Home » The Sausage Factory Episode 54: Burnt Fuse
The Sausage Factory

The Sausage Factory Episode 54: Burnt Fuse

As a child, show host Chris O’Regan would spend many an hour making obstacle courses with various household items and then send Matchbox toy cars through them to see what happened. Typically this resulted in a lot of destruction, which was directly proportionate to how much fun each course turned out to be. Sadly the family cat was not too keen on it and demonstrated this by taking great delight in knocking things off of the courses for its own amusement. In a similar fashion to this childhood pastime, Keebles by Burnt Fuse is a game that features a series of tracks that the player must navigate through by constructing a vehicle from a selection of limited resources. The player has very little interaction with the vehicle, they simply set it off and see what happens to it as it hurtles across the 2D landscape. Show host Chris chats to Gavin Gregson and Felix Thiang, the founders of Burnt Fuse about Keebles, the first game the developer has created.


The Sausage Factory 54 was edited by Chris O’Regan

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