Home » Tower of Guns updated Quick Rinse – Achievement Unlocked!

Tower of Guns updated Quick Rinse – Achievement Unlocked!

Update: Darren Gargette has a sneak preview of the latest ToG build which has new features such as dice-roll (random effects per room) and achievements.

Darren Gargette revisits Tower of Guns – a game he’s been testing and has already beaten twice – now featuring alterations, additions and the hope of a quadruple jump. Compare this video to the previous one to see some of the changes.

A randomly generated, twitch-based first person Rogue-like shooter with cartoony visuals called Tower of Guns? “Yeah, go on then”, says Darren Gargette.

If you like the look of Tower of Guns you can vote for it on Steam Greenlight, or you can simply pre-order for $7.50 (under a fiver) it over at www.towerofguns.com
If you like these Quick Rinse videos you can find many more (plus a few other bits and bobs) over on the Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel.

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