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Post by skidoosh »

Afternoon all! Saw quite a few people in my twitter feed talking about this today so I thought I'd bob on and start the thoughts, findings, gripes and tactics train rolling.

I've just had my first game in the final release after being in the open beta so I'm not really in a position to share my thoughts too much yet. Had a cracking first match as Mercy though. We got trounced the first mate. Team started to stick together in the second so we won that and then trounced them in the tiebreaker.

Got play of the game, and got voted up by almost everyone! I really love playing support characters in game and that kind of reward/feedback really changed my opinion of always being the only person who didn't go direct to a damage dealer. Really looking forward to getting another hour or two in after work!
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Combine Hunter
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Combine Hunter »

Favourite Characters to play as are:

Soldier 76

Tend to favour either offence or defence characters, rather than tanks and supports. Having a lot of fun with this. Time will tell if I end up loving it as much as Titanfall.

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Really liked Soldier during the open beta. He reminds me of the assault class in BF3/4. Really good offence, mobility and if you can preempt a situation you'll have to hold ground and go toe-to-toe you can pop his regen and move around in the AOE.

Love Pharah too. She's really good at applying pressure so your team can push with less fire falling on them.

Can't wait to have a go with some more heroes!
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Re: Overwatch

Post by ratsoalbion »

Haven't got nearly enough time to add this to my playlist, but inevitably I'm being drawn in by the community's enthusiasm.
Is this cross-format online or not by the way?

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Unfortunately no. It's platform specific :(
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Re: Overwatch

Post by ratsoalbion »

That's understandable, but a shame.
Thanks Glyn.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Combine Hunter »

No, there isn't unfortunately. I think the reason cited was that PC players would have an unfair advantage, but it would have been cool if Xbox One and PS4 were cross platform.

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

The was a lot of optimisation done for the consoles to make them feel good with a less accurate pointing device and the slower turn speed. Can anyone remember the Shadowrun Returns experiment? But I agree it is a shame you can't have console crossover and battle.net party management.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Flabyo »

I find there isn't really anyone I don't like playing as. I'm pretty awful with road hog, and I just can't seem to stay alive long as zenyatta.

On defence I enjoy playing Symmetra, even got the achievement for "hit one target with 7 beams at once" now.

Support is pretty fun to play as here, and players seem to recognise that it really does give a team an edge, so you don't ever feel like it's an unappreciated role to play.

I also do pretty well with DVa, the trick with her is to remember her thruster charge can push (and kill) people, and it tends to panic people when you fly right at them. (Also, if you activate self destruct while in thrust charge it throws the suit forwards leaving you behind, you can lob it over walls etc...)

Main advice though, learn the maps. There's nearly always a way around whatever choke point the opponents are filling with bastion and turrets.

(Also, go into the options menu and look at the hero specific options, things like making Hanzos wall climb automatic etc... That might help your playstyle.)
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Suits »

So I've gone for the version on Xbox as there's about 6/7 of us that played the BETA quite a lot.

I can't hide my frustration over the pricing system on Xbox tho.

I saw what the 'extra content' was after doing a bit of digging around online, as it didn't mention what any of it was on the marketplace.

It sounded like some cool bits but all for other games, I don't own, on other platforms.

It's a very very odd model IMO.

This the first time I've properly felt penalised for wanting the digital version of a game, not only because of the lack of an 'actual product' which I can deal with now but by the content associated with it and the price.

It all makes it seem like an expensive, bitter experience for just a MP game.

Anyway, Tesco are selling the physical version for £42 and that certainly seemd like the most sensible option for me.

However, I bought the digital version as I'm lazy.

By far I enjoy playing as support with Mercy so far. Playing in a team makes it all the more worthwhile responding to call outs and trying to keep the rhythm going.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Flabyo »

The digital extras come with both the physical and digital copies on console. They're tied to this "origins" edition, and that's the only edition available on console. (The PC has a cheaper version that lacks that content, and all of the extra skins the origin edition has in it too)

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Yeah. I bought the physical Origins edition from SimplyGames for about £38.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by AndrewBrown »

Spending most of my time playing as Lúcio and D.Va depending on what my team needs. I oscillate between offensive characters; I oscillated a lot between Soldier: 76 and Tracer in the beta, but I had a really good experience with Junkrat on launch night and he might become my go-to.

Playing on PlayStation 4.

Re: Overwatch

Post by Todinho »

Got some good time in today Im still gravitating more to Zennyatta and D.Va but I also started playing as Lúcio & Soldier 76 which I really liked also I got a game in as Symmetra and that was really fun,I wanted to try Genji and some of the other DPS's but everybody seems to rush towards them so I always end up as support.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Suits »

Still playing as support with Mercy for the moment, still very good. Played in a team of about 4/5 last night, didn't particularly perform that great, as we kept coming up against teams that appeard to be more organised. Probably maintained a slight better than 50% win ratio.

Once I'm used to all the flashes and numbers on the HUD and the maps, I'll start switching my role to something more offensive.

Enjoying the social aspect of it primary at the moment, it's very enjoyable.

Re: Overwatch

Post by MagicianArcana »

I'm honestly surprised by how much I enjoy this game. I was skeptical up until I played in the open beta. I admit, I was cynical and thought it would be re-skinned TF2. And I've played enough TF2 to last me a lifetime haha

One evening I was on my WoW guild's Ventrillo server and some of my WoW friends were talking about playing in the open beta. I decided why not give it a shot since it was free. The first hero I played as was Mei and I was immediately impressed with her ice wall ability. It's so fun and satisfying to block enemy players with a perfectly placed ice wall. I'm finding all the heroes to be really fun in their own way.

While it does feel similar to TF2 in some respects, I think it still has its own identity. I love all the interesting abilities and personalities the characters have. So far I like playing as McCree, Mei, D.va, and Lucio the most

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Gutted. Your play of the game disappears if you close the game. Had a cracker on Hollywood with Reinhardt. Charged one guy into the payload, span, popped my ultimate and hammered another three. And I had another in the Japan map on point B where two snipers where hammering us from the back. So I sneakily flanked them and charged them both into the wall :D

Re: Overwatch

Post by Todinho »

Yeah I dont really know what those highlights are about you cant even share them or anything and them they just disapear when you close the game is gone,also now Soldier 76 is my new go to when shit hits the fan had a game where we were literally inches away from defeat in King's Row and then I switched to him and went to town on the enemy team and saving us from defeat I just played as him for the last 4 minutes and I was able to be the one that got the most kills on the team.

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Maybe if enough people moan we'll get an export option ;) I bloody love this game! Getting battered, switched to Widowmaker, turned the tine. I'm a SHIT sniper too. We just needed someone to keep the high ground clear! And Soldier: 76, the "generic call of duty dude" is a team supporting MONSTER! You can dish out the pain, sprint to flank and drop health for the rest of you team while you run agro!
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Re: Overwatch

Post by ratsoalbion »

Obviously I have this now. On PC. Add RatsoAlbion#2544 if you want to occasionally cross paths online!
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