Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by nickturner13 »

ThirdMan wrote: March 10th, 2018, 10:50 pm I picked up Monster Hunter World today. I'd put about 15 hours into 4 Ultimate over the past two weeks.
What IS monster hunter? I'm totally out of the loop on this one. What kind of game is it?

I've not looked into it much but it seems like a Final Fantasy style game where you catch monsters then breed them to fight... or something?

I really don't know.

Interested because the rest of the world is interested but no idea what it is.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Craig »

You find big monsters, preferably in a group of four but you can do it by yourself, and hit it with your choice of weapon for about 20 minutes.

After it dies you carve him up and turn his carcass into better weapons or a fancy new coat.

Then you find an even bigger monster, kill him and turn him into a hat.

You also have a cat buddy who helps you and is happy to wear the corpses of your foes, too.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

nickturner13 wrote: March 11th, 2018, 1:01 am What IS monster hunter? I'm totally out of the loop on this one. What kind of game is it?
It's really more of a loot-based action game than a standard RPG. I don't think it has any monsters you can breed for battle or anything like that. The core loop would be: Track monster, Fight monster (which can take a while), Loot for parts, Craft equipment, Repeat.

Basically, you need to be into both skill-based boss battles and grinding in order to enjoy it. Personally, I found it a bit too impenetrable for its own good, but it's definitely a great game especially if you have a handful of friends to play with.

Oh and as Craig has said, it's also about desecrating the corpses of majestic creatures who are minding their own business, so there's that. :lol:
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

There are cat chefs.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

I've been playing Prize Fighters on my Android phone. It's a Super Punch Out clone, and really fun. Free to play, you can buy coins and stuff to upgrade your fighter but they're earned in game anyway. I like it.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... zefighters

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

Started off Final Fantasy 3 because why not, well mostly because I saw that nobody had comented anything on that podcast thread yet and because I think out of all the Final Fantasy games this is the one I know the least about, I only really knew that this is where the first incarnation of the job system was introduced. Im playing a fan translated version of the original NES version and so far it has been way nicer then I thought it would be, Im having guide next to me as I play but I havent really needed it so far, the only thing that is kinda of annoying is switching equipment but other then that it plays similar enough to FFV and FFVI.

In other news, that Old Hunters DLC is pretty hard aint it.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by duskvstweak »

I've returned to XCOM 2 in hopes that campaign 3 will be the big one. Someone gifted me Shen's Last Gift, so that's cool too!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »


Bloody hell this game is good.

And to the person who told me to play it with headphones on, thank you. This game needs to win all the audio awards there are.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by stvnorman »

I thought I loved Bloodborne, but having spent some time with it, I just wanted to love it. I don’t have the patience (or possibly the skill) to enjoy a world that could have been custom built only for me. Now I’m back in Stardew Valley - a world that definitely wasn’t built for me, but I couldn’t feel more at home in!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

Played the first couple of hours of Assassin's Creed Origins and wasn't blown away so I sent the rental back. Really a case of it is not you its me :lol: it just felt like a game I have played many times before and the setting didn't do anything for me.

Going to attempt Bloodborne and see how I get on with it, I am one of the 3 people in the world that was not a fan of Dark Souls but this looks more interesting.

Switch wise I had my first experience of a ''rigged'' game of Fifa 18 online. My Spurs were beat 4-1 by Real Madrid, 3 of the goals were 30 yard screamers which didn't seem fair. Apart from that it is a great game. Not really a Fifa fan but it is nice to play in handheld to kill 20 minutes.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Simonsloth »

DomsBeard wrote: March 13th, 2018, 11:57 am Played the first couple of hours of Assassin's Creed Origins and wasn't blown away so I sent the rental back. Really a case of it is not you its me :lol: it just felt like a game I have played many times before and the setting didn't do anything for me
Rental? Where from?
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

