647: Luigi's Mansion 3

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647: Luigi's Mansion 3

Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can contribute your thoughts and opinions for Luigi's Mansion 3 for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

A friendly reminder that where the feedback for the podcast is concerned, we love it - but keeping it brief is appreciated. We do want to include a breadth of opinions where appropriate, but no-one wants a discussion podcast that’s mostly reading out essays. Better to save yourself time and cut to the chase if you can.
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Re: 647: Luigi's Mansion 3

Post by KarlDaFrog »

Luigi’s Mansion 3 was a nearly wonderful experience I purchased near launch but finished in the spooky season a year later.

A highlight of the game is astonishingly detailed particle effects. I could simply vacuum sand and suck curtains for an entire game. The visual spectacle of coins dancing about while money drifts down matches the decadent sound design. Every time Gooigi slurms his way through a grate I could feel his viscosity.

Unfortunately, I got soft locked in the final boss, where King Boo would not attack and just float back and forth. I had to wait to time out and lose the battle. A disappointing end to an otherwise very polished game.
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Re: 647: Luigi's Mansion 3

Post by Buskalilly »

I liked this game a lot, and in what I remember as a dry year for Switch, it delivered charm in spades. I don't think it's a game I'd replay, as most sections are about seeing the amusing animations and solving the simple puzzle, but not every game needs to be inifinitely replayable. This was a quality experience to run through once, with my only complaint being some sequences of chasing ghosts back across old floors feeling a little like padding.
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Re: 647: Luigi's Mansion 3

Post by Nicktendo »

Marrying this game with Halloween 2019 for someone living outside the states really made in memorable.
The graphics and art style of this game is A-tier Nintendo coming from Next Level Games. They really nailed what made the first one great and added more.
I feel as though LM2 (soon to be released on Switch) deviated a bit too far from LM1 but making more of the same. LM3 really enhanced the scope of the "Mansion" into the Hotel and made every floor unique and charming. My favourite being the Film Studio floor with it's wicked puzzles and Kaiju climax.
This title really made me look at Luigi's Mansion as a viable franchise for the green plumber, rather than a spin-off.
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Re: 647: Luigi's Mansion 3

Post by Alex79 »

Before playing this game I'd played a little of the original back on GameCube and thought it was alright. Then when Luigi's Mansion 3 was released one of my boys was desperate to play it and fellow forumite, Kurt, very kindly lent me his copy through the post.

My son absolutely loved the game, which we finished entirely in cooperative mode, once he'd unlocked Gooigi, of course. Unfortunately I found it to be one of the most boring games I've ever played. Aside from the themes of the hotel floors, the game had zero variety and was tedious and repetitive from start to finish. I cannot remember ever being more annoyed with a game than when you have to chase that bloody ghost cat from floor to floor, all over the hotel to finally catch it. The backtracking in the game was overdone to the point that I vowed never to touch the game again once I'd done my time and finished it with my son. I didn't want him to know how much I hated playing it, so spent the entire time sat with a forced, fake grin on my face, pretending I was having fun. But I wasn't. I really, really wasn't.

Are there any positives? It looked nice I suppose, and Luigi's little panicked yelps now and then can raise a small smile. But that's all.

This is, without a doubt, my single least favourite 'big budget' Nintendo game I have ever played and here's the best part, my son recently bought his own copy and is asking me to go through the game again with him. I am considering leaving my family and going to live in a monastery.

THREE WORD REVIEW: Utter distilled tedium.
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Re: 647: Luigi's Mansion 3

Post by Shmerebere »

I bounced of Luigi’s mansion 3 after 3 or 4 floors, the medieval one or the haunted piano one I think.
It looked wonderful, especially considering it’s on switch but the game play loop just wasn’t enticing or interesting enough for me. I had a similar problem with the original on the GameCube but was enticed by the visuals of the 3rd outing.
As I say, it looks amazing and I’m sure Guigi is a fun addition if you have children but for me, too much a a slog.
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