Home » Podcast special: An Interview with Jim Crawford
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Cane and Rinse Interviews

Podcast special: An Interview with Jim Crawford

In the first of an occasional series of bonus podcast industry interviews, Leon speaks with Jim Crawford of San Francisco’s Twinbeard Studios. Creator of the ambitious, surprising and hilarious browser based Flash game, Frog Fractions, Jim talks to us about Frog Fractions – his biggest hit yet – it’s influences and philosophy, as well as looking at Jim’s previous works including Futilitris and Molyjam production Huggy Bear.

As is often the case with these kinds of interviews this was recorded using a combined audio feed via Skype, which accounts for the slight loss of quality to the audio.

Track 1: Rimushotto Bungie Jump! by Twinbeard
Track 2: Get Your Ass To Mars by Twinbeard

Frog Fractions soundtrack available via Bandcamp

An interview with Jim Crawford was edited by Jay Taylor

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