Home » DmC Devil May Cry: Hell And Hell SSS Rank Mission 1

DmC Devil May Cry: Hell And Hell SSS Rank Mission 1

The skillingest member of the original Cane and Rinse crew plays the first mission of of Ninja Theory/Capcom’s DmC Devil May Cry on Hell And Hell difficulty – the hardest setting available.

Xbox 360 version shown.

This Quick Rinse ties in with issue 92 of the Cane and Rinse podcast: http://caneandrinse.com/dmc-devil-may-cry-cane-rinse-92/

Our DmC Devil May Cry review by Joshua Garrity is here.

If you like these Quick Rinse videos you can find many more (and a few other bits and bobs) over on the Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.

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