Destiny / The Taken King

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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by ADumican83 »

Do I still have time to get into this game or has the community moved on?

Re: RE: Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by Jusifer »

ADumican83 wrote:Do I still have time to get into this game or has the community moved on?
and on which console?
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by ADumican83 »

It would be on PS4

Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by KYUSS »

Yes it's still pretty vibrant. I'm on ps4.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by Marco »

I know this is recurring question on this thread but is the Destiny Collection still worth getting into? It's on sale on the Playstation Store at the moment.
Very quickly: Only have the original disc. No expansions. I enjoyed what I played. Only played through the basic campaign missions once, liked it, thought it was fun. Never went back for more. Heard many good things about the Taken King expansion. Cane and Rinse podcast coming up. Destiny 2 is on the horizon.


Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by KYUSS »

For me it would be a definitive Yes!
They have just brought all the older raids up into the current higher light levels and added 'Adept' Exotic versions of the weapons for the raids.
Deffo need friends or be willing to pair up with strangers on the forums or Lfg sites.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by hazeredmist »

Word of warning - something that's been discussed a fair bit before, but Destiny does a great job of killing your experience if you don't purchase ALL the DLC. I've bought everything except the latest pack, Rise of Iron, and this has made it tough to continue playing, I know because I have tried. I basically have to pay £25 to have a reasonably good experience continuing with the game, and the majority of the benefit is being able to play earlier parts of the game again but for better loot, which will become obsolete in September when the sequel comes out.

Every main mode is pushing you to use the DLC, and Crucible for example (PVP) I am now locked to 'legacy' section where I have significantly less options to play than I did pre-Rise of Iron. It's a bit shit really, I literally can't have the experience I had playing online unless I buy the DLC, and I was a heavy Destiny player (800 hours plus). In my opinion it's a poor time to jump into the game and I think unless you pay under £30 for the whole set of vanilla & all DLC, it's definitely not worth it.

Instead of buying the new DLC I went for Titanfall 2 for less money. It'll do me till Destiny 2 comes out, but I don't know if I'll get it as I can't do the hours and hours of farming & raids the game requires to keep up now I'm a new father.

It might sound like I've turned on the game - Destiny is undoubtedly one of the greatest games I've ever played and I've had some of the best gaming moments of my life co-opping raids with my friends, it is absolutely incredible fun to play when you get into it. You just need to know the limitations of what you're getting into at this stage of the game's lifespan with 2 just around the corner.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by Marco »

Thanks for the advice, both the positive and cautionary words have been taken on board. Going for it; the collection is all the DLC included and was £21 on PS+. Sounds like there's enough fun to be had, even in solo play. I don't think I'll go too far down the rabbit hole. We'll see.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by Sean »

hazeredmist wrote: May 5th, 2017, 6:59 pm Word of warning - something that's been discussed a fair bit before, but Destiny does a great job of killing your experience if you don't purchase ALL the DLC. I've bought everything except the latest pack, Rise of Iron, and this has made it tough to continue playing, I know because I have tried. I basically have to pay £25 to have a reasonably good experience continuing with the game, and the majority of the benefit is being able to play earlier parts of the game again but for better loot, which will become obsolete in September when the sequel comes out.

Every main mode is pushing you to use the DLC, and Crucible for example (PVP) I am now locked to 'legacy' section where I have significantly less options to play than I did pre-Rise of Iron. It's a bit shit really, I literally can't have the experience I had playing online unless I buy the DLC, and I was a heavy Destiny player (800 hours plus). In my opinion it's a poor time to jump into the game and I think unless you pay under £30 for the whole set of vanilla & all DLC, it's definitely not worth it.

Instead of buying the new DLC I went for Titanfall 2 for less money. It'll do me till Destiny 2 comes out, but I don't know if I'll get it as I can't do the hours and hours of farming & raids the game requires to keep up now I'm a new father.

It might sound like I've turned on the game - Destiny is undoubtedly one of the greatest games I've ever played and I've had some of the best gaming moments of my life co-opping raids with my friends, it is absolutely incredible fun to play when you get into it. You just need to know the limitations of what you're getting into at this stage of the game's lifespan with 2 just around the corner.
I just ran into this yesterday. The news of the sequel hyped me up enough to fire Destiny back up for the first time in a while and I couldn't believe how much of the game is locked out because of Rise of Iron.

