Games completed 2016

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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Todinho »

KSubzero1000 wrote: "As much as MGS ever makes total sense" seems like rather cheap handwaving to me. I don't recall the other games leaving such blatant holes. They at least tried to provide coherent explanations for a lot of stuff, even if it didn't always worked. MGSV completely leaves you hanging on a bunch of stuff.
What did you think didnt have proper explanations or that had plot holes,I ask because the game leaves threads open but that's deliberate I found and it makes for a fresher take because I often found the series need to overexplain things to be one of it's major issues I mean that's how we got to Nanomachines=magic because everything needed to have an explanation I mean does it really matter how Vamp is the way he is?Not really and the explanation provided didnt improve anything,much on the contrary. Maybe we`re talking about different things though.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Todinho wrote: I often found the series need to overexplain things to be one of it's major issues I mean that's how we got to Nanomachines=magic because everything needed to have an explanation I mean does it really matter how Vamp is the way he is?Not really and the explanation provided didnt improve anything,much on the contrary.
I agree, but I think it's an issue with MGS4 in particular, and not so much with 1-3. MGS4 tried to explain everything away with pseudo-scientific "realism" and like you, I don't think it worked very well. MGS1, 2 & 3, on the other hand, walk a very thin line between the real and the supernatural, the explained and the unexplained, and I like that very much. As a rule of thumb, the protagonists and their allies are mostly grounded in reality while the antagonists have much more leeway in their depiction, sometimes being outright supernatural, like Vulcan Raven, Vamp or The Sorrow. For lack of a better word, I love the thematic asymmetry that it brings.

As to your question, I probably shouldn't have used the term "plot holes". The plot is coherent enough, if deeply unsatisfying. But there were quite a few things I just didn't buy while not being plot holes per se.
Spoiler: show
-The main one is the VA thing I mentioned before. It makes zero sense, and would have been incredibly easy to fix to be in accordance with the lore. As of right now, it's simply nonsensical.
-The Medic switcheroo required way too much suspension of disbelief to my liking. The amount of coincidences that would have been necessary for it to happen the way it is described is mind-boggling. And the game brushes it all off with "Plastic Surgery + Weightlifting on a boat". Nope, not buying it.
-The Volgin Retcon is pure bullshit and then he just fades and keels over. Get the fuck outta here.
-The characterization issues are more tricky to describe. They're not plot holes, of course, but they're still hard to swallow. Ocelot being the most egregious example. I'm supposed to believe he went from being a sadistic and overly theatrical goofball in MGS3 to a catatonic walking encyclopedia on painkillers who feels bad about torturing people in MGSV, and then right back to his old self in MGS1, 2, and 4? Yeah sure, I guess.
-Oh, and in regard to your previous comment about "Nanomachines=Magic" in MGS4, parasites are mostly serving the same purpose in MGSV. As far as I'm aware, they're the sole explanation behind Quiet's superpowers, right? Saying "Quiet is basically a super-ninja because parasites" is hardly that much better than saying "Vamp is basically a super-ninja because nanomachines".
In fact, one of the reasons I'm so unsatisfied with MGSV is because it continues the trend from MGS4 to seemingly eliminate all the supernatural elements from its narrative. Except for one character which seems completely out of place as a result. Even though it's those same supernatural elements which allowed some of the previous games, MGS3 in particular, to make all these little special moments and characters that much easier to swallow.

I really didn't formulate my thoughts very well in my other post. Sorry about that.

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Todinho »

KSubzero1000 wrote: As to your question, I probably shouldn't have used the term "plot holes". The plot is coherent enough, if deeply unsatisfying. But there were quite a few things I just didn't buy while not being plot holes per se.
Spoiler: show
-The main one is the VA thing I mentioned before. It makes zero sense, and would have been incredibly easy to fix to be in accordance with the lore. As of right now, it's simply nonsensical.
-The Medic switcheroo required way too much suspension of disbelief to my liking. The amount of coincidences that would have been necessary for it to happen the way it is described is mind-boggling. And the game brushes it all off with "Plastic Surgery + Weightlifting on a boat". Nope, not buying it.
-The Volgin Retcon is pure bullshit and then he just fades and keels over. Get the fuck outta here.
-The characterization issues are more tricky to describe. They're not plot holes, of course, but they're still hard to swallow. Ocelot being the most egregious example. I'm supposed to believe he went from being a sadistic and overly theatrical goofball in MGS3 to a catatonic walking encyclopedia on painkillers who feels bad about torturing people in MGSV, and then right back to his old self in MGS1, 2, and 4? Yeah sure, I guess.
-Oh, and in regard to your previous comment about "Nanomachines=Magic" in MGS4, parasites are mostly serving the same purpose in MGSV. As far as I'm aware, they're the sole explanation behind Quiet's superpowers, right? Saying "Quiet is basically a super-ninja because parasites" is hardly that much better than saying "Vamp is basically a super-ninja because nanomachines".
In fact, one of the reasons I'm so unsatisfied with MGSV is because it continues the trend from MGS4 to seemingly eliminate all the supernatural elements from its narrative. Except for one character which seems completely out of place as a result. Even though it's those same supernatural elements which allowed some of the previous games, MGS3 in particular, to make all these little special moments and characters that much easier to swallow.

