimes you find somone who is willing to help anyone other times you get people who give you a massive long list of what they require you to be and often that includes having the kit from the higher level things your trying to do.
Like Jay i have sunk hours in to it and for the combined price of £55 for the game and both DLC i have had my moneys worth. Will i continue on with it only time will tell.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Pitwar »

Since jumping back into Destiny I've become totally addicted yet again.

Such a shame a lot of my friends list have long since given up on the game as I'd love to give the Raids a go. It's a real shame that you can't team up with randoms to do them.
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Re: Destiny

Post by hazeredmist »

As far as how I was playing it at least I am definitely done now. I just don't have the time for a game like this anymore, which requires such an ongoing investment to keep up with your friends. I've moved on to GTA and Splatoon which are far easier to dip in and out of. I'm keeping the disc and will play now and again when I've got spare time and my friends are about (and on activities I'm levelled up enough for) but my days of reset Tuesday, bounties, repeating activities with multiple characters etc are over.

It's been quite a ride!
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Re: Destiny

Post by Flabyo »

So, forum Destineers...

Thoughts on the pricing for the next add-on?

I can see why they're doing a new retail release that has everything to date plus the new add-on. They want to grab new players with something that they can just buy and have everything they need (one of the things that puts me off ever going back to World of Warcraft is I've simply no idea which things I actually have to buy...)

But the pricing disparity between that and how much you will have paid if you've bought everything as it appeared seems large to me. I'm fine with that being more, you've had the extra year of playing the game, but to have everything to date if you started at launch is over twice what they're charging 'new' players...
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Re: Destiny

Post by JaySevenZero »

I think that particular interview is gonna give Bungie a bit of a PR nightmare this week, especially now that other sites have started to link and comment on it. That said, I've kinda been done with Destiny for a while now and the high price point for something that doesn't seem to carry much more content than previous expansions is just cementing that fact.

Given also that this add-on is released in the week between the release of Metal Gear Solid V and Avalanche's Mad Max game, I think it's safe to say it's barely gonna be a blip on my radar when it finally hits.

I kinda think that they would have been better off going for a straightforward subscription model and that those subscribed would be given all the content as it becomes available rather than the route they've taken.
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Re: Destiny

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

£20 for each DLC so far, and another £40 for the new DLC (or more if you want to get eh new dance moves, limited edition stuff)
sorry bungie, I love you, but you can park your DLC where the sun don't shine.
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Re: Destiny

Post by James »

I was talking to CJ (off of off of Twin Humanities) about this last night. The price doesn't concern me as much as the disregard for existing players. Sure, a £10-£15 difference between the complete version and what existing players have to pay is a (small) tip of the hat to those who already have spent something like £70 for the game and season pass/DLC, but the bullish response is astounding.

An excerpt of that interview was doing the rounds on Twitter yesterday. To me, some of those answers border on the levels of arrogance that Microsoft were accused of a couple of years ago. I think you're right, Jay, Bungie/Activision have some damage control to do this week.
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Re: Destiny

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

iwatttfodiwwfa wrote:An excerpt of that interview was doing the rounds on Twitter yesterday. To me, some of those answers border on the levels of arrogance that Microsoft were accused of a couple of years ago. I think you're right, Jay, Bungie/Activision have some damage control to do this week.
it reminded me of Microsoft's initial press over the xbone. "You will use it how we want, and we don't really care if you're not able to make that happen"
I kinda feel as well that if the first and second DLC had landed much sooner, then perhaps I'd feel like I was in a position where I'd still want to be on the Destiny train, but my interest had kinda tapered off by the time the most recent DLC turned up. I know the same has been true for a lot of people on this forum too. People have pumped in a ton of time, and already squeezed all the juice out of the game. I don't think you're going to entice anyone back in by treating them like idiots.
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Re: Destiny

Post by hazeredmist »

I've documented my issues with Destiny lately but I still go back to it, however this latest reveal is just a further kick in the teeth to the fans that built the community.

The new DLC being £40 and the option to buy the entire package (i.e. everything you've already bought plus The Taken King, for £55) is frankly staggering. Add to that the bizarre 'collectors edition' at £75 to get access to minor things the interviewer quite rightly says, the hardcore will be most interested in.

The mention of the fact you could once go to places and see swordbearers as somehow being valuable content you would tell your grandchildren about witnessing is borderline insulting. I don't even think what they've announced so far is anything close to being a £40 proposition in terms of The Taken King's content.

I'm finding it more and more difficult to defend this game, much as I love it. A lot of my friends have jumped to The Elder Scrolls Online now, which I could purchase for less than this DLC. That's wrong. Or an easy decision.

One thing I'd say on top is that Eurogamer interview (to me at least) is clearly between two people who know and like each other, and some of the answers to questions are mildly sarcastic. That said, it's wholly inappropriate to be conducting yourself that way when you're trying to justify the cost of your products to one of the biggest gaming sites on the internet. Quite well played by Eurogamer actually.
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Re: Destiny

Post by JaySevenZero »

"So the players who were there can say 'I was here when...' and 'I did it when it was new'."

Who exactly says sh*t like that anyway? Comes across like one of those annoying hipsters who proclaim that they liked a certain band before they became famous!
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Re: Destiny

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

So there's been an update to this apparently "Deej" has said that there's "something even better coming for year one players", which will be announced in the weekly update this Thursday.
I guess that gives them 2 days to code up a limited edition glitter Gjallahorn for everyone, huh?

Try and push that toothpaste back in the tube guys.
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Re: Destiny

Post by DomsBeard »

Real shame this, I loved Destiny but they've turned it into a mess.
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Re: Destiny

Post by ratsoalbion »

I've uninstalled it to make room for Arkham Knight. Kinda regretting a) going digital and b) paying £55 for Destiny, although I reckon I had maybe 40 hours or so of co-op fun with it so not a total waste. Just fell so far short of its potential for me.

Still, Planetside 2 is on the PSN store now, and that's F2P...
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Re: Destiny

Post by countstex »

Feeling glad Linda and I never went so far down the rabbit hole with Destiny. We enjoyed our initial run through and wished it had more leveling and gear than it did, but the top end grind left us so cold and the constant running back and forth through the same areas.
Shame as there was some great potential there.
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Re: Destiny

Post by James »

After writing a blog post about my weird relationship with Destiny ( I did indeed go back to give it one last chance. A glitched objective marker and a few attempts at a final encounter later I relented. Whilst the Daily Mission was clearly designed for multiple players, I knew I could've banged my head against it half a dozen times and made it through, I just didn't care to.

CJ and Paddy would probably have tempted me back in this week if not for the fact that I've traded my PS4 copy in and there's no point (re-)buying anything Destiny-related until September now. Add to that Bungie's attitude and the fact that Phantom Pain comes out right around the same time as The Taken King and there's little chance that I'll be anywhere near Destiny again for a good, long while.

What a shame. As you say, Leon and Steven, a lot of potential that wasn't realised for all but a very few.
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Re: Destiny

Post by chase210 »

One of Destiny The Taken King's quests is exclusive to Red Bull drinkers

A certain Taken King quest exclusive to those who buy red bull.
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