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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

Still carrying on with Left Alive.

Level 2 you have to navigate the area now with added drones and mechs trying to spot you.

They then added a favourite trope of gaming in level ESCORT MISSIONS. My initial reaction was ''nope not a chance'' as this is an optional side mission. You have to get the person then guide them (pressing square to stop and go) whilst they run to dedicated shelters. Their AI is terrible often wandering into the line of fire but I have rescued 2 of 3 so far :lol:

Whilst this is going on I am going to an abandoned hospital where young girls have been kidnapped and taken to (no this is not made up) whilst a war is going on.

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Finally, the time has come... for Devil May Cry 5! I've played the first four missions so far, so three for Nero and one for V. Nero feels excellent to play. Very familiar from how he handled in 4, but with a new level of fluidity that helps bring the game feel more up to date with how games feel these days, but without sacrificing the responsiveness of the controls at all. The new Breaker mechanics are interesting, but I'm yet to really explore everything I can with those. There's some very interesting potential to them though, and they feel like a very natural addition to the game. Nero also has a few new sword moves too, which were not seen in the demos. A big one being you can do a Streak-like distance closer move from the air now, separate from Calibur which is also still in the game. The difference here is that it shoots you towards the ground, instead of moving straight through the air.

V is an interesting character, but I've yet to really get the hang of how he works, and so far I'm not as immediately comfortable with him. Getting his moves to work properly feels a bit awkward, and trying to get melee moves to make contact isn't very intuitive. You can't directly control the position of your demonic familiar, or even necessarily what they attack, even when you're locked on to an enemy. Maybe there's just some trick to it I haven't worked out yet. Also some of my worries about the visual design of the game do seem to be a bit of an issue here. The dark, washed out colours sometimes make it hard to pick out where your demon buddy is, since they're coloured completely black. Thankfully those issues haven't been a problem with Nero yet though. I'm hoping I can warm up to V over time though, even if I don't expect I'll ever like him as much as Nero or Dante. Obviously he's going to be harder to get used to, since I'm already very familiar with those other characters. But I like that V is a serious attempt to do something different with the genre. This game isn't just lying back on what this genre has being doing for over a decade already. While it's nailing that, it's not content to leave it at that and not try to push boundaries too.

There's also a slight change to this game which has a pretty big impact in how the game plays out too I think. There are no longer any healing items outside of revives, which are more plentiful than in previous games, but still pretty scarce. So you can't just eat through healing items in a boss. There will usually some small health drops around the arena or in the room before it, but in general the amount of healing you have access to is pretty controlled. So while you have some leeway still, it definitely cuts down on your ability to brute force through a challenge that you're not good enough for.

So, first impressions are very positive. I'm enjoying it a lot. Still need to get the hang of V, but Nero is brilliant, and I can't wait until I can get hold of Dante as well.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ColinAlonso »

Scrustle wrote: March 8th, 2019, 8:55 pm So while you have some leeway still, it definitely cuts down on your ability to brute force through a challenge that you're not good enough for.
To the point where I died twice on the boss in the demo last night. (Disclaimer: I have never been good at DMC).

I'm on chapter 4 of RDR2, playing in relatively small chunks but enjoying the world and characters. More than the gunplay anyway. Still a good time and Saint Denis is a nice change in location.

I'm on chapter 6 of Wargroove. Definitely understand how some people are feeling about the difficulty but I quite like the challenge. Chapter 6 is where you start using naval units and they've taken a bit of getting used to.

The difficulty patch was released this week but I will keep the game on hard. I was very happy to see a few QoL changes on the patch notes though, particularly the following:
The effectiveness chart on unit info and recruit screens has been reworked to be far more readable and informative.
Add “Confirm End Turn” option to avoid accidental end of turn.
Change Nuru’s groove so that unit costs double the Gold when summoned.
Nuru's groove was quite overpowered. :)
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Yeah, I've been playing DMCV as well and I'll co-sign everything Scrustle said. Having a whale of a time so far and I can't wait to go back to it tomorrow. This might end up being my favorite Capcom game since RE4 if the first five missions are anything to go by. Incredibly polished and fine-tuned action game with old-school design sensibilities paired with modern production values. Heaven. You can tell how much effort and passion the devs put into this one. One could write a book on action game design based on the boss in the prologue chapter alone.