I really didn't formulate my thoughts very well in my other post. Sorry about that.
Not problem I see where you`re coming from:
Spoiler: show
The VA is kinda of coincidental that it`s appropriate,the truth is they`ve been trying to get rid of Hayter since MGS3,which would make sense as well since it`s was different character, they just havent been able to for whatever reason and ended up doing here as a result you end up having the scenes of Big Boss talking being abit dissonante from the rest of the series,I think if they didnt want to have Hayter back they could at least got Richard Doyle who played Big Boss in MGS4 and did a great job there to do it especially given how many of the truth tapes tie in with that game.
The Medic I dont have any problem with,once it became obvious to me that I wasnt playing as Big Boss I started really dreading the twist because I thought it would be horrible but for all the reasons I stated I think it works really well both thematically,in the meta-narrative and within the own lore of the games,and this is a very particular pet pevy of mine but I always hated that Big Boss died and was ressurected twice in continuity I mean at that point it`s starts to get too comicbook for my taste,you have 1 chance to bounce back and that`s it! And honestly c`mon compare the medic switch with say fucking Liquid Ocelot and all that bullshit, this is way less contrieved and at least they had 9 years to prepare,personally I can buy this alot more easilly especially since it ties in with the whole thing about dismantling the symbol of Big Boss and all,so even if it`s a bit contrieved Im more then willing to forgive since it serves the purpose of the message unlike say Liquid Ocelot(honestly why Kojima didnt just make Ocelot the villain boggles my mind,I know he was going for the whole Cain and Abel thing but c`mon).
The Volgin thing does make sense within this context though,he was essencially a zombie controlled by Mantis because of revenge and once he realizes that he`s been hunting the wrong person he just has nothing else to do but to keel over,once he no longer has the mission that was fuelling him and he left directionless he`s done.
The Ocelot thing I get,I justify it in my head that in all those games he was an adversary and playing a role and in here his role is to be the opposite,to oversee things and be the voice of reason to make sure things go smoothly but I`ll grant that`s a weak argument,this subdued version didnt bother me much but I can certainlly understand the problems you had,the characterization that was bothering me was Big Boss it bugged me the entire game and then the twist happened and I went "oh ok that explains it" and listeining back is interesting seeing the few interactions the real Big Boss has are injected with more personallity, also despite his low verbal comunication the body language Venom has during the whole game and in many scenes really help convey his PTSD,that's something I was discussing in the metal gear thread awhile ago and it was really telling that they nailed it when someone who knows these types of disorders was able to pin point that straight away just from the body language.
In relation to the parasites,yeah they cross a little bit into the nanomachines of 4 and I dont like how the game has to explain that the Cobra unit had many of it's powers because of that and etc,but what I like about the parasites is how they are clearly limited in what each can do and the drawbacks of having them,the skulls for example have them but became essencially vegetables and are actually really limited in that if they dont have that mist they would simply die by deshydratation,also they dont have all the anwsers,Code Talker only studied the body of the end but couldnt fully figure out how he worked it also helps in my mind that stuff like metallic archea are things that actually exist and the extrapolation works bettter then "This dude is immortal,ops it was just nanomachines gotcha"
Yeah they also overused Mantis,dont even get me started on the whole Liquid subplot I couldnt give two shits about that,I think they kept in line though because they actually added alot to his backstory and character,unlike some other kid characters cough*Liquid*cough, the idea that his mind is just invaded by those with very negative emotions is really cool it shows how difficult it is for someone like him to even form a mind of his own and really adds to the destructive path he ended up taking and sure it's a bit of a retcon of his original story which was fine but I think this is a bit more interesting as what really drives him towards that dark path,now having kid Liquid's desire of Revenge be so larger then Volgin AND SkullFace is total Bullshit.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Scrustle »

