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Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: December 21st, 2014, 9:42 pm
by RoboticMonk3y
I had a really good run.
I made it to the jungle!
A froggy jumped on me!

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: December 28th, 2014, 1:16 pm
by SnakeyDave
I shut down my ps4 so my score didn't register. Aw well. It was rubbish, shopkeeper killed me pretty early on in the mines.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: December 28th, 2014, 1:17 pm
by SnakeyDave
This being for Sunday the 28th.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: December 28th, 2014, 10:20 pm
by dezm0nd
Ack! With all this Christmas and work being my first day back, I completely forgot. ho-hum. Next week, we'll be back!

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: December 29th, 2014, 11:00 am
by SnakeyDave
Haha, I only remembered because I'd played it anyway.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: December 29th, 2014, 11:10 am
by Baron Phil
I missed last week as well, I've completely lost track of the days over Christmas. Definitely be back next week.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 4th, 2015, 12:51 pm
by RobC
First spelunky Sunday of 2015 and its good to know I still suck :)

Level 7, $39450 and fell on some spikes.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 4th, 2015, 2:57 pm
by dezm0nd
Awesome, it's Spelunky Sunday! The podcast recording is drawing closer so it'd be nice to get a couple big rounds in before then!

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 4th, 2015, 8:30 pm
by RoboticMonk3y
I did a run.
I've noticed that you get loads more money on later levels.
I pushed on through the levels without spending too much effort on cleaning each one out hoping that I'd get more money if I got further.
I made it to the jungle which is good for me. Then I turned into the clumsiest person ever and died. Oops!

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 4:11 am
by Tleprie
This doesn't pertain to a daily run, but the other day I did my first no-gold hell run, I now am working on no-gold low%.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 8:24 am
by Baron Phil
level 6, $46375 impaled by a tiki trap. The post didnt send on Sunday for some reason.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 10:04 am
by RoboticMonk3y
Tleprie wrote:This doesn't pertain to a daily run, but the other day I did my first no-gold hell run, I now am working on no-gold low%.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 5:58 pm
by Tleprie
RoboticMonk3y wrote:
Tleprie wrote:This doesn't pertain to a daily run, but the other day I did my first no-gold hell run, I now am working on no-gold low%.
I beat hell without picking up any gold.
Low% is beating the game while only using the starting 4 health, 4 bombs, 4 ropes, and using items that can be picked up in the world (rocks, pots, landmines etc...)

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 7th, 2015, 12:13 pm
by RoboticMonk3y
I cant even get past the jungle, I find it mind boggling that you can get all the way to the end without picking up any gold or extra items.
good effort.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 7th, 2015, 8:11 pm
by Tleprie
I had plenty of items on the hell run, just no gold. And it has taken a lot of practice and time. I have around 7500 deaths across Vita and 360.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 7th, 2015, 8:33 pm
by ratsoalbion
Corks! I don't feel so bad now as I'm only up to a total of 400 or 500 deaths (approx, without looking) across 360 and PS4.
I've unlocked all the shortcuts and got to the 'final' boss idol but I'm as yet to flush him into the lava.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 10th, 2015, 11:13 am
by dezm0nd
Tomorrow is the final Spelunky Sundays before the podcast recording! Christmas knocked my days out of line but i'm fully back in for this one.

Good luck! [/Andross]

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 11th, 2015, 9:22 am
by dezm0nd
Let's do this.

Had a stinker! Got too cocky in the Jungle trying some funky move. I fought for the key but lost all my bombs on the way to the Black Market.

Dezm0nd - $93650 - Jungle level 4.

Re: Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 11th, 2015, 11:47 am
by SnakeyDave
I ran out of bombs in hell, but got to Yama. Died on a spike trap of all things. Bloody climbing gloves.

Not bad really since I hadn't played in a while.

$167,700 hell level 4

Spelunky Sundays!

Posted: January 11th, 2015, 10:27 pm
by Baron Phil
$26250 Mines level 3
i didnt see a giant spider and while trying to deal with that a bat got me.