Simonsloth wrote: March 13th, 2018, 6:13 pm
DomsBeard wrote: March 13th, 2018, 11:57 am Played the first couple of hours of Assassin's Creed Origins and wasn't blown away so I sent the rental back. Really a case of it is not you its me :lol: it just felt like a game I have played many times before and the setting didn't do anything for me
Rental? Where from?
Boomerang £15 a month I think for 2 games at a time unlimited number of games a month. Will see how I get on with it. I had added loads of obscure games to broaden my horizons.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by deacon05oc »

I bought a Switch this weekend and have spent time in Sonic Mania, Bayonetta and Breath of the Wild. I’m in love with Breath of the Wild.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Played a bit of Ghost of a Tale the past few days. This is one of the only three crowdfunded games I've ever supported, and is so far the only one to actually fully release. I played it way back in alpha with some of the earliest builds they released, and really didn't get on with it. But given that it's now complete, I thought it was time to give it another try. Even though it has all the content that was missing before, and it looks and runs a whole lot better, it's still a fundamentally flawed experience that I find totally miserable.

The game has some appealing aspects to it, but they're all aesthetic or world building things. You play as a little anthropomorphic mouse character in a world inhabited by similar small animal characters, with a fantasy setting. The characters and environments are amazingly detailed and have a lot of charm to them. That was one of the biggest things that drew my attention to this game in the first place. The game also has a surprisingly fleshed out setting to it, with the world having a detailed history, with its own social structure and such. You're also given footnotes to read in conversations that explain the history or meaning behind words or phrases characters might say. Definitely adds a richness to dialogue, although sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming with the amount that there is to read.

The game design however, is pretty abysmal. It's mainly a stealth game, with some RPG/adventure elements. The stealth mechanics themselves are incredibly bare bones and not fun or interesting in any way. You have hardly any tools to deal with situations, and what you do have is pretty boring. If you're not creeping around painfully slowly trying not to get spotted by the rat guards, you're simply running and hiding over and over. You have a stick you can throw to distract guards, and you can throw a bottle at some to knock them out for a short period of time. Extremely basic stuff, and is usually a waste of time to do anyway, since the controls for these items are pretty poor, and the utility of their effects is often very limited. The game is also terrible at conveying when it's safe to move around too. You have a basic screen icon that shows how much attention you're drawing, and a vague direction of where it's coming from, but it's not clear at all how wide a guard's vision is, or whether a certain spot is safe from view. It makes the stealth elements feel like a complete farce. Not something you can get good at or is rewarding in any way.

Conveyance in general is a massive flaw too. You start the game in a dungeon cell, before breaking out in to the castle above. Once you do that the game throws loads of quests at you. Most of them are simply for gathering parts for outfits that can give you certain effects, while others are from side characters asking you to go fetch something or work out a secret. They usually point you in a certain direction through dialogue, which might sound helpful, except for the fact that when you get these quests, you'll likely not have a map yet, or know what the hell they are talking about. Not that getting a map is much more help, since it's completely without any kind of annotations or helpful information. It's just simply a hand-drawn-style layout of the area, showing where you and (unlabelled) NPCs are. That's it. It's of no use whatsoever, especially given the castle area has multiple floors. What's more, you only ever get the full(ish) explanation of your objectives the first time you talk to a quest giver. The description in the quest tab in your menu is pretty light on details, usually omitting the location you need to go. And you can't talk to characters again to repeat information. Their dialogue changes, giving you less to work with each time, giving you nothing after a couple of attempts.

The environment is also pretty awful at portraying information. Perhaps in part because of how lovingly detailed it is, it's incredibly easy to miss important objects. Nothing stands out as special, and stuff frequently blends in to the background. It's not clear what you can interact with a lot of the time, unless you stand right up next to something and get the UI prompt. But things are so hard to spot, a lot of the time I see the prompt before I see the thing I'm supposed to be able to use. And going back to the problem of navigation, there's a huge lack of signage. While there are things you can read dotted around the environment, usually it's flavour text, or irrelevant details. But when it comes to actually wanting information I need for a quest, there's pretty much nothing pointing you in the right direction. No signs on doors telling you what a room is, etc. Makes me end up running around in circles forever just hoping against hope I come across something that's relevant to any of the quests I'm doing. It really drags things out, makes the problems with stealth that much worse, and ends up making the game feel like an aimless frustration.