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10/02 - Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition (Normal)
19/02 - Killer Is Dead: Nightmare Edition (Normal)
23/02 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (Prince of Darkness)
25/02 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2: Revelations (Prince of Darkness)
27/02 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
02/03 - Portal: Still Alive
08/03 - The Darkness II
25/03 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Normal Castle)
30/03 - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
13/04 - Bayonetta (Normal)
24/04 - Hyper Light Drifter
22/05 - Dark Souls III
07/06 - Halo 5: Guardians
15/06 - Dark Souls III (NG+)
24/06 - Darksiders (Normal)
16/07 - Yakuza 5
05/08 - Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
23/08 - Metroid Prime (Wii version)
20/09 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
05/10 - Fast Racing Neo - Neo Future Pack (Subsonic)
11/10 - Forza Horizon 3
16/10 - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Wii version)
28/10 - Toren

This is a little game that I've had my eye on ever since it was first released, but I never got around to it since I heard mixed things about it. Was reminded of it the other day and it coincidentally appeared on sale at the same time, so I decided to finally pick it up and see what it's all about.

It's... alright. Not to mean that in a negative way. Didn't dislike it, but it didn't set my world on fire. It was okay. Not a terrible way to spend a couple of hours. I suppose I have to agree with the muted response it got. I don't think it was able to achieve what it was going for, but I still appreciated some of what it had to offer. It has a good soundtrack, and some really nice imagery, and an interesting dream-like feel to it. But it's full of a lot of rough edges that hold it back a bit. While it does look pretty a lot of the time on an aesthetic level, sometimes some slightly shoddy modelling, animation, and sound design kind of stops it from achieving that kind of Journey-esque vibe is seems to be going for. Also quite a few glitches as well. Fell through the floor on a few occasions. The game is clearly trying to be some kind of metaphor for life and the passage of time, but it doesn't really present a coherent message on it either. I mean, you could probably tease a reading like that out of it if you tried, but it doesn't seem like it had a strong idea of exactly what and how it wanted to present that. That rings true for the whole thing in general in a way. It feels like the team who made it had a good vision, but weren't really capable of realising it properly. It's a shame. I liked what they were going for. Hopefully they can keep on making games and produce something really great in future.

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by eastmcduck »

That was a deep post, man, and you make some good points that I didn't even think about. And I thought I was a deep thinker even... I'll keep some of this stuff in mind during my next playthrough. I was pretty fixated on the fact that it wasn't a traditional Metal Gear Solid game, and didn't even really consider the fact that Kojima puts a lot of himself and his own emotions and philosophies into his games.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Jobobonobo »

ThirdMan wrote: Great post. I'll have to pick it up. It sounds fantastic.
Oh definitely, if you are into platformers/unique experiences then it is a must buy for the system. To not only be playing a non Mario 3D platformer in this generation which in itself is a lovely thing to see, but one with such a unique premise has been one of my favourite gaming moments in the last couple of years.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by gallo_pinto »

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Jan - Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3)
Jan - Escape Plan (Vita)
Jan - That Dragon, Cancer (Mac)
Jan - Super Time Force Ultra (Vita)
Jan - Three Fourths Home (Mac)
Jan - A Bird Story (Mac)
Feb - Super Meat Boy (Vita)
Feb - Bastion (Vita)
Feb - Undertale (Mac)
Feb - Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (Gameboy Color via 3DS)
Feb - Yo-Kai Watch (3DS)
Mar - Super Mario Bros 2 (NES via 3DS)
Mar - Metal Gear (MSX via Vita)
Mar - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX via Vita)
Mar - Metal Gear Solid (PS1 via Vita)
Mar - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2 via Vita)
Apr - Out Run (Genesis via 3DS)
Apr - Streets of Rage (Genesis via 3DS)
Apr - Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Gameboy Color via 3DS)
Apr - Super Mario Bros 3 (NES via 3DS)
Apr - SteamWorld Heist (3DS)
Apr - Gunstar Heroes (Genesis via 3DS)
Apr - Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis via 3DS)
May - Metroid (NES via 3DS)
May - Kirby’s Dream Land (Gameboy via 3DS)
May - Super Mario Land (Gameboy via 3DS)
May - Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Gameboy Color via 3DS)
May - Metroid II: The Return of Samus (Gameboy via 3DS)
May - New Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS)
May - Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis via Vita)
May - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis via Vita)
June - Volume (Vita)
June - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii-Replay)
July - Mutant Blobs Attack (Vita)
July - 80 Days (Mac)
July - Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty (Vita)
July - Streets of Rage 3 (Genesis)
July - Felix the Cat (NES)
July - Kirby’s Adventure (NES)
July - Super Mario World (SNES via Wii)
July - Fez (Vita)
July - Star Fox (SNES via Wii)
July - Luigi’s Mansion (Gamecube)
Aug - Severed (Vita)
Aug - Guacamelee (Vita-Replay)
Aug - Aladdin (Genesis)
Aug - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
Aug - Kirby’s Pinball Land (Gameboy)
Sep - The Room (iPad)
Sep - Zelda: The Minish Cap (Gameboy Advance)
Sep - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island (SNES)
Oct - Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube)
Oct - Little Inferno (iPad)
Oct - Prune (iPad)
Oct - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2 via Vita)
Oct - Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Gameboy via 3DS)
Oct - Rhythm Tengoku (Gameboy Advance)