It's honestly kinda gross.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by JaySevenZero »

Sean wrote: May 22nd, 2017, 4:18 pmIt's honestly kinda gross.
My thoughts exactly and the main reason behind me dropping the game, never to return even after putting in over 500 hours

Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by KYUSS »

I never had this experience as I bought each DLC as it came out.
Could I ask why you guys dropped off and didn't get the DLC?
I love this game after completing the single player campaign and thinking it was all done only to go back to it and discover that there was a lot more to do than I had realised. Definitely better with friends as I found a lot of people on RLLMUK to play with I have never stopped playing, much to the chagrin of my wife.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by Sean »

Generally speaking, I never get DLC ahead of it's release. I always wait for reviews, and, in Destiny's case, that often lead to me not buying the DLC.

For House of Wolves and...the other one (can't remember it's name, it was that forgettable), the reviews were so middling that I didn't pick it up until The Taken King came out. When that hit, and the reviews were good, I went ahead and grabbed it and the season pass in a sale. Ended up playing through what I could on single player (still not done any raids), and really enjoyed TTK, but the other expansions were weak, IMO.

I imagine I'll get Rise of Iron on sale, but, it still kills me that so much of the game is just straight up locked out because I haven't bought it. Leaves a bad taste.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by Marco »

Sean wrote: May 23rd, 2017, 3:06 pm For House of Wolves and...the other one (can't remember it's name, it was that forgettable)
Finished the other one within the last two weeks and I can't remember either. I'm mopping up The Taken King at the moment and it has been enjoyable. Having paid so little for all of the DLC might be colouring my views towards the whole package. As a latecomer to the game, I wasn't aware of the many of the issues, or at least didn't really pay attention at the time, as they didn't affect me. If I had to pay for those first two expansions, after what felt like surprisingly short campaign, I'm sure it would've soured my experience. Locking players out of content or options that were previously available for not purchasing DLC? Can't be justified.

This is a shame because at the moment, I am having much more fun than my first play through of the base game and the still active multiplayer co-op has elevated my enjoyment. Mixed feelings about all this. 'Losing' all my progress for the second game doesn't bother me personally and I doubt the game will be bad to actually play but I suspect it will be another case of wait and see, purely because of the issues I've seen brought up here.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by hazeredmist »

Sean wrote: May 22nd, 2017, 4:18 pm
hazeredmist wrote: May 5th, 2017, 6:59 pm Word of warning - something that's been discussed a fair bit before, but Destiny does a great job of killing your experience if you don't purchase ALL the DLC. I've bought everything except the latest pack, Rise of Iron, and this has made it tough to continue playing, I know because I have tried. I basically have to pay £25 to have a reasonably good experience continuing with the game, and the majority of the benefit is being able to play earlier parts of the game again but for better loot, which will become obsolete in September when the sequel comes out.

Every main mode is pushing you to use the DLC, and Crucible for example (PVP) I am now locked to 'legacy' section where I have significantly less options to play than I did pre-Rise of Iron. It's a bit shit really, I literally can't have the experience I had playing online unless I buy the DLC, and I was a heavy Destiny player (800 hours plus). In my opinion it's a poor time to jump into the game and I think unless you pay under £30 for the whole set of vanilla & all DLC, it's definitely not worth it.

Instead of buying the new DLC I went for Titanfall 2 for less money. It'll do me till Destiny 2 comes out, but I don't know if I'll get it as I can't do the hours and hours of farming & raids the game requires to keep up now I'm a new father.

It might sound like I've turned on the game - Destiny is undoubtedly one of the greatest games I've ever played and I've had some of the best gaming moments of my life co-opping raids with my friends, it is absolutely incredible fun to play when you get into it. You just need to know the limitations of what you're getting into at this stage of the game's lifespan with 2 just around the corner.
I just ran into this yesterday. The news of the sequel hyped me up enough to fire Destiny back up for the first time in a while and I couldn't believe how much of the game is locked out because of Rise of Iron.

It's honestly kinda gross.
Yep. I used to play with Jay a fair bit back in the day, and he bailed after the earlier DLC did that to him. I didn't really get it as much at the time, as I had the DLC and just didn't see what was going on, but boy I get it now! Frees up some HD space deleting it at least and I'm happy I got my money's worth. Just a shame with games like this which rely on online that you literally cannot get those experiences that you already paid for again.
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by DomsBeard »

I did similar to Jay, I didn't like how locked off certain areas of the game became after each piece of DLC. That said I think I will preorder Destiny 2 as the time before that was incredible and I never even attempted a raid!
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Re: Destiny / The Taken King

Post by Sean »

Welp, I'm officially part of the problem. I bought Rise of Iron cause I'm a pure wank, and, then I stopped my replay (for other games specifically for the podcast, but still.)

Kinda hate myself for it, but, the new social area is pretty.
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