Scrustle wrote: March 8th, 2019, 8:55 pm V is an interesting character, but I've yet to really get the hang of how he works, and so far I'm not as immediately comfortable with him. Getting his moves to work properly feels a bit awkward, and trying to get melee moves to make contact isn't very intuitive. You can't directly control the position of your demonic familiar, or even necessarily what they attack, even when you're locked on to an enemy. Maybe there's just some trick to it I haven't worked out yet.
I'm struggling with some of his offensive options, too. The lock-on is indeed a bit awkward and the familiars being so independent at times (especially Nightmare) can make things a bit passive / unresponsive. I think the player skill lies in V's positioning and DT management more than anything.

On the defensive side of things however, keep in mind that both types of dodge (side-dodge and back-dodge) instantly teleport one of your familiars to your side without delay. I think this is the primary way that you're supposed to pull them out of danger before they get into stalemate. So side-dodge if Shadow is in trouble and back-dodge if it's Griffon. Works really well once you get the hang of it.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Magical_Isopod »

I started Tales of Vesperia, but I've mostly been playing Apex Legends. I've become quite proficient with Gibraltar, so I think I'll start practising with other classes.

Tales of Vesperia is... Hopefully something that eventually gets good. I have to say, I absolutely hate the slightly deformed character models where everyone has a giant head. They don't look like that in the concept art or cutscenes, so like... Why?

Also, has anyone else noticed that the 360 kinda looks like shit on modern TVs? The system text has big time jaggies, all the in-game graphics have this bloom effect to them, everything looks vaguely fuzzy... It's so weird. I remember having this issue with my model 1 360, but now I have the model 3, the newest hardware revision, and it's still looking like hot garbage. Is this something I can fix in the settings? Because of all the HDMI capable consoles I own, this one is by far the ugliest.

Also, Vesperia runs slightly better, but also takes a dip in graphics quality when you install it. I don't get that. The 360 is just a mess.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

With the 360 I think you have to manually go into the options menu and set it to output the dash at 1080p instead of 720p. Been a while though.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

Flabyo wrote: March 10th, 2019, 9:30 am With the 360 I think you have to manually go into the options menu and set it to output the dash at 1080p instead of 720p. Been a while though.
Yeah, you do.

However, I seem to remember having a similar sort of response (if not as hyper) to MI when I booted one up a while back, even the Xbox 360 splash screen looks to have aged.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Yeah, even set to 1080, the dash looks a little rough on my 49" 4K TV, same as Switch. I can't say it bothers me unduly though, and hardly surprising for what is basically a 2005 console.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

My launch 360 doesn't even have HDMI, and our new TV doesn't have component input, and it really does look terrible via the composite video.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

ratsoalbion wrote: March 10th, 2019, 12:50 pm Get an RGB SCART?
its not a lot better that way to be honest.

Probably best getting something that takes the component to hdmi.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Simonsloth »

I’ve been playing Ape Escape which surprisingly has aged incredibly well. My 4 year old son has taken on the role of ape spotter and has been remembering what the different colour pants the monkeys wear mean. We’ve been high fiving every successful catch and laugh every time I get hit usually saying “cheeky monkey”. The twin stick controls are easy to an adult but are not inuitive in the slightest to a child his age so he’s not actually playing it. I didn’t think it on release but it might be timeless. Getting similar feelings re: DK 94 too.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

I remember not having a HDTV when I first got my Xbox 360 honesty not caring at all.

It was only when I did do the upgrade that I realised all the spells on ES:Oblivion had individual artwork that represented the spell and weren’t just coloured smudges 😄.

HD all suddenly became clear to me in more ways than one.

Wonderful console the 360.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Magical_Isopod »

Flabyo wrote: March 10th, 2019, 9:30 am With the 360 I think you have to manually go into the options menu and set it to output the dash at 1080p instead of 720p. Been a while though.
I'm pretty heckin sure it is 1080p. Unless I reinitialized the console at some point... I think it legitimately sat there for nearly a year without being booted up, so my memory may be flawed.
Alex79uk wrote: March 10th, 2019, 12:27 pm My launch 360 doesn't even have HDMI, and our new TV doesn't have component input, and it really does look terrible via the composite video.
I'm pretty sure there's a dongly doodle that converts that AV port on the back to HDMI. I distinctly remember selling them back in the day. Or maybe I'm confusing the network adapter? Either way - it's worth having a look for. You should still get 720p over HDMI with even a rudimentary component to HDMI converter box off Amazon. Hell, if you're in North America, I can send you a spare I have kicking around. XD
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DeadpoolNegative »

A few weeks ago a friend gave me a free month of XBox: Game Pass, which I've been fiddling with. I Think if I were a bigger fan of the Halo and Gears franchises, I'd sign on for the long haul, but I likely won't renew. There are some good games on this thing but I have a good chunk of them, and those that I don't have, well...