Honestly, I'd never heard of this series before and then I saw a lot of people enjoying Rhythm Heaven Megamix on 3DS (including a few people on this forum). I listened to the Cane and Rinse podcast on the series and it sounded like it would be a lot of fun, so I decided to start at the very beginning.

I was able to emulate the Gameboy Advance game, but it was all in Japanese. It made some things a bit hard to figure out at first, but eventually I learned what to do.

And man, this game is pure joy. I REALLY liked it. This year I've almost exclusively been playing older games. I've played through most of the MGS series, a lot of Sega Genesis classics, I replayed a lot of classic Zelda games and I played Super Mario World for the first time.

I think I liked Rhythm Tengoku more than all of them. What a game!
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Indiana747 »

Spoiler: show
(Jan) Assassins Creed Liberation HD - PSN.
(Jan) Army of Two:The Devils Cartel - PS3.
(Jan) Assassins Creed Freedom Cry - PS4.
(Jan) Alien Breed Episode 2:Assault - XBOX 360.
(Jan) Beyond: Two Souls - PS3.
(Feb) Bastion - XBL.
(Feb) Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate - PSN.
(Feb) Borderlands The Pre-Sequel - PS4.
(Feb) Bloodborne - PS4.
(Feb) Contrast - PS4.
(Feb) Condemned: Criminal Origins - XBOX 360.
(Feb) Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse - PSN.
(Feb) Nihilumbra - PS Vita.
(Feb) Dishonored: Definitive Edition - PS4.
(Mar) Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken - PS Vita.
(Mar) Firewatch - PS4.
(Mar) Rainbow 6 Seige - PS4.
(Mar) Duke Nukem Forever - PS3.
(Mar)Tom Clancy's The Division(platinum) - PS4.
(Apr) Ether One(platinum) - PS4.
(May) Dead Space 3 - PS3.
(May) Renegade: Arcade Archives - PS4.
(May) Uncharted 4(hard mode) - PS4.
(May) Dead Space Extraction - PSN.
(May) Double Dragon Neon - PSN.
(May) Doom(platinum) - PS4.
(June) Dying Light: The Following - PS4.
(June) Shadow of the Beast - PS4.
(June) Gone Home - PS4.
(July) Zombie Army Trilogy - PS4.
(July) Layers of Fear - PS4.
(July) Resident Evil Revelations 2 - PS4
(July) The Walking Dead: Michonne - PS4.
(July) The Deadly Tower of Monsters - PS4
(July) F.E.A.R. - Xbox 360.
(July) Metro Last Light Redux - PS4.
(July) Left 4 Dead 2 - Xbox 360.
(Aug) Shadow Warrior - PS4.
(Aug) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - PS4.
(Aug) The Park - PS4.
(Aug) Murdered Soul Suspect(platinum) - PS4.
(Sept) Double Dragon: Arcade Archives - PS4.
(Sept) Middle Earth-Shadow of Mordor - PS4.
(Sept) Need for Speed:The Run - PS3.
(Sept) Inside - PS4.
(Sept) Homefront:The Revolution - PS4.
(Sept) Rachet & Clank - PS4.
(Oct) Killer is Dead - PS3.
(Oct) Prototype 2 - PSN.
(Oct) Portal 2 - PS3.
(Oct) Halo:CE Anniversary - XBO.
(Oct) Battlefield 1(hardcore) - PS4.
(Oct) Watch Dogs - PS4.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by gallo_pinto »

