Hello everyone, I've been away for a while busy plugging away at FF7R to try and get my feedback in before the podcast, but I've also been studying and needed something to do when I'm about to fall asleep from boredom. Sadly, I don't get a great cell phone signal at work(despite there allegedly being a tower on the campus, its a federal building), so I can't play anything internet intensive. While I do have a Switch, I don't want to rely on that too much until I'm finished with these exams(and I also need a proper carrying case). So I went to the decrepit abscess of a place that is the app store, and did some googling. My attention was brought to Evocreo. Normally I like to give a through opinion on things, but I haven't explored it much and its nice to find something I know absolutely nothing about.
This is pretty much a Pokemon clone. So this isn't a new game, it released a while ago. The article I brought up says its about 30 hours but I'm nowhere near that. You immediately encounter bad collision, typos, and they break the 4th wall. But I thought it'd be worth mentioning for what it's doing:
There tends to be a want for sprite art, and looking back to older games. That is what we pretty much see here. It is pretty charming, if very utilitarian.
Also, I don't know how in depth the combat goes, but alot like TemTem, it seems like an interesting twist on the normal formula - every Pokemon(you know what I mean) has a heal ability and an ultimate, and traits and skills. And one of the ones I grabbed very early on has a very interesting skill - their healing skill is on a halved cooldown, and the other cooldowns are increased heavily, which creates an interesting dichotomy and choices you have to make. I do think like Temtem(which I wrote about on this very forum) it is harder than pokemon, but that's an interesting choice to make, and a big gripe people are resigned to in that series.
There's a free version and a paid version($1 US), I am not sure if you can get a completely "microtransaction free" version, but insofar on the 'paid' version, I haven't encountered anything egregious BUT there is stuff I think they want you to pay for that I just haven't even touched.
Also, Evocreo 2 is supposed to be launching soon, so again, I thought it would be good to put the message out there.