Crackdown 3- Sorry, Arthur Gies, this isn't as good as the original Crackdown (which I fiddled with prior to playing this, just to be sure). While yes, the original is much simpler and there's less craziness, it's also refreshingly direct in a way that this game is bombastic and silly. Also, am I the only one who's noticed just how similar this game is to Agents of Mayhem? Like that game's city Providence is a mass of teeming spires just begging to be climbed. The city is filled with cartoon character baddies who look like reject members of COBRA, just like the GI Joe-parodying AoM. This game does control a bit better than AoM and at least its tower climbing segments- of why there are many- are generously checkpointed.

The storyline is, again, weirdly reminiscent of Agents of Mayhem- like Seoul, New Providence is isolated from a greater conflict that's consumed the globe. L.E.G.I.O.N. has pretty much taken over outside of Seoul.Terra Nova is causing a worldwide blackout that is forcing refugees to wash up on the shores of New Providence so Terra Nova can use them as slave labor in the city to run their plot to re-power the globe with their special MacGuffin energy (Yet This city still has several entertainment districts and a giant racetrack). It's up to a wacky band of armored heroes to save the day.

I... I have no idea what I just typed.

But anyway, you don't play Crackdown for the story, but the gameplay. And what's here is pretty good. But it's over way, way, waaaaaaaay too soon. In the original game I felt I was making real progress, slowly but surely, and in the second game pacing wasn't an issue. But since this game favors a "Go after what you want" approach, I actually triggered the final boss battle by accidentally wandering into her base after toppling one the main lieutenants. I'm guessing I spent seven hours on the main campaign. If I had paid $59.99 for this? Maybe I would have been pissed, but instead I was like, "That's nice, I guess."

The city also feels a lot smaller this time, though chasing after orbs still has a kick. That, at least, hasn't changed.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider- when I got to the end of Rise of the Tomb Raider's head crackingly stupid story, I thought, "All they need to do is pink slip Rihanna Pratchett and Phillip Gelatt, and the next one will be fantastic." The first two Tomb Raider reboot games played great but the stories were sloppy, filled with cliches.

Careful what you wish for, Dan.

Granted, Jill Murray's vision for Tomb Raider isn't quite as... obvious as her predecessors, but despite the fact that this is a game about a world threatening apocalypse, it's a good deal duller. It also wraps up the Trinity storyline in a quarter-assed, anti-climatic way (Considering what's eventually revealed about him, the main villain didn't even need to be tied to Trinity at all, he could have been some rich asshole with a private army). Shadow of the Tomb Raider starts off with a thrilling setup in Mexico, as Lara's race to get a mysterious dagger before Trinity does sets off a chain reaction of events that may be causing some sort of Mayan style apocalypse. So wait, this story begins with Lara's obsession with Trinity causing her to fuck up so badly she is inadvertently responsible for the destruction of a city, and the player seeing a little kid fall to his death right in front of Lara during one of several running from a flood scenes?

Yes. Careful what you wish for, Dan. Also, there's a flashback scene featuring kid Lara that is mildly diverting at first then does the same awful thing that bonus episode of Life is Strange Before the Storm did.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a fitful, strange experience. There feels like Eidos Montreal was more interested in exploration than combat this time. I found myself getting upgrade after upgrade but I rarely found myself using them since the combat sequences felt so abrupt, puncturing long, drawn out exploration sequences. However Eidos Montreal is not Crystal Dynamics, and even though they're working with the same tools, the polish is way off. The jumping in this game feels more floaty and less assured than the previous games in the series, which led to a lot of frustration.

The story leans more into white savior tropes than ever before, with Lara helping out a battle within an ancient Peruvian civilization, the saviorism I don't THINK was Murray and her writers' intent since she creates a supporting character for Lara that is a strong leader and important to the plot that even Ms. Croft can look up to. But this has the unintended effect of making Lara a supporting character in her own story for a decent chunk of it.
Spoiler: show
Until this supporting character is killed off, for after all- it's not her game. Sigh.
Of course, Lara is already in this story for the redemptive angle, but Murray's script often forgets that- it's more about how Lara is lonely and is deserting her opportunities for a normal life and a family, as we see in flashbacks. But Lara is an orphan and her only friend at this point is Jonah, who seems to barely put up with her anyway, rolling his eyes constantly at her brazen attitudes. Considering how the first two games were about Lara breaking out of her shell and wanting to find what's out there, this is more than a little strange.
Spoiler: show
In fact, this is a Tomb Raider game that ends with Lara not wanting to be the Tomb Raider anymore! She just holes up in that mansion doing... stuff. She's finally ready to begin living! I... seriously, WHAT?