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Jan - Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3)
Jan - Escape Plan (Vita)
Jan - That Dragon, Cancer (Mac)
Jan - Super Time Force Ultra (Vita)
Jan - Three Fourths Home (Mac)
Jan - A Bird Story (Mac)
Feb - Super Meat Boy (Vita)
Feb - Bastion (Vita)
Feb - Undertale (Mac)
Feb - Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX (Gameboy Color via 3DS)
Feb - Yo-Kai Watch (3DS)
Mar - Super Mario Bros 2 (NES via 3DS)
Mar - Metal Gear (MSX via Vita)
Mar - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX via Vita)
Mar - Metal Gear Solid (PS1 via Vita)
Mar - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2 via Vita)
Apr - Out Run (Genesis via 3DS)
Apr - Streets of Rage (Genesis via 3DS)
Apr - Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Gameboy Color via 3DS)
Apr - Super Mario Bros 3 (NES via 3DS)
Apr - SteamWorld Heist (3DS)
Apr - Gunstar Heroes (Genesis via 3DS)
Apr - Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis via 3DS)
May - Metroid (NES via 3DS)
May - Kirby’s Dream Land (Gameboy via 3DS)
May - Super Mario Land (Gameboy via 3DS)
May - Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Gameboy Color via 3DS)
May - Metroid II: The Return of Samus (Gameboy via 3DS)
May - New Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS)
May - Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis via Vita)
May - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis via Vita)
June - Volume (Vita)
June - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii-Replay)
July - Mutant Blobs Attack (Vita)
July - 80 Days (Mac)
July - Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty (Vita)
July - Streets of Rage 3 (Genesis)
July - Felix the Cat (NES)
July - Kirby’s Adventure (NES)
July - Super Mario World (SNES via Wii)
July - Fez (Vita)
July - Star Fox (SNES via Wii)
July - Luigi’s Mansion (Gamecube)
Aug - Severed (Vita)
Aug - Guacamelee (Vita-Replay)
Aug - Aladdin (Genesis)
Aug - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
Aug - Kirby’s Pinball Land (Gameboy)
Sep - The Room (iPad)
Sep - Zelda: The Minish Cap (Gameboy Advance)
Sep - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island (SNES)
Oct - Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube)
Oct - Little Inferno (iPad)
Oct - Prune (iPad)
Oct - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2 via Vita)
Oct - Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Gameboy via 3DS)
Oct - Rhythm Tengoku (Gameboy Advance)
Oct - Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Gameboy)

I thought this game was ok. I found myself wishing I could just play this game as Mario, though I did really enjoy the power ups. I only played it because it had "Super Mario Land 3" as its subtitle and I don't think I'll go on to the other Wario Land games.

But finishing this brings me just about up to date! I've now beaten every Mario platformer, both 2D and 3D, except for the ones on Wii U (which I still don't own). When the Switch comes out I'll either try to get a used Wii U for cheaper or see what the Switch's backwards compatibility is like.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Flabyo »

Flabyo wrote:5th Jan - Wolfenstein: The New Order (XBO)
16th Jan - Oxenfree (XBO)
11th Feb - Firewatch (PS4)
5th April - The Wolf Among Us (XBO)
10th April - Pokken Tournament (WiiU)
24th April - Sunset Overdrive (XBO)
19th June - Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (PS4)
1st July - Street Fighter 5: A Shadow Falls (PS4)
22nd September - Virginia (XBO)
7th October - Valiant Hearts (XBO)
30th October - XCOM 2 (XBO)

Enjoyed this, but not sure exactly how I feel about it yet. I started it on veteran, which was the setting I played the previous game on, but found it way too punishing for me. Took it down a notch and while it wasn't a cake walk it certainly felt a bit too easy. It didn't feel massively different to the previous game, more of tidying up of it. Some of the more questionable design elements have been sorted out, and the units you control have more interesting and varied abilities than before, but the game itself doesn't feel all that different.