Really disappointed by this game. Not simply because I put money towards its development (I'm not too bothered either way about that), but because these are pretty much all the same problems I had with the game in those early alphas. Even though the game has a great visual style and an interesting world, it's just so completely, conceptually flawed that it totally fails to make good on any of its potential. I know I'm definitely not one for stealth games for the most part, but I can't see any stealth fan liking this, or anyone who is in to the aesthetic being able to grit their teeth through it and find any real enjoyment. It's just completely miserable.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by macstat »

I've been riding a Skaven doomwheel bandwagon by playing a lot of Vermintide 2. This game is a really great sequel to first Vermintide. They kept this great meaty L4D style of gameplay (with an obvious focus on melee) and added good RPG-like progression, 3 classes per character, more loot, and no microtransactions :) Its definitely a bit janky in some places but nothing that cant be fixed by a couple of patches. I'm also very happy with its mid0tier price. We definitely need something besides cheap indies and full price AAA games.

I've been playing a bit of Path of Exile since the new league started. They added bestiary, a pokemon-style minigame that lets you capture defeated beasts, you can view them in your own personal zoo, or use them to craft unique items. They also reworked some of the classes so it's just a bit of new fresh take on good old Path of Exile. Still alive and kicking

I also started playing Nier Automata, but after 3 hours I wasn't all that impressed. I'm gonna continue playing it once I stop playing Vermintide so much, but so far I don't feel the hype. Story so far was a bit slow, but last couple of missions showed glimpse of something potentially interesting in the future so ill keep playing. Oh and at times it feels a bit too anime for my taste (like main character or that naked sephiroth reject :P). Music was hit and miss for me, sometimes it had really cool mood-setting pieces and sometimes they went overboard with stock anime violin combat. I also not interested in that twin-stick shooter, or flying while shooting/evading sections. I get that its little nod to those retro games but It feels like an intermission between fun combat. One thing i was impressed with is the animation. Man its really top notch and im constantly dashing just to see how well she transitions to sprint. Oh its so gorgeous.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Feirsteax »

Suits wrote: March 10th, 2018, 11:22 pm I’ve been playing Celeste on the Switch, solely in handheld mode, on and off of late.

But I hit it hard today after a days decorating - man, that’s one very solid platform game. So good.
it's an absolute cracker. I've got to the last level, very very hard but so satisfying.

Anyone here played Flinthook? I'm playing it on the switch. Literally can't beat the first boss, always get so close then die. Apart from that though it's solid platforming and roguelike elements mixes it up a bit, i like it!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ThirdDrawing »

A bit of Rocket League on the Switch

Bioshock Infinite in preparation for the podcast

Started Dragon Quest Builders on Switch tonight......I think it's going to be a time sink.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

Hierony wrote: March 15th, 2018, 2:00 pm
Suits wrote: March 10th, 2018, 11:22 pm I’ve been playing Celeste on the Switch, solely in handheld mode, on and off of late.
it's an absolute cracker. I've got to the last level, very very hard but so satisfying.

Anyone played Flinthook ?
Celeste was hard but fair, very fair.

Nothing ever felt impossible, very well made.

No, not picked up Flinthook yet, I’m going to play Kirby when it comes out tomorrow and see where I am after that I think.

But it’s certaibly on my radar !!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

I played a little bit of Bound the other night. I'd intended to play the whole thing in one sitting but my middle boy woke up throwing up all over his cot, so that put a stop to that! What I played seemed fun though, and hot damn that is one good looking game. So stylised, it's one of the best looking games on PS4 I genuinely think. It's like playing inside what TV and movies think the inside of a computer looks like!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Simonsloth »

Playing zone of the Enders 2.

A bit annoyed as I hadn’t heard about the 4K/VR remaster imminently incoming. Don’t know if I want to start it all over again.
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