Homefront: The Revolution- despite a shockingly short single player campaign that was a real cliche-fest, Homefront had a bit of charm, it played quite well when I picked it up for a tenner. It was clear, though, that multiplayer was where KAOS's heart was, and that wasn't too bad either. Except for the part where the online pass wasn't included in my copy for some reason.

The Revolution, of course, comes to us a half decade later from a completely different developer and publisher, that completely rewrites the first game's backstory of a unified Korea becoming an occupying force in the US to something even LESS plausible. I admire the effort they made, but the first game's story of various events involving energy and military occupation over a two decade period snowballing into an attack on the west coast felt more believable than Korea being the silicon valley of Asia, its Apex corporation taking the place of Apple, and using their devices to cause a massive EMP and occupation when the US fails to pay its debts. Would they even have the manpower to get as far as Philadelphia??? "MONEY!" is not an answer. Call of Duty: Ghosts had a more plausible scenario. Let that sink in.

Anyway, our hero, Brady, finds himself a top operative in a resistance set in the city of Philadelphia and I can tell you right now nobody involved in this game has ever been there. I didn't recognize streets, I sort of recognized the type of houses you'd find there, saw some vague landmarks, but this isn't Philadelphia. So far I've done the usual of going around, liberating provinces, doing missions that double as tutorials. It controls well and there are some decent stealth sequences but very little stands out and makes me want to continue with it. The story is plodding and there's little in the way of interesting characters- which was an issue in the previous game. I don't see what made this game wind up on so many worst of lists, but it's been patched up the wazoo at this point. There's some decent atmosphere, I suppose.

De Blob- "Pleasant" is the best word to describe this game. Perfectly pleasant, as your blob mixes colors to bring life back to a world. I really can't say more than that since it felt like it gave away all its tricks in the first few areas.

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

My gaming life at the moment:

''Well I really want to get back into Red Dead Redemption 2 but I will pop on Left Alive for 15 minutes''

Two hours later I have sworn various times I am never playing it again but I am still playing it :lol:

I just feel compelled to see this bizarre so bad it is good but is it game.

Here is some gameplay showing the AI:

https://twitter.com/richspurs24/status/ ... 5941743617

Got Dead or Alive 6 arriving today as a palate cleanser
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Michiel K »

Currently in rotation (and this is a bit of a note to myself, so I don't lose track on the games of my backlog I'm currently tackling):

- Impossible Mission (C64)
- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES)
- Fire Emblem (GBA)
- God of War (PS2)
- The Witcher - Enhanced Edition (PC)
- Kirby Super Star Ultra (DS)
- WarioWare Gold (3DS)
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Chopper »

DomsBeard wrote: March 11th, 2019, 10:46 am Here is some gameplay showing the AI:

https://twitter.com/richspurs24/status/ ... 5941743617


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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ReprobateGamer »

Over the weekend, myself and the clan dropped back into Destiny 2

I'd burnt out on the game late November and hadn't touched it, over than a couple of hours mid-February for a guaranteed loot drop.
However, we had a full fire team so ran the Leviathan raid early evening and even if we made mistakes, it didn't feel punishing then spent a couple more hours on Escalation Protocol whilst we had a coordinated group (plus a few extra randoms who timed it very well!).

It was a reminder that when Destiny 2 works, it works very well. Going in with a target, knowing what each of our roles were, was very rewarding (not with loot) but as a fun evening.
I've found Destiny 2 to be very grind heavy, and it still is, but there are glimmers of them becoming more player-focussed recently, rather than streamer-focussed where they had been for the last 6 months or more. Gambit Prime is a much tighter version of Gambit and works much better than the original version and the ongoing bounties are leaning back towards activities you can complete whilst doing what you want, rather than having to be tied into a particular task within a particular game type.

I've also been revisiting Ghost Recon: Wildlands and particularly the Narco Road dlc. I hadn't really touched this dlc (despite nearly 100% the base game) and it's clear the dev team have been allowed a little more creative freedom with this one, really playing into the freedom that the game always alluded too but couldn't with the straight laced story. Ground vehicle handling is still shocking but being able to relay into that play space serves the game well, and there is always the option to switch on tier 1 mode, drop the visual aids and keep in the more traditional ghost recon headspace.
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