One I might go back to and try again on a harder setting next time we hit a lull. Next, onto Titanfall 2!
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by dezm0nd »

Spoiler: show
Jan 1: Fallout 4
Jan 12: Doom 3: BFG Edition (Veteran)
Jan 16: Doom 3: Ressurection of Evil (Marine)
Jan 17: Doom 3: The Lost Missions
Jan 26: Rise of the Tomb Raider: The witch DLC thing Baba Yaga
Jan 31: Rainbow Six Siege (All operators unlocked)

Feb 12: Monument Valley
Feb 13: Unravel
Feb 13: Until Dawn
Feb 27: Superhot

March 15: The Division
March 26: The Binding of Isaac (Xbox One)
March 26: Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition

Apr 7: The Binding of Isaac (Golden God)
Apr 9: Quantum Break (Hard)
Apr 16: Kid Icarus Uprising
Apr 18: Lara Croft GO.
Apr 22: Ratchet & Clank
Apr 25: Starfox Zero

May 15: Doom (Ultra Violence)
May 19: Doom (All collectibles)
May 29: Path of Exile

Jun 9: Dangerous Golf
Jun 12: The Park
Jun 12: Gat out of Hell (co-op)
Jun 19: Gun Fright
Jun 19: Knight Lore
Jun 19: Cobra Triangle
Jun 26: Hyper Light Drifter
Jun 29: Inside
Jun 30: Trials of the Blood Dragon

Jul 2: Excitebots
Jul 20: Life is Strange Episode One
Jul 21: Life is Strange Episode Two
Jul 22: Life is Strange Episode Three
Jul 23: Life is Strange Episode Four
Jul 23: Life is Strange Episode Five

Aug 5: Uncharted 4
Aug 9: AM2R
Aug 18: Quake
Aug 20: Grow Up
Aug 28: Deus Ex Mankini Divided

Sep 1: Mirrors Edge Catalyst
Sep 12: Metroid Prime Federation Force
Sep 29: Severed

Oct 2: The Turing Test
Oct 20: Paper Mario Color Splash
Oct 28: Rhythm Paradise Megamix
Played through all the tracks in the 3DS Rhythm Paradise game. It's still brilliant and made me smile like a good all the way through but as a veteran of the series, I kinda wish I had more new content.

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Todinho »

Fallout New Vegas(PC)- So I started playing this just as a refresher to post my contribution in the forum but I just couldnt let go and ended up finnishing now siding with Mr House,which I now think is without a doubt the best outcome possible,I already sang all the game's praises in the other thread but it really is fantastic and if Im being honest it is a different and better written game then Fallout1&2 but it carries their spirit which appropriatly ties in with one of the main themes of the game XD.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Indiana747 »

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(Jan) Assassins Creed Liberation HD - PSN.
(Jan) Army of Two:The Devils Cartel - PS3.
(Jan) Assassins Creed Freedom Cry - PS4.
(Jan) Alien Breed Episode 2:Assault - XBOX 360.
(Jan) Beyond: Two Souls - PS3.
(Feb) Bastion - XBL.
(Feb) Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate - PSN.
(Feb) Borderlands The Pre-Sequel - PS4.
(Feb) Bloodborne - PS4.
(Feb) Contrast - PS4.
(Feb) Condemned: Criminal Origins - XBOX 360.
(Feb) Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse - PSN.
(Feb) Nihilumbra - PS Vita.
(Feb) Dishonored: Definitive Edition - PS4.
(Mar) Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken - PS Vita.
(Mar) Firewatch - PS4.
(Mar) Rainbow 6 Seige - PS4.
(Mar) Duke Nukem Forever - PS3.
(Mar)Tom Clancy's The Division(platinum) - PS4.
(Apr) Ether One(platinum) - PS4.
(May) Dead Space 3 - PS3.
(May) Renegade: Arcade Archives - PS4.
(May) Uncharted 4(hard mode) - PS4.
(May) Dead Space Extraction - PSN.
(May) Double Dragon Neon - PSN.
(May) Doom(platinum) - PS4.
(June) Dying Light: The Following - PS4.
(June) Shadow of the Beast - PS4.
(June) Gone Home - PS4.
(July) Zombie Army Trilogy - PS4.
(July) Layers of Fear - PS4.
(July) Resident Evil Revelations 2 - PS4
(July) The Walking Dead: Michonne - PS4.
(July) The Deadly Tower of Monsters - PS4
(July) F.E.A.R. - Xbox 360.
(July) Metro Last Light Redux - PS4.
(July) Left 4 Dead 2 - Xbox 360.
(Aug) Shadow Warrior - PS4.
(Aug) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - PS4.
(Aug) The Park - PS4.
(Aug) Murdered Soul Suspect(platinum) - PS4.
(Sept) Double Dragon: Arcade Archives - PS4.
(Sept) Middle Earth-Shadow of Mordor - PS4.
(Sept) Need for Speed:The Run - PS3.
(Sept) Inside - PS4.
(Sept) Homefront:The Revolution - PS4.
(Sept) Rachet & Clank - PS4.
(Oct) Killer is Dead - PS3.
(Oct) Prototype 2 - PSN.
(Oct) Portal 2 - PS3.
(Oct) Halo:CE Anniversary - XBO.
(Oct) Battlefield 1(hardcore) - PS4.
(Oct) Watch Dogs - PS4.
(Oct) Until Dawn :Rush of Blood - PSVR.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Scrustle »

