Let's rank Tarantino films, for no reason whatsoever...

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Re: Let's rank Tarantino films, for no reason whatsoever...

Post by Miririn »

(V sorry for reviving this old-ish thread in the name of procrastination)
With the proviso that I never saw "Death Proof":

1. Pulp Fiction
Hard to think of a way this film could be improved. Impossibly satisfying. Looks great, dialogue is great, every scene is so entertaining. It has a soundtrack to die for as well.

2. Reservoir Dogs
I have a preference for QT films that lean into being dialogue-heavy stagey chamber pieces, which leads me to...

3. The Hateful Eight
...this one. Love Westerns. Love films that shove a bunch of interesting characters played by interesting actors in a room together and making them talk and talk and talk.

4. Kill Bill Vol 1
For the embarrassingly earnest fourteen year-old me who had walls plastered with posters from this film. Even now it's still a pure jolt of pleasure to watch. Self-indulgent and a bit too referential of other films/comics/shows, but who cares when self-indulgence is this much fun.

5. Jackie Brown
Pam Grier. That's it.

6. Kill Bill Vol 2
Not quite the same capsule of pure action movie joy as the first but it has some really fantastic sequences (like the burial).

7. Inglourious Basterds
Mainly because of Waltz and Fassbender - I've only watched it once and they're all I really remember from it. I should really re-watch it.

8. Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
Loved the ending. Loved the two lead performances. But... it just dragged so much for me.

9. Django Unchained
...I think I was pretty drunk when I watched this so remember almost nothing.

I think one of my favourite things about modern Tarantino is that while I generally can't stick DiCaprio (he's not actively bad but he's normally such a bland leading man), Tarantino's one of the few directors who understands that DiCaprio's best in comedic/OTT/villainous roles and casts him accordingly. Some of the only DiCaprio performances I've really enjoyed have been in Tarantino films.
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Re: Let's rank Tarantino films, for no reason whatsoever...

Post by DeadpoolNegative »

My list from best to worst:

Resevoir Dogs
Django Unchained
Once Upon a Time In Hollywood
Jackie Brown
Pulp Fiction
The Hateful Eight
Death Proof
Kill Bill Vol. 2
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Inglorious Basterds
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Re: Let's rank Tarantino films, for no reason whatsoever...

Post by Alex79 »

Controversial! I'm almost done with a complete rewatch, and it's made me re-evaluate some of them. I've been writing a blog post along with doing it, planning to publish once I've watched them all. I'll post a link when it's done, but spoilers: The Hateful Eight is still my favorite. By a mile.
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Re: Let's rank Tarantino films, for no reason whatsoever...

Post by Alex79 »

Miririn wrote: January 13th, 2021, 4:53 pm Some of the only DiCaprio performances I've really enjoyed have been in Tarantino films.

I took an instant dislike to DeCaprio after watching him in The Beach. I loved the book and hated the film. However, I really changed my mind after Gangs Of New York and Catch Me If You Can. I think he's actually a really decent actor, stuff like The Departed as well is really good.
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Re: Let's rank Tarantino films, for no reason whatsoever...

Post by Miririn »

Alex79uk wrote: January 16th, 2021, 11:34 am
Miririn wrote: January 13th, 2021, 4:53 pm Some of the only DiCaprio performances I've really enjoyed have been in Tarantino films.

I took an instant dislike to DeCaprio after watching him in The Beach. I loved the book and hated the film. However, I really changed my mind after Gangs Of New York and Catch Me If You Can. I think he's actually a really decent actor, stuff like The Departed as well is really good.
He's definitely talented, and when directors use him well and cast him in comedic or villainous roles I think he can really shine (loved him in "Once Upon a Time..." for example). And there's no denying that when he was young he had this beautiful face and magnetic energy that was almost impossible to resist. But I tend to find him good-but-just-serviceable in films where he's playing the earnest lead as opposed to a moustache-twirler. Love "Gangs of New York" and don't think he was bad in it, but when he's performing next to Daniel Day-Lewis or Brendan Gleeson, who are both absolutely chomping at the scenery and playing larger than life characters, I do find he fades into the background a bit. "Catch Me if You Can" is a good shout, though. I forgot that I liked him in that. He's great in "Revolutionary Road", too.

I laughed re your comments on "The Beach" - replace "The Beach" with "The Great Gatsby" and that was my experience exactly. (Not necessarily his fault, I hated that film with the fire of five hundred burning suns and there are actors in it I absolutely love in other roles). There's only been two films I almost walked out the cinema during and that was one of them. Maybe that film made me unfairly biased against him??
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