Spoiler: show
10/02 - Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition (Normal)
19/02 - Killer Is Dead: Nightmare Edition (Normal)
23/02 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (Prince of Darkness)
25/02 - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2: Revelations (Prince of Darkness)
27/02 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
02/03 - Portal: Still Alive
08/03 - The Darkness II
25/03 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Normal Castle)
30/03 - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
13/04 - Bayonetta (Normal)
24/04 - Hyper Light Drifter
22/05 - Dark Souls III
07/06 - Halo 5: Guardians
15/06 - Dark Souls III (NG+)
24/06 - Darksiders (Normal)
16/07 - Yakuza 5
05/08 - Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
23/08 - Metroid Prime (Wii version)
20/09 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
05/10 - Fast Racing Neo - Neo Future Pack (Subsonic)
11/10 - Forza Horizon 3
16/10 - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Wii version)
28/10 - Toren
31/10 - Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel DLC (NG+ level)

Finished this off today, although as I mentioned in the Dark Souls thread, I wasn't quite sure that I had. It doesn't really "end", and it leads you to believe that something major is going to happen, but doesn't. A little bit underwhelming in that aspect, but I can't be too upset about that, since it was a really good piece of DLC either way.

I was hoping that the DLC for the game would bring something weird and different, given how most of the base game isn't too out-there in terms of what Dark Souls has come up with in the past. This did deliver on that more or less. A very gorgeous area with some weird new things to see. I guess the fact that it's conceptually similar to an area in the first game might be a bit disappointing to some, but given that I've never played that area, it didn't bother me. I think this area delivers some new original stuff too, in terms of certain enemy types, and some very cool new weapons. The level of interweaving and alternate routes was quite impressive too.

I found it unexpectedly tough though. It had certain enemies that were significantly harder than almost everything in the base game, and taken as a whole, it's probably harder than any other zone on average. To a level that I think is even a bit out of line with the rest of the game. I may have been a bit rusty at the start, but even once I got back in to the swing of playing, I still found it almost impossible to take down a large number of the enemies about the place.

As for the bosses, one was excellent, while the other, I don't really know what to make of. Trying to keep it as spoiler-free as possible, there was one boss that was insanely hard, and which caused quite a lot of aggravation towards the beginning. But once I came back with a clearer mind and started to get the hang of them and learn their patterns, they became really fun to go up against, even if I was getting my arse kicked over and over. The other boss, which seemed equally as brutal on my first try when I was unprepared, I managed to deal with relatively easily the next time I attempted them. Somewhat indifferent about that boss, but the former was great.

Overall I enjoyed it quite a lot. I don't think it was the best it could have been, and I've yet to try the PvP arena mode, it was still a great time, and maintained what is great about the base game. Looking forward to the next one.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Jobobonobo »

So I finally finished Arkham Asylum yesterday. And that was a very underwhelming final boss battle; roided up Joker, ugh no. He looked ridiculous and was stupidly easy (I had WAY more trouble with his Titan injected henchmen just before this final fight, died nearly 7-8 times on them!). The final encounter was more disappointing considering how well Joker was utilised in the rest of the game, a devious mastermind who was always a thorn in your side and one step ahead. I honestly think it would have been better if Batman just chased him through a booby trapped Arkham Island or something. Also, this game needed way more Scarface, his little cameos were way too fleeting for my liking! Would have been nice to have dealt with him and Wesker at some point. But still glad he was included.

Rubbish final boss aside, I adored this game. Great combination of combat, stealth, environmental exploration and puzzle solving using your gadgets, this game really got the feel of how a Batman game should be done. I might pop into it occasionally to get some more Riddler trophies as they are quite fun to collect and figure out. Really looking forward to Arkham City now!

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Todinho »

SUPERHOT(PC)- Picked this yup among a myriad of claims that "it was the most inovative shotter in years"(something the game itself kinda mocks) and yeah the central concept is inovative alright and as it turns out it became an oddily relaxing experience playing this,since you have alot of time to plan your moves it becomes much more of a puzzle game then a shooter,the best comparison I can draw is actually from Super Time Force and Hotline Miami I think this is a great middle ground between those games,and even thou I think the gameplay in those games is way more complex and interesting it's not everyday you get a game where you can cut bullets in mid-air. The main story is really short,it's gonna take anyone at most 2 hours to finnish and the story is really nothing it does the whole "Meta" thing but it's not commenting on anything and honestly I almost think the game would be better off without it,also the amount of levels is pretty small which was a bit disapointing that being said you unlock infinite mode and a challenge modes after the story so maybe there's level variety there also I have to say during the whole game I kept thinking "Man I would love to play this game with a katana only" and lo and behold the first challenge it's called Katanaonly so Im playing that right now XD.
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Todinho wrote:the story is really nothing it does the whole "Meta" thing but it's not commenting on anything and honestly I almost think the game would be better off without it
This is starting to sound like a prerequisite for you to be able to enjoy games these days... :lol: SHOTS FIRED SHOTS FIRED

Re: Games completed 2016

Post by Todinho »

Oh I'll protest this good sir,I'll have you know that I enjoy the story of New Vegas very much and that has no meta aspects,well for the most part I mean you can kinda try to see it but it isnt really.
I do like myself a good meta narrative though,to cite an example other then MGS undertale did it super right last year,SUPERHOT just does the whole "you are playing a game" and we are hacking you and there's nothing wrong with but they both dont go far enough with it and dont say anything,I mean what`s the point? It's unhealthy to play videogames too much?Well then you should make a campaign that takes more then 2 hours to drive your point home&etc. I really dont think they gave the story much thought they kinda placed that as a tutorial and that`s it which is fine but I do wish if they were gonna do it they did it properly,what`s truly bugging about the game is that Im realizing how few curated levels there actually are...
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by KSubzero1000 »

I can't really comment on any of those as I haven't played them. It was just a dumb snipe at TPP to get you riled up. :)
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Re: Games completed 2016

Post by AndrewBrown »

AndrewBrown wrote:04/01: The Swapper (Wii U) - Complete
09/01: BioShock [360] - Complete
27/01: Toy Story [GEN] - Beat
29/01: Home Alone [SNES] - Complete
08/02: Mass Effect [360] - Complete
16/02: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS [3DS] - Complete
19/02: Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void [Bnet] - Beat
29/02: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX [GBC] - Complete
03/03: Mortal Kombat XL [PS4] - Beat
05/03: Teslagrad [PSN] - Complete
11/03: Tom Clancy's The Division [PS4] - Beat
26/03: Pokémon AlphaSapphire [3DS] - Beat
01/04: Hyrule Warriors Legends [3DS] - Beat
02/04: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD [Wii U] - 4x Damage Challenge Beaten
22/04: My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [3DSDL] - Complete
23/04: Star Fox Zero [Wii U] - Beat
25/04: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [N64] - Complete
01/05: PICROSS e [3DSDL] - Complete
07/05: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask [N64] - Complete
13/05: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PS4] - Beat
14/06: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons [GBC] - Beat
11/06: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages [GBC] - Beat
18/06: Psychonauts [PS4] - Beat
23/06: Bayonetta [360] - Beat
26/06: Plants vs. Zombies [XBLA] - Beat
09/07: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD [Wii U] - Complete
17/07: The Witcher III: Wild Hunt [PS4] - Beat
21/07: Disney's Aladdin [GEN] - Complete
28/07: The Wolf Among Us [PS4] - Beat
07/08: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure [GCN] - Complete
16/09: Borderlands 2 [PS4] - True Vault Hunter Mode Beat
17/09: Journey [PS4] - Beat
24/09: Virginia [PS4] - Complete
27/09: Tabletop Racing World Tour [PS4] - Beat
09/10: Super Meat Boy [PSN] - Beat
09/10: Xeodrifter [PSVita] - Beat, what a stupendously unproductive month. Too much to do between finding a new place to stay and then moving there.

Next year, I will